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Guest wsc425

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Guest wsc425

I'm sorry I have been an ass. I will take a vacation away from the boards, and cool. I'd appreciate if ppl would give me respect. I will do the same. What is the golden rule? Treat others like you want to be treated. I will also try to stop with perverted jokes. I also want some support for my battle with depression. I just need laughs from ppl once and a while. I'll see you all on Tuesday at the latest.

:cheers Lets get those Cubbies :cheers :bringit Sammy :bringit

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I'm sorry I have been an ass. I will take a vacation away from the boards, and cool. I'd appreciate if ppl would give me respect. I will do the same. What is the golden rule? Treat others like you want to be treated. I will also try to stop with perverted jokes. I also want some support for my battle with depression. I just need laughs from ppl once and a while. I'll see you all on Tuesday at the latest.

:cheers Lets get those Cubbies :cheers  :bringit Sammy  :bringit

Yeah, me too...People don't respect me either...I feel your pain :headbang

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Hey, you can't let boards get to you. We all have opinions and not everyone is going to agree with eveyrone all the time. The key is to argue your points without bashing the other person and it looks like your learning that. Just relax a bit and realize were all Sox fans here. While some of us may get pissed and really go nuts, we all share one common belief and thats that we want the Sox to win the series BADLY.


Here's to hoping the Sox not only kick the Cubs butts, but continue to roll and continue to improve their fundementals and get into the playoffs.

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Hey, you can't let boards get to you.  We all have opinions and not everyone is going to agree with eveyrone all the time.  The key is to argue your points without bashing the other person and it looks like your learning that.  Just relax a bit and realize were all Sox fans here.  While some of us may get pissed and really go nuts, we all share one common belief and thats that we want the Sox to win the series BADLY. 


Here's to hoping the Sox not only kick the Cubs butts, but continue to roll and continue to improve their fundementals and get into the playoffs.

You're right...I've decided to be depressed no longer...Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me :D :headbang

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I'm sorry I have been an ass. I will take a vacation away from the boards, and cool. I'd appreciate if ppl would give me respect. I will do the same. What is the golden rule? Treat others like you want to be treated. I will also try to stop with perverted jokes. I also want some support for my battle with depression. I just need laughs from ppl once and a while. I'll see you all on Tuesday at the latest.

:cheers Lets get those Cubbies :cheers  :bringit Sammy  :bringit

You have been letting Oldroman get to you.


Post how you want, do what you want.


You have to be true to yourself, if you like the perverted posts, go for it. Not everybody is going to agree with you in life. You can't let the haters keep you down, or you ain't going to do s***.

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Hey, you can't let boards get to you.  We all have opinions and not everyone is going to agree with eveyrone all the time.  The key is to argue your points without bashing the other person and it looks like your learning that.  Just relax a bit and realize were all Sox fans here.  While some of us may get pissed and really go nuts, we all share one common belief and thats that we want the Sox to win the series BADLY. 


Here's to hoping the Sox not only kick the Cubs butts, but continue to roll and continue to improve their fundementals and get into the playoffs.

You're right...I've decided to be depressed no longer...Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me :D :headbang

ROTFLMAO, :lolhitting


Remember when Stuart Smalley had Michael Jordan on his show...hilarious.



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I can never be depressed for a day, unless:

SOMEONE passes away that I knew

I get fired

All 4 of my fav teams (Dolphins, Hoyas, White Stockings, Knickerbockers) suck and there is no hope of rebuliding anytime

I brake up/divorce my girlfriend

AND I guess thats all I could think of

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I'm sorry I have been an ass. I will take a vacation away from the boards, and cool. I'd appreciate if ppl would give me respect. I will do the same. What is the golden rule? Treat others like you want to be treated. I will also try to stop with perverted jokes. I also want some support for my battle with depression. I just need laughs from ppl once and a while. I'll see you all on Tuesday at the latest.

:cheers Lets get those Cubbies :cheers  :bringit Sammy  :bringit

WSC, if someone mocks something you say(because they have....I've done it myself), take it lightly. If we do it, it is done as a joke and not to offend you. If it does offend you, don't let it. Simple as that.


I come here to relieve stress sometimes, it's just what I do. Heather has done that too(those motherf***ing, b****ass, passionless, piece of s***, cocksucking, whatever else you want to say that is not nice, White Sox).


OK? :)

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I'm sorry I have been an ass. I will take a vacation away from the boards, and cool. I'd appreciate if ppl would give me respect. I will do the same. What is the golden rule? Treat others like you want to be treated. I will also try to stop with perverted jokes. I also want some support for my battle with depression. I just need laughs from ppl once and a while. I'll see you all on Tuesday at the latest.

:cheers Lets get those Cubbies :cheers  :bringit Sammy  :bringit

WSC, if someone mocks something you say(because they have....I've done it myself), take it lightly. If we do it, it is done as a joke and not to offend you. If it does offend you, don't let it. Simple as that.


I come here to relieve stress sometimes, it's just what I do. Heather has done that too(those motherf***ing, b****ass, passionless, piece of s***, cocksucking, whatever else you want to say that is not nice, White Sox).


OK? :)


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I can never be depressed for a day, unless:

SOMEONE passes away that I knew

I get fired

All 4 of my fav teams (Dolphins, Hoyas, White Stockings, Knickerbockers) suck and there is no hope of rebuliding anytime

I brake up/divorce my girlfriend

AND I guess thats all I could think of



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Guest hotsoxchick1
I'm sorry I have been an ass. I will take a vacation away from the boards, and cool. I'd appreciate if ppl would give me respect. I will do the same. What is the golden rule? Treat others like you want to be treated. I will also try to stop with perverted jokes. I also want some support for my battle with depression. I just need laughs from ppl once and a while. I'll see you all on Tuesday at the latest.

:cheers Lets get those Cubbies :cheers  :bringit Sammy  :bringit

oh dont go away ... were all asses from time to time.. its ok... no one takes it seriously anyhow.... if they did they need their heads examined...... :D PLEASE STAY.......... :cheers :cheers

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there are alot of emotionally messed up 16 year olds on this board....


is there a correlation between time spent here, time spent masturbating, the white sox losing, and feeling depressed?



I can't wait to begin teaching in high school................

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there are alot of emotionally messed up 16 year olds on this board....


is there a correlation between time spent here, time spent masturbating, the white sox losing, and feeling depressed?



I can't wait to begin teaching in high school................

Well, to be fair, I don't turn 16 til July 4th. And I'll be a Junior in August.....creepy.

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Hey champ, dont go away. Sometimes you bug me (posts like the f**glio post just infuriate me) but your perversion is utterly hilarious. I also enjoy reading most of your posts. Posts like the "la" post seem to go nowhere but they, like your perversion, also make me laugh. And if you can make me laugh, I dont care how ya do it, but please do so. Youre a pretty cool guy and Im sorry for all the times Ive picked on ya. Peace...

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Sometimes you bug me (posts like the f**glio post just infuriate me)
...lol roman the kettle/pot thing looks awefully good on you... you have been sporting that look alot lately........... :D :lol:
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Guest hotsoxchick1
I want to say many things.....but I will say nothing.

SAY IT... SAY IT...............come on mr. helper.........SAY IT.............. :lol:

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I'm sorry I have been an ass. I will take a vacation away from the boards, and cool. I'd appreciate if ppl would give me respect. I will do the same. What is the golden rule? Treat others like you want to be treated. I will also try to stop with perverted jokes. I also want some support for my battle with depression. I just need laughs from ppl once and a while. I'll see you all on Tuesday at the latest.

:cheers Lets get those Cubbies :cheers  :bringit Sammy  :bringit

I don't mind the perverted posts.. I just ignore them. But when you call people assholes for no reason and toss out unprovoked attacks, that's not nice.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
In respect to our little depressed friend and his dilluted companion... I think it's best if I keep my mouth shut!

well mark this day down... i have never known you to hold back due to someones feelings.... whats wrong murci???going soft on us????? :o

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