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Apparently Terrero is the move, not Perez


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Okay, now we will have two weeks of criticizing Sweeney and/or Terrero for not being BA, lol.


If Terrero plays and plays well, it will be because Ozzie likes him and he's Hispanic. If Sweeney doesn't excel, it will be because Ozzie doesn't like "white" players (see Tracey, Borchard, Anderson, McCarthy, Rauch). And everyone forgets we ran Miguel Olivo out of town, he wasn't white, lol.


Of course, Ozzie's greatest compliments over the last four years have been directed at Buehrle, Crede, Konerko, Thome and also Ryan Sweeney to a lesser extent...OH, and I forgot Erstad and Rowand. But Ozzie's definitely crazy and a reverse racist, right?

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE(South Side Fireworks Man @ Apr 29, 2007 -> 11:03 PM)
Terrero better not take any playing time from Sweeney or Ozuna.


He better be used solely as an emergency CFer.


I can just see it now, if Terrero plays against all lefties after BA hardly got to play at all...that will be funny. I almost wish Ozzie would do it, just because it would outrage soxtalk and wsi so much.

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QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Apr 29, 2007 -> 11:09 PM)
I can just see it now, if Terrero plays against all lefties after BA hardly got to play at all...that will be funny. I almost wish Ozzie would do it, just because it would outrage soxtalk and wsi so much.

He has the entire month of May to receive more than 17ABs.


I believe he'll pass that mark by the crosstown series, May 18th.


Then the accusations of racism and Anderson hatred can reemerge. :D

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Why would it be Perez? He's not in our organization. If we weren't smart enough to keep him in the first place, why would we sign him now?


QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Apr 29, 2007 -> 11:00 PM)
[url=http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseball/whitesox/cs-070429soxbrite,1,1047755.story?Of course, Ozzie's greatest compliments over the last four years have been directed at Buehrle, Crede, Konerko, Thome and also Ryan Sweeney to a lesser extent...OH, and I forgot Erstad and Rowand. But Ozzie's definitely crazy and a reverse racist, right?



He loves his vets and don't try and play that like that. He does jack to defend the young guys on the team.


He's s***ty at helping young developing players. I don't know why he seems to like Sweeney more than the others, either.

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QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Apr 29, 2007 -> 11:09 PM)
I can just see it now, if Terrero plays against all lefties after BA hardly got to play at all...that will be funny. I almost wish Ozzie would do it, just because it would outrage soxtalk and wsi so much.


the success of the Sox be damned?

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We could stick f***in wite in a 3B if he helps us win. I don't care who it is. A lot of people seem to think that guys like me that defended BA wanted him out there at all costs. We thought he was the better option. If he's not going to play like it, we want the guy who can help us win, no matter who it is.

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Apr 29, 2007 -> 11:22 PM)
He's s***ty at helping young developing players. I don't know why he seems to like Sweeney more than the others, either.

I don't know if it means anything, but Guillen refers to Ryan Sweeney as Rico Suarez.....


That may have something to do with his admiration of Sweeney.

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Apr 29, 2007 -> 11:22 PM)
Why would it be Perez? He's not in our organization. If we weren't smart enough to keep him in the first place, why would we sign him now?

He loves his vets and don't try and play that like that. He does jack to defend the young guys on the team.


He's s***ty at helping young developing players. I don't know why he seems to like Sweeney more than the others, either.



Because he likes Sweeney's hustle and style of play. He's the anti-Anderson, he's NOT nonchalant.


You really saw it in that Red Sox series last year...the reckless style of play that he also admired in Rowand and now admires in Erstad.


He's been impressed with Sweeney ever since ST after he was drafted, and hasn't changed his mind yet. He's a "ballplayer" (to use Ozzie and Hawk lingo), not an athlete trying to play baseball, like Anderson or Borchard or perhaps even Fields.


There's something about lefties that make fans and scouts fall in love with them (Olerud, Palmeiro, Grace, etc.)


QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 29, 2007 -> 11:51 PM)
I don't know what you're talking about. I liked him because he was a suffer, smoked pot, and had blonde hair. You're crazy............



Maybe the veteran leadership and "discipline" of the White Sox clubhouse was what McCarthy needed, because he's falling apart now in Texas.


As bad as Anderson's swing looks, McCarthy's mechanics and confidence are even lower right now, if that's possible.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Apr 30, 2007 -> 04:00 AM)

Okay, now we will have two weeks of criticizing Sweeney and/or Terrero for not being BA, lol.


If Terrero plays and plays well, it will be because Ozzie likes him and he's Hispanic. If Sweeney doesn't excel, it will be because Ozzie doesn't like "white" players (see Tracey, Borchard, Anderson, McCarthy, Rauch). And everyone forgets we ran Miguel Olivo out of town, he wasn't white, lol.


Of course, Ozzie's greatest compliments over the last four years have been directed at Buehrle, Crede, Konerko, Thome and also Ryan Sweeney to a lesser extent...OH, and I forgot Erstad and Rowand. But Ozzie's definitely crazy and a reverse racist, right?


The reason we're pissed off that Terrero got called up is because he's putting up horrible numbers right now, and has been especially awful over the last two weeks. If he plays well, then that would be a great surprise. However, I think it's embarrassing that this organization can't field a single replacement to have four at-bats a day and do nothing else.

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QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Apr 30, 2007 -> 12:00 AM)

Okay, now we will have two weeks of criticizing Sweeney and/or Terrero for not being BA, lol.


If Terrero plays and plays well, it will be because Ozzie likes him and he's Hispanic. If Sweeney doesn't excel, it will be because Ozzie doesn't like "white" players (see Tracey, Borchard, Anderson, McCarthy, Rauch). And everyone forgets we ran Miguel Olivo out of town, he wasn't white, lol.


Of course, Ozzie's greatest compliments over the last four years have been directed at Buehrle, Crede, Konerko, Thome and also Ryan Sweeney to a lesser extent...OH, and I forgot Erstad and Rowand. But Ozzie's definitely crazy and a reverse racist, right?

You know someone's really obsessed when he rants about charges of racism in a choice between Luis Terrero and Eduardo Perez.


Those Perez supporters -- always saying that Ozzie ran whitey out of town.


Another great post. Absolutely nothing topical. Exactly the quality I expect from you.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 30, 2007 -> 12:49 AM)
The reason we're pissed off that Terrero got called up is because he's putting up horrible numbers right now, and has been especially awful over the last two weeks. If he plays well, then that would be a great surprise. However, I think it's embarrassing that this organization can't field a single replacement to have four at-bats a day and do nothing else.


Needing a DH and being unable to find one better than Sweeney, Cintron, or Terrero is an absolute indictment of the management of the Sox. Those guys starting everyday wouldn't be able to muster up a collective OPS of over .680. For crying out loud , go sign Bucky Jacobson or something! This completely exposes the barren AAA team and horrible bench construction of the Sox. No team should need all 3 of Ozuna, Mack, and Cintron on a roster.

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QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Apr 29, 2007 -> 11:54 PM)
Maybe the veteran leadership and "discipline" of the White Sox clubhouse was what McCarthy needed, because he's falling apart now in Texas.


Maybe it's because he's flat out terrible.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Apr 30, 2007 -> 12:52 AM)
You know someone's really obsessed when he rants about charges of racism in a choice between Luis Terrero and Eduardo Perez.


Those Perez supporters -- always saying that Ozzie ran whitey out of town.


Another great post. Absolutely nothing topical. Exactly the quality I expect from you.



Maybe every post on here should be in green, because nobody's going to change their mind about anything.


Seriously, I could support Erstad with 1,000 posts a day, and those who preferred Anderson will not admit that he's the better choice, even now.


Message boards are for fun, it's not the United Nations Security Council.


Mr. Hayes, do you think Ozzie Guillen is a "fair" manager? Simple question...yes or no?


To tell you the truth, I'd never even considered the matter until some posters were attacking Ozzie about the treatment of Tracey, McCarthy and Anderson. But the World Series championship, his "man-love" for Sweeney and Erstad and Rowand (not to mention numerous Sox veterans)...that all flies in the face of this "theory." Heck, even Boone Logan has been thrown right back into the fire and has been given every opportunity to earn his spot back in the bullpen, and he might become the primary guy soon with the way Sisco and Thornton have been struggling.


This whole "treatment" issue comes down to BA, KW and Ozzie...and there's a lot going on behind the scenes that nobody could possibly know about. It's all just speculation at this point, beyond a few clues and Scott Merkin articles and his 17 AB's in one month of play.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Apr 30, 2007 -> 07:01 AM)
Maybe every post on here should be in green, because nobody's going to change their mind about anything.


Seriously, I could support Erstad with 1,000 posts a day, and those who preferred Anderson will not admit that he's the better choice, even now.


Message boards are for fun, it's not the United Nations Security Council.


Mr. Hayes, do you think Ozzie Guillen is a "fair" manager? Simple question...yes or no?


To tell you the truth, I'd never even considered the matter until some posters were attacking Ozzie about the treatment of Tracey, McCarthy and Anderson. But the World Series championship, his "man-love" for Sweeney and Erstad and Rowand (not to mention numerous Sox veterans)...that all flies in the face of this "theory." Heck, even Boone Logan has been thrown right back into the fire and has been given every opportunity to earn his spot back in the bullpen, and he might become the primary guy soon with the way Sisco and Thornton have been struggling.


This whole "treatment" issue comes down to BA, KW and Ozzie...and there's a lot going on behind the scenes that nobody could possibly know about. It's all just speculation at this point, beyond a few clues and Scott Merkin articles and his 17 AB's in one month of play.

Well, here's a thought. What say you limit those Erstad-supporting posts to topics that involve Erstad and those Ozzie-is-not-a-racist posts to topics where someone has actually made the accusation? Or at least where someone might conceivably make the accusation -- unlike, oh, the choice between two Latinos.


You hijacked YOUR OWN f***ING THREAD. In the first post. Unbef***inglievable.


I don't know why you would think anyone should change his mind just because of your post volume. I don't post much in the relevant threads because I'm tired of seeing the same goddam bits over and over. But it gets really annoying when you start using something like this, something totally unrelated, as a soapbox on which to defend Ozzie and bash Anderson.


Want me to answer your questions? Ask them in some relevant thread.


On the other hand, I am grateful that you realized that "jackie" can be a guy's name.

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Anyone ever suspect that BA went down to get more at bats and develop his new swing better and they brought up Terrero because he is only going to play once a week, and he is the lesser risk as a bench player?


They could actually be making a good decision here.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 30, 2007 -> 09:26 AM)
Anyone ever suspect that BA went down to get more at bats and develop his new swing better and they brought up Terrero because he is only going to play once a week, and he is the lesser risk as a bench player?


They could actually be making a good decision here.

The question is why you bring Terrero into a situation where you already have an adequate rh cf, but you have a desperate need for more offensive firepower.

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I haven't seen anyone post this tidbit yet... Sweeney (who can play some CF) has far better numbers so far this year against LHP than he does against RHP. Here are his splits...



vs Left .316 19 2 6 1 0 0 0 4 4 1 0 .435 .368 .803

vs Right .237 59 4 14 2 1 2 6 6 15 0 0 .308 .407 .714


Sorry for the columns. Anyway, if we had a manager who actually knew what pitchers his hitters were best against, this would be good news - Sweeney could be a guy to hit against LHP. Unfortunately, Ozzie doesn't seem to know what a split is (see: Gooch).


Anyone have his splits for previous years? Just curious if this is a freak occurance, or if he really does hit LHP well.

Edited by NorthSideSox72
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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Apr 30, 2007 -> 08:26 AM)
Well, here's a thought. What say you limit those Erstad-supporting posts to topics that involve Erstad and those Ozzie-is-not-a-racist posts to topics where someone has actually made the accusation? Or at least where someone might conceivably make the accusation -- unlike, oh, the choice between two Latinos.


You hijacked YOUR OWN f***ING THREAD. In the first post. Unbef***inglievable.


I don't know why you would think anyone should change his mind just because of your post volume. I don't post much in the relevant threads because I'm tired of seeing the same goddam bits over and over. But it gets really annoying when you start using something like this, something totally unrelated, as a soapbox on which to defend Ozzie and bash Anderson.


Want me to answer your questions? Ask them in some relevant thread.


On the other hand, I am grateful that you realized that "jackie" can be a guy's name.



Ozzie has not mentioned Perez recently, nor has KW. In his most recent comments, he said the call-up was between Fields (as a DH) and Sweeney to replace Thome. Since Terrero is the only player capable of playing CF and Owens is battling an injury, Terrero's the best option unless they go out outside of the organization. And it would take Perez at least a week or so before he would be ready to play.


The point of the thread is how ridiculous it is to say that Ozzie is racist, because I've seen it overtly alleged, as well as more covert accusations. It permeates a number of threads. I also see Ozzie being held responsible for not helping the White Sox sign every Venezuelan player (since he's Venezuelan), as well as the disaster with Razor Shines, BA and the Tiburones (Sharks) this past winter.


I have no reason to bash Anderson, I said I would pick him over Jeremy Reed in another thread.


The only manager in baseball who's not under fire is the manager of the defending World Series champions, and LaRussa's already had his share of headaches this year, now exacerbated by the death of Hancock and the media boycott against the Post-Dispatch after their comments about the Cubs.


We think we have it bad? The Cardinals REALLY went on the cheap and they're suffering for it...no team is pitching to Pujols unless they absolutely have to, and the Cardinals' rotation is in shambles without Carpenter. I wonder if Cardinals fans are as critical as we are, because it seems they tend to be more supportive.


I would say the same thing about BA I said about Rowand, Borchard and Crede when they first came up....those long, looping swings are going to be picked apart by major league hitters. BA is classically in-between. He has to guess fastball to get his bat started fast enough...but he's still not hitting the breaking ball, which has been his Achille's heel. You would think with a slower or slider speed bat, he would be able to stay on the pitch to the outside and poke it into RF, but he's pulling too much with the front side of his body and I don't even think he's seeing the ball the last 5-10 feet. He swings and misses as much as any Sox player I've seen, perhaps with the exception of Borchard.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Apr 30, 2007 -> 08:30 AM)
The question is why you bring Terrero into a situation where you already have an adequate rh cf, but you have a desperate need for more offensive firepower.

Because your current RH CF is a young top prospect and needs to play everyday to refine his swing. You do not want to risk hurting his development anymore, so you bring up a guy that can produce the same way, has more experience off the bench and isnt a development risk.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Apr 30, 2007 -> 08:30 AM)
The question is why you bring Terrero into a situation where you already have an adequate rh cf, but you have a desperate need for more offensive firepower.



Therein lies the problem.


Terrero has 9 MLB homers in over 400 at-bats. At one point, he was one of those 20-20 or 30-30 prospects, but, at this point, he looks like Brian Anderson statistically with even less of a reason to worry about getting playing time or at-bats. Obviously, this was the correct move at the start of the season (everyone could see it and anticipate Erstad would get 90-95% of the starts).


But Sweeney in no way, shape or form is an adequate everyday replacement for Thome's bat long-term. KW and OG, hopefully, feel the same way, but we can't be so sure.

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