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The Greg Walker Lynch mob thread


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QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
True, but as you know, it's a lot easier to replace one coach than 9 players, etc.


True, but you don't have to replace all 9. No one is asking for that to happen. Konerko is good, Thome is good, Crede (when healthy) is good, AJ is good. They bring a lot to the table besides just hitting. Certain players should be replaced as they are a FA at the end of the year anyway - Iguchi, Dye, Pods. Then others should be replaced because they suck - Uribe. CF is upgradeable as well. There are 5 guys right there that this team would be better off without and could easily be upgraded. Replacing these four alone would make for a better lineup if the right players are brought in. Then replace the entire bullpen besides Jenks and the team is better. The right moves just have to be made. Firing the hitting coach is window dressing. Upgrading position players is possible on this team and would actually be making a change.




QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just a random thought. Let's fire Joey Cora. It's Ozzie's best friend, and he has enabled many of Ozzie's brain farts (ie Pagan).


What Pagan brain fart? Uribe blocking the base path? If the play was really dead at that point then the ump should have called it dead right there instead of allowing runners to keep running all over the place. 2nd Uribe did Pagan a favor as he would have been out at third anway. Pie was heald up with no where for Pagan to go. This was a huge blunder by the umpires. By Ozzie? How?

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QUOTE(29thandPoplar @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You may very well be right. However it all depends how you look at it. Maybe it proves the players are incapable and not very bright.


I would definitely say this is more of the case than anything else. I think certain players are incapable of doing this or are looking out for themselves during their contract year and are trying harder to put up power numbers. Uribe definitely does not seem to be the brightest bulb.

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QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 04:24 PM)
What Pagan brain fart? Uribe blocking the base path? If the play was really dead at that point then the ump should have called it dead right there instead of allowing runners to keep running all over the place. 2nd Uribe did Pagan a favor as he would have been out at third anway. Pie was heald up with no where for Pagan to go. This was a huge blunder by the umpires. By Ozzie? How?


No the Series at Wrigely. McDougal v. Pagan when Pagan owns righties.

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QUOTE(CWSOX45 @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 06:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How is Greg Walker still employed? This is a joke.


Fire him already Kenny. God dammit.

If he was dealing with real talent on this team then I would say you were right. However, when you have bench players and rookies all over the place it is hard to blame the hitting coach. Get some players in here that actually play the game the way it supposed to be played and get the same results - then I will be on your side. Until then I will blame the players.

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QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 06:40 PM)
If he was dealing with real talent on this team then I would say you were right. However, when you have bench players and rookies all over the place it is hard to blame the hitting coach. Get some players in here that actually play the game the way it supposed to be played and get the same results - then I will be on your side. Until then I will blame the players.


Well, every player is hitting below his career numbers. Walker needed to go two months ago. The hitting has been s*** for almost an entire calender year.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 11:27 AM)
This just proves even more than that the needs to go, as he's not getting through to these guys. I guarantee we have the fewest opposite field homers in all of baseball this season.

This is my stance... I don't believe SSI's lift&Pull talk. that's overblown. I believe walk is trying, and he's not telling guys "oh that was a good swing, but next time really try to pull it. swing harder."


He's trying to get guys to work up the middle and the other way, but there's just no evidence of it happening in results on the field. Either he's a terrible coach, or the guys aren't following direction. Either way, he's got to go.


I felt the same way at the end of last season, using Uribe's decline as evidence. Now Uribe is probably a poor example because he's hard-headed and never going to be a .300 hitter, but his 13 walks last season were evidence that he went up to the plate with his own plan, coaches be damned. He deserves plenty of blame for that, but if walker is consistently not getiting trough to his players than he has to go.

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I wouldn't fire him, I'd reassign him.

The players are the ones with the most pathetic at bats of their careers.

Konerko and Thome couldn't get a hit when it mattered against the Cubs making their

pitchers look like Cy Young winners.

When Crede was healthy he couldn't hit this year. AJ hasn't hit; Dye hasn't hit.

Iguchi hasn't hit.

These are veterans.


That said, reassign Walker and let somebody else get ripped on here for the Sox awful hitting.

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Reassign Walker to where? This whole organization's hitting approach stinks. The veterans can't hit and just about every minor league player comes up with a terrible swing.


Just somewhere in the front office or in Class A or Double A or to the scouting department.

Don't fire him in respect for his past contributions.

Reassign him and make him the scapegoat.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 06:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't care what the excuses are anymore, when the hitting has been this bad for so long, you fire the hitting coach. Since when has KW acted like such a pussy?

That is ridiculous. If it fixes the problem then I agree do it. How does this fix the problem? Look at the players on the field. NO TALENT!!!! NONE! You have backups and rookies playing everywhere. Enough is enough. Get some players in here. If the results are the same then tell Walker to pack his bags. The most ridiculous thing I hear is to fire him because it doesn't hurt anything. That is f***ed up. LETS TRY TO FIX IT!!!!! GET DIFFERENT PLAYERS!!!! I don't want window dressing. I want a real change. I don't want to be treated like some unknowledgeable fan that just needs a coaching change to think there is some sort of change or to make me happy. I am not a Cubs fan. Don't treat me as such. Get a real change in here. Get me knew players. This team is a joke!!!!

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QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 06:40 PM)
If he was dealing with real talent on this team then I would say you were right. However, when you have bench players and rookies all over the place it is hard to blame the hitting coach. Get some players in here that actually play the game the way it supposed to be played and get the same results - then I will be on your side. Until then I will blame the players.


Thome, Konerko, A.J., Dye, and Iguchi do not qualify as real talent?

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QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jun 25, 2007 -> 02:08 AM)
Thome, Konerko, A.J., Dye, and Iguchi do not qualify as real talent?


There's no point in the arguing this anymore. Greg Walker has one job, and the results from his job are terrible this year.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 09:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just don't understand how you can really make an argument for Walk to keep his job. What has Walker done for him to still have his job?


I just have to laugh when people say it's not Walkers fault. I totally agree. However, when you have the worst offense in the league, and you say the hitting coach has nothing to do with it, then why do you need one? If the hitting coach has no effect on why this team is last in almost every offensive category, then why do pay his salary?

Talent. NO FREAKING TALENT. I laugh more at the people that say there is a ton of talent on this team. That is f***ing bulls***. Where? Please show me. Pods - sucks. CF - Erstad was ok, backups suck. RF - old Dye and injured - now a backup player, Fields - rookie, Uribe - sucks, Iguchi - sucks, Konerko - looks to be coming around, AJ - decent bat, but pulls everything, Thome - good. WHAT THE f*** DO WE HAVE? WHERE IS THE FREAKING TALENT YOU PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT? I am so sick of hearing about all the talent on this team when there is nothing.



QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There's no point in the arguing this anymore. Greg Walker has one job, and the results from his job are terrible this year.

Thome & Konerko - yes. Dye is old and looks older all the time. Iguchi freaking blows. AJ looks to pull every freaking pitch. He is a good catcher, but not the most talented hitter.

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QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jun 25, 2007 -> 02:11 AM)
Thome & Konerko - yes. Dye is old and looks older all the time. Iguchi freaking blows. AJ looks to pull every freaking pitch. He is a good catcher, but not the most talented hitter.


Dye and Iguchi were the two best offensive players at their position in the AL last year. And if AJ is pulling everything, then isn't that Greg Walker's job to get him fixed? If anything, AJ is a poor defensive catcher, but a talented hitter.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 24, 2007 -> 09:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dye and Iguchi were the two best offensive players at their position in the AL last year. And if AJ is pulling everything, then isn't that Greg Walker's job to get him fixed? If anything, AJ is a poor defensive catcher, but a talented hitter.

Get him fixed? He has pulled everything since leaving the Twins. I don't know how he was with the Twins for 2 years as I don't recall him that far back. WIth the Giants he tried to pull everything. He has done the same here except for the first half of last year when he actually went the other way. In interviews during the first half of last year I actually heard him say he was going to concentrate more on his average? What happened this year? Did he want to be selfish again? Walker was the same hitting coach with this cocksucker the last 2 years. He hit .295 last year. Why won't he go the other way this year? Why won't he concentrate on hitting the other way this year and hitting for average? Since leaving the Twins he has had average of .272, .257, .295, and .251. He has had OBP's of .319, .308, .333, and .297. He swings at the first pitch almost EVERY FREAKING TIME! Talented hitter how?

Dye looks really old. Don't you think? You blame Walker on Dye getting old really fast? His bat speed is terrible. How do you fix that? How did it get so bad so quick? Has he been injured all year and not saying anything? Walker has been his hitting coach since he has been here. Walker is good enough for Dye the first 2 years, but now it is Walker's fault because he looks old and has lost bat speed? Really?

Is Iguchi trying to hard because of his contract? He has looked the worst I have ever seen him defensively as well as offensively. He is a terrible 2B. I would say he is one of the worst in the AL. He is definitely the worst defensive 2B in the AL. I have no idea what happened to this guy, but Walker was also his hitting coach the past two years. So Walker can get him to hit for 2 but all of a sudden he sucks because of Walker? Talented hitter?

Ask for new players. Ask for a real change. Don't ask for window dressing and someone's head on a platter just because you need a change for change sake. That won't do a f***ing thing with the same f***ed up players.

Edited by southsideirish
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US Cellular Field is the 3rd rated hitters park.


The Sox have the runner up for the MVP last year, a 12 million dollar 1B who has been an all star multiple times, and a future Hall of Fame DH. The 3b hit 30 homers last year.


And yet, the Sox are 30th in EVERY MAJOR OFFENSIVE STAT! They have been slumping for almost a year.


Think about that for a while. All of the Sox prospects who were expected to be good hitters have struggled. Even Crede and Rowand took a long time to get going.


The fact that Walker was not replaced as an attempt to fix this team or at least to appease ME a fan is the ONE thing I can not forgive about this season. Last place doesn't anger me as much as last place while being to stubborn / loyal to at least try the obvious solution to fix the problem. Losing Mark if it happens, I can understand. The bullpen fiasco, I can understand. Not trying a new hitting coach is inexcusable. For that, I am disgusted. I agree with KW, I'm sick of watching this. :angry:


I wish Walker well, but he should have at the very least been reassigned within the organization.

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QUOTE(103 mph screwball @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
US Cellular Field is the 3rd rated hitters park.


The Sox have the runner up for the MVP last year, a 12 million dollar 1B who has been an all star multiple times, and a future Hall of Fame DH. The 3b hit 30 homers last year.


And yet, the Sox are 30th in EVERY MAJOR OFFENSIVE STAT! They have been slumping for almost a year.


Think about that for a while. All of the Sox prospects who were expected to be good hitters have struggled. Even Crede and Rowand took a long time to get going.


The fact that Walker was not replaced as an attempt to fix this team or at least to appease ME a fan is the ONE thing I can not forgive about this season. Last place doesn't anger me as much as last place while being to stubborn / loyal to at least try the obvious solution to fix the problem. Losing Mark if it happens, I can understand. The bullpen fiasco, I can understand. Not trying a new hitting coach is inexcusable. For that, I am disgusted. I agree with KW, I'm sick of watching this. :angry:


I wish Walker well, but he should have at the very least been reassigned within the organization.

Lets look at this more realistically. Last year's runner up MVP is either injured or has gotten very old very fast. His bat speed is gone. What happened? Something is up with him and it is not Walker's fault. Walker worked with him for the past 2 years and everything was good, however his bad year is Walker's fault, correct?

The 12 million dollar first baseman seems to be coming around, but he started off horribly. This is not the first bad stretch he has had and it won't be the last. Walker worked with Konerko during Konerko's good years, but this horrible year is Walker's fault? How so?

Thome - who said he was the problem?

The third baseman is injured and has been all season. Do you mean Fields? Don't compare minor league stats - that is just silly.

The Sox prospects have been absolutely awful. This is not Walker's fault. Walker was credited with helping Rowand during his good 2004 season. In 2006 Rowand was not very good. Was this Walker's fault even though he was a Phillie? Walker was credited with turning around Crede the last half of 2005 and last year. He is injured this year so Walker is responsible for that?

They shouldn't be looking to apease YOU. They should be doing what they think is best for the Chicago White Sox. A coaching changed fixes ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in this instance. Different players fixes this situation. Trying a new hitting coach does nothing for this team. Nothing. If they ever make a baseball decision to hurt the team in order to apease the fans then everyone should be fired. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I am sick of watching this crap and sick of listening about this whining about the coaching over and over again. It is nonsense - utter nonsense.

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