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Children's Education


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Dear James,


Every morning 77 million children don't go to school, and not because they don't want to. 77 million children go without school because neither their families nor their governments have the resources to provide them with a basic education. Without education, these children are trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty, hunger, and AIDS.


Confronting this global challenge requires leadership and courage to take the bold action necessary to confront this crisis. Yesterday four of those leaders, Representatives Nita Lowey (D-NY) and Spencer Bachus (R-AL), Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Gordon Smith (R-OR) have stepped up and introduced the Education for All Act to give tens of millions of children the education that will lift them out of poverty.


Now, as the bill is introduced, we must convince other Members of Congress to demonstrate the same courage and sign-on to this important piece of legislation. <!-- D(["mb","\u003c/font\>\u003c/p\>\n\t\t\t\t\n\u003cp style\u003d\"font-size:12px\"\>\u003cb\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\"\>\u003ca href\u003d\"http://action.one.org/dia/track.jsp?key\u003d143365208&url_num\u003d2&url\u003dhttp%3A%2F%2Faction.one.org%2Fdia%2ForganizationsONE%2Fone%2Fcampaign.jsp%3Fcampaign_KEY%3D1322%26amp%3Bt%3DOneColumn.dwt\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>Write a letter to your member of Congress asking them to co-sponsor the Education for All Act.\n\n\u003c/a\>\u003c/font\>\u003c/b\>\u003c/p\>\n\n\u003cp style\u003d\"font-size:12px\"\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\"\>Education is a tool to transform the world, one student at a time. Education raises incomes, reduces infant mortality, slows the spread of HIV-AIDS, and saves lives. This is an investment that pays rich dividends. \n\n\u003c/font\>\u003c/p\>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\u003cp style\u003d\"font-size:12px\"\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\"\>The Education for All Act tackles the issues impeding access to education, from improving facilities and training teachers to eliminating school fees. This bill empowers developing countries to create and implement plans to put every child in school. \n\n\u003c/font\>\u003c/p\>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\u003cp style\u003d\"font-size:12px\"\>\u003cb\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\"\>\u003ca href\u003d\"http://action.one.org/dia/track.jsp?key\u003d143365208&url_num\u003d3&url\u003dhttp%3A%2F%2Faction.one.org%2Fdia%2ForganizationsONE%2Fone%2Fcampaign.jsp%3Fcampaign_KEY%3D1322%26amp%3Bt%3DOneColumn.dwt\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>Will you write a letter to your member of Congress asking them to support the Education for All Act?\n\n\u003c/a\>\u003c/font\>\u003c/b\>\u003c/p\>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\u003cp style\u003d\"font-size:12px\"\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\"\>If anyone can make a difference on this issue, it's you. In the last week 108,044 people have joined ONE, making our collective voice ever louder. Now let's make ourselves be heard.\n\n\u003c/font\>\u003c/p\>\n\n\u003cp style\u003d\"font-size:12px\"\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\"\>Thank you for your voice,\n\n\u003c/font\>\u003c/p\>\n \n\u003cp style\u003d\"font-size:12px\"\>",1] ); //-->


Write a letter to your member of Congress asking them to co-sponsor the Education for All Act.


Education is a tool to transform the world, one student at a time. Education raises incomes, reduces infant mortality, slows the spread of HIV-AIDS, and saves lives. This is an investment that pays rich dividends.


The Education for All Act tackles the issues impeding access to education, from improving facilities and training teachers to eliminating school fees. This bill empowers developing countries to create and implement plans to put every child in school.


Will you write a letter to your member of Congress asking them to support the Education for All Act?


If anyone can make a difference on this issue, it's you. In the last week 108,044 people have joined ONE, making our collective voice ever louder. Now let's make ourselves be heard.


Thank you for your voice,


<!-- D(["mb","\u003cfont face\u003d\"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\"\>Josh Peck, ONE.org\u003c/font\>\u003c/p\>\n\n\u003cp style\u003d\"font-size:12px\"\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\"\>P.S. You can make sure that the 2008 presidential candidates are talking about education by \u003ca href\u003d\"http://action.one.org/dia/track.jsp?key\u003d143365208&url_num\u003d4&url\u003dhttp%3A%2F%2Faction.one.org%2Fblog%2Fcomments.jsp%3Fkey%3D1%26amp%3Bblog_entry_KEY%3D704%26amp%3Bt%3D\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>\u003cb\>voting to have the ONE education question included in the Republican debate\u003c/b\>\u003c/a\> tomorrow.\n\n\u003c/font\>\u003c/p\>\n\n\t\t\t\t \u003c/div\>\n\t\t\t\t\u003c/td\>\n\t\t\t\t\u003c/tr\>\n\t\t\t\u003c/tbody\>\u003c/table\>\n\t\t\u003c/td\>\n\t\u003c/tr\>\n\t\n\u003ctr\>\n\t\t\n\u003ctd align\u003d\"left\" bgcolor\u003d\"#e3e2d8\" height\u003d\"20\" valign\u003d\"center\"\>\n\t\t\t\n\u003ctable cellpadding\u003d\"1\" width\u003d\"600\"\>\n\t\t\t\t\n\u003ctbody\>\n\u003ctr\>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\u003ctd\>\n\u003cfont color\u003d\"#999896\" face\u003d\"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif\" size\u003d\"1\"\>\u003ca href\u003d\"http://action.one.org/dia/track.jsp?key\u003d143365208&url_num\u003d5&url\u003dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.one.org%2F\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>\u003cb\>ONE.ORG\u003c/b\>\u003c/a\> | \u003ca href\u003d\"http://action.one.org/dia/track.jsp?key\u003d143365208&url_num\u003d6&url\u003dhttp%3A%2F%2Faction.one.org%2Fblog%2Findex.jsp%3Fblog_KEY%3D1%26amp%3Bt%3D%26amp%3Bsc%3Demail\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>BLOG\u003c/a\> | \u003ca href\u003d\"http://action.one.org/dia/track.jsp?key\u003d143365208&url_num\u003d7&url\u003dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.one.org%2FPrivacy\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>PRIVACY\u003c/a\> | \u003ca href\u003d\"http://action.one.org/dia/track.jsp?key\u003d143365208&url_num\u003d8&url\u003dhttp%3A%2F%2Faction.one.org%2FEmailSignup.html\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>SUBSCRIBE\u003c/a\> | \u003ca href\u003d\"http://action.one.org/dia/track.jsp?key\u003d143365208&url_num\u003d9&url\u003dhttp%3A%2F%2Faction.one.org%2Funsubscribe.jsp%3Funsubscribe\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>UNSUBSCRIBE\u003c/a\> | \u003ca href\u003d\"http://action.one.org/dia/track.jsp?key\u003d143365208&url_num\u003d10&url\u003dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.one.org%2Fcontact%2F\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>",1] ); //-->Josh Peck, ONE.org


P.S. You can make sure that the 2008 presidential candidates are talking about education by voting to have the ONE education question included in the Republican debate tomorrow.


Is there really a link between social studies and AIDs? I'm confused on that one. I like a bipartisan bill.

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Aren't they all b****ing and moaning that we don't have enough money to help our OWN people get an education, etc, and now they want us to educate the WORLD? I can just see it now, we pay for everything, other countries impliment, and in the text books they provide, we are the Great Satan. And when it doesn't work, we will be at fault for not providing enough money.

Many children, particularly girls, are kept from school due to uniform or text book expenses or the loss of their contribution to family income.
Certainly not in the US, where women outnumber men in most areas of higher learning, math and engineering being a few exceptions.

The bill also prioritizes funding for eliminating school fees
All it takes in Illinois is one form, that the school is NOT allowed to verify the information on, and you can get the book fees waived. I know, my mom works in a grade school office and complains all the time about the number of people who apply for the $50 waiver, but come in with $100 nail jobs, fancy clothes and pull up in nice cars.

Education that teaches tolerance and respect for different beliefs can be a crucial tool for preventing the rise of extremism worldwide.
Yeah, that is working great in France, and the rest of Europe. Respect those radical Muslims that want to institute Shiara (sp?) in France. Limit this bill to the US, and show some specifics, and maybe the bipartisanship might mean something. SO far, this is all smoke, and no money to pay for the mirrors.
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