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My f***ing God, worst state/area/cesspool ever created. Words cannot describe how God-awful that place really is. Since I've been gone for two weeks (you missed me, admit it), I'll highlight some stuff on my journey.


6/9 - I spend my last day in NW Indiana by seeing Coldplay at the UIC Pavilion. Good show.

6/10 - I fly into the s***hole known as Houston, Texas. Bought new Radiohead album, good stuff.

6/16 - I start work, it sucks.

6/26 - I end work, I'm elated.


Inbetween the 16th and 26th I realized that a ton of texas women are fat and nasty, most men are racists, and BMWs f***ing rule. My dad test drove a 740 iL, dear f***ing lord, it wins!


That's all, I'm glad to be back home. I have tickets to the Future's Game, and possibly the All-Star Game. Good times. Oh, got new shades, too. SPiffeh!

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no wonder...you spent your visit in east texas...


you need to see the hot college station A&M girls...(mary beth from road rules? yeah...she's here)


have you ever visited San Antonio or Austin?


WTF? illinois has what? chicago? and what else? good god, and even chicago has the cub.


Texas doesn't need ya.... :angry:

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no wonder...you spent your visit in east texas...


you need to see the hot college station A&M girls...(mary beth from road rules? yeah...she's here)


have you ever visited San Antonio or Austin?


WTF? illinois has what? chicago? and what else? good god, and even chicago has the cub.


Texas doesn't need ya.... :angry:

There's the f***ing problem with Texas, it's damn citizens think it's the holiest and greatest f***ing state EVER. I have never seen people regard a state as closely as it's own f***ing country like Texans do. I could honestly give a s*** if it was nuked off the map, would probably improve the gene pool enormously.


All Illinois needs IS Chicago. Best city in the world, makes all of Texas look like the s***hole it really is.

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wow.... :huh:



apparently you're missing the PA in sox4lifeinPA....



I've only lived in Texas nearly a year and it's a great place with great cities and nicer people than most places in the world. It's a good thing you're giving us all a chance to see your objective, intelligent opinions...


Texans regard Texas as the greatest state, because they used to be a nation unto its own. There's immense pride because of their heritage and they care about the preservation of that heritage....why was illinois founded exactly? what does it offer the United States?


yeah....the US is known for its "Illinois hot chicks" gotta love the Chicago Bear Cheerleaders..........don't they have mustaches? you're kidding yourself about the gene pool thing dude...


now what I won't debate is the fact that Texas is the craziest f***ing gun toting place in the Union....and we won't even bring up the (whispering) SUV issue....



kid....Don't mess with Texas.

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wow.... :huh:



apparently you're missing the PA in sox4lifeinPA....



I've only lived in Texas nearly a year and it's a great place with great cities and nicer people than most places in the world. It's a good thing you're giving us all a chance to see your objective, intelligent opinions...


Texans regard Texas as the greatest state, because they used to be a nation unto its own. There's immense pride because of their heritage and they care about the preservation of that heritage....why was illinois founded exactly? what does it offer the United States?


yeah....the US is known for its "Illinois hot chicks"  gotta love the Chicago Bear Cheerleaders..........don't they have mustaches? you're kidding yourself about the gene pool thing dude...


now what I won't debate is the fact that Texas is the craziest f***ing gun toting place in the Union....and we won't even bring up the (whispering) SUV issue....



kid....Don't mess with Texas.

It's a pickup issue, not the SUVs.


I don't understand why the Texans are so proud of their state, even though it was it's own nation at one point (I wish it still was). Pride? I saw a bunch of hilljacks waving Confederate Flags and referring to the Civil War as the "The War of Aggression". I saw a bunch racists taunting "n*****s". Hell, do I have to even bring up their judicial system (No buttsex! Yes, there were other states, but it's patehtic to be in the same boat as Utah)? Recently, Texans were trying to get a bill passed to have it legal, get this, to carry concealed weapons into f***ing court rooms. Going places are we?


Oh sure, the first thing foreigners or anyone thinks about the US is Texas hot chicks and cheerleaders. I'm willing to bet they'll say Chicago before any mention of Texas comes up.


But, to give Texas some props, it's still better than Indiana, sans weather.

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anyone that uses his "4.0 GPA" as his indicators for intelligence....well...nevermind.


It's a pickup issue, not the SUVs.


have you seen a Texas parking lot?


Ford f150, wrangler, Dodge ram, Navigator, X-terra, Expedition, explorer, F250, Expedition, Ford F150....I think you to get your head out of your ass....


until then...PLEASE stay in Chicago....

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and please.....you're how old?


Coldplay and Radiohead??


that's so 3 and 5 years ago respectively.....


figures...teenager :angry:

I'm 18, and Coldplay wasn't even known in the mainstream until last year. Radiohead released OK Computer five years ago, so I guess Kid A, Amnesiac, and Hail to the Thief must have really sucked balls or something.


Try removing your head from your ass, doubt it'll help.

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yes they were...I remember radiohead from the MTV beach house...thom yorke almost electrocuted himself in the pool...'92(creep)


and I would call that a one hit wonder until they gained critical succes with albums 2 and 3(ok computer being their best)...



anyway, the point stands. :angry:








(both great live bands to see...saw 'head in '01 in NYC and cp in philly '01...damn good summer)

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Without the Sox, Chicagos nothing. Texas sucks. Hawaii is the place to be. I mean without, the Sox, all Chicago is really, is a buncha tall buildings. I used to love Chicago. Now I really dont give a crap. Theres no natural beauty in Chitown. Hawaii has natural beauty, cultural beauty, it has it all...

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And I have never been to Texas. Never want to. Texas will execute anyone they can without reason. Remember Delma Banks? Fortunately he was saved, but he spent like 20 years in jail for something he didnt freakin do. Im sure Texas has executed hundreds of innocents. It figures that Bush that totalitarian monkey is from Texas... :angry:

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and please.....you're how old?


Coldplay and Radiohead??


that's so 3 and 5 years ago respectively.....


figures...teenager :angry:

Dude Radiohead is an excellent band, and has been one for many years. The good ones stick around. :rolleyes:

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Without the Sox, Chicagos nothing. Texas sucks. Hawaii is the place to be. I mean without, the Sox, all Chicago is really, is a buncha tall buildings. I used to love Chicago. Now I really dont give a crap. Theres no natural beauty in Chitown. Hawaii has natural beauty, cultural beauty, it has it all...

would you quit it with the hawaii s***. everytime anyone brings up a place they live, visited, heard of, it's "yada yada hawaii is so beautiful i wanna be there right now....i wanna go there....i wanna live there"


there are other cool places besides hawaii.

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Guys, I have lived in Texas for the past 4 years. I was born and raised in Chicago. I have lived in Michigan and Indiana. To this point of my life, Texans are the nicest group of people Ive ever met. There are great things about this state, and crappy things about this state. You can say that about anywhere. To judge a state and its people based on your one or two week visit is ignorant.

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and please.....you're how old?


Coldplay and Radiohead??


that's so 3 and 5 years ago respectively.....


figures...teenager :angry:

Dude Radiohead is an excellent band, and has been one for many years. The good ones stick around. :rolleyes:

Hey BMR, did you pick up HTTT? I think it's pretty good, but not up there with the likes of OKC, Bends and Kid A. I still love the album though, especially 2+2=5, Go To Sleep, and Myxamatosis.


Sadly, Radiohead was denied access to play at Grant Park for some reason, and now they have to play at Alpine Valley, which is retchid. No Radiohead for me this summer. :(

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