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and please.....you're how old?


Coldplay and Radiohead??


that's so 3 and 5 years ago respectively.....


figures...teenager :angry:

Dude Radiohead is an excellent band, and has been one for many years. The good ones stick around. :rolleyes:

Hey BMR, did you pick up HTTT? I think it's pretty good, but not up there with the likes of OKC, Bends and Kid A. I still love the album though, especially 2+2=5, Go To Sleep, and Myxamatosis.


Sadly, Radiohead was denied access to play at Grant Park for some reason, and now they have to play at Alpine Valley, which is retchid. No Radiohead for me this summer. :(

Nah i havent picked it up. I am gonna be out of work for the next 2 or 3 months, so i probably shouldnt spend any money i dont NEED to.........OK COMPUTER is my favorite, although i havent heard any CD from Radio that i didnt find very good.

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would you quit it with the hawaii s***. everytime anyone brings up a place they live, visited, heard of, it's "yada yada hawaii is so beautiful i wanna be there right now....i wanna go there....i wanna live there"


there are other cool places besides hawaii.

I dont talk about Hawaii that much on here. And if you had ever been there, youd know why I thought it was so great. Another place with a lot of nice people is New York. If you think New Yorkers are jerks, then sorry but you too are probably a jerk. I went to New York and the people are so friendly and outgoing. Willing to explain everything. We saw this dog barking from an apartment window and this guy came up and told us that was the coolest dog in the neighborhood and started up a conversation. Then we saw some retired army vet who started another conversation with us. We met a lot of nice people there...

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HERES a song I pulled out of my a:


OHHHHHHHHHH how I love ya Texas, yes and how I need ya Texas, how I want ya Texas...........BUT if I go there I meet get eaten by a Lexus, or get drowned by a Nexlus or get stomped on by a Pexorsuarus

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HERES a song I pulled out of my a:


OHHHHHHHHHH how I love ya Texas, yes and how I need ya Texas, how I want ya Texas...........BUT if I go there I meet get eaten by a Lexus, or get drowned by a Nexlus or get stomped on by a Pexorsuarus

Apparently, poetry or rapping is not your thing

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HERES a song I pulled out of my a:


OHHHHHHHHHH how I love ya Texas, yes and how I need ya Texas, how I want ya Texas...........BUT if I go there I meet get eaten by a Lexus, or get drowned by a Nexlus or get stomped on by a Pexorsuarus

Apparently, poetry or rapping is not your thing

NA, I dont listen to rap....UNLESS I dont choose the music

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Guest hotsoxchick1
wow.... :huh:



apparently you're missing the PA in sox4lifeinPA....



I've only lived in Texas nearly a year and it's a great place with great cities and nicer people than most places in the world. It's a good thing you're giving us all a chance to see your objective, intelligent opinions...


Texans regard Texas as the greatest state, because they used to be a nation unto its own. There's immense pride because of their heritage and they care about the preservation of that heritage....why was illinois founded exactly? what does it offer the United States?


yeah....the US is known for its "Illinois hot chicks"  gotta love the Chicago Bear Cheerleaders..........don't they have mustaches? you're kidding yourself about the gene pool thing dude...


now what I won't debate is the fact that Texas is the craziest f***ing gun toting place in the Union....and we won't even bring up the (whispering) SUV issue....



kid....Don't mess with Texas.

It's a pickup issue, not the SUVs.


I don't understand why the Texans are so proud of their state, even though it was it's own nation at one point (I wish it still was). Pride? I saw a bunch of hilljacks waving Confederate Flags and referring to the Civil War as the "The War of Aggression". I saw a bunch racists taunting "n*****s". Hell, do I have to even bring up their judicial system (No buttsex! Yes, there were other states, but it's patehtic to be in the same boat as Utah)? Recently, Texans were trying to get a bill passed to have it legal, get this, to carry concealed weapons into f***ing court rooms. Going places are we?


Oh sure, the first thing foreigners or anyone thinks about the US is Texas hot chicks and cheerleaders. I'm willing to bet they'll say Chicago before any mention of Texas comes up.


But, to give Texas some props, it's still better than Indiana, sans weather.

lol....... well all your missing in your texas rant is the gun racks in the back window of the pick up trucks, and belt buckles bigger than ten gallon hats tucked neatly away under every beer belly state wide..........lol..............sorry just trying to be helpful...... ;) :lol: :lol:

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I worked in Texas for most of 2000, in the Houston area.  I had no problem with it.  Found some great food, hot chix around in skimpy clothing, funny Texans poking fun at their own "ya'll" talk, and killer strip clubs  :D



Oh yeah, Shiner Bock.

Shiner Boch :cheers

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