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Cinco de Mayo stereotype party


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QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ May 12, 2007 -> 07:31 PM)
It's not as if the school is giving these kids money to throw a racist party. Why hold them to a higher standard? Because they're smart kids and they should know better? Does that it make it more right or more wrong?


I'm in agreement with Nuke here. I just wish minorities would learn to give it back. Society gets along better when we can all laugh at each other. Someone (cough*liberals in academia*cough) created a nation of whiney This post has been edited by the Soxtalk staff to remove objectionable material. Soxtalk encourages a free discussion between its members, but does not allow personal attacks, threats, graphic sexual material, nudity, or any other materials judged offensive by the Administrators and Moderators. Thank you. that are offended at everything.


And as I always point out in these types of discussions, if you look hard enough, you'll find offensive speech in everything. Funny how 90% of successful television sitcoms revolve around making fun of men, showcasing them as morons who couldn't walk straight if it weren't for their wives. Isn't this offensive to every man in the nation? Shouldn't we be boycotting these networks for their offensive speech?


I'm calling my Congressperson.


If they are a student organization, they receive funds and support from the school.


I'm in agreement with Tex here. There's a difference of several orders of magnitude of Nuke and his buddies cracking a racist joke amongst friends, and a school-sponsered club holding a party with racial slurs and stereotypes.


Replace all of the "spics" with "n*****s" on those kids' shirts. Still seem OK to you? Just "brush it off?"

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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ May 13, 2007 -> 09:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If they are a student organization, they receive funds and support from the school.


I'm in agreement with Tex here. There's a difference of several orders of magnitude of Nuke and his buddies cracking a racist joke amongst friends, and a school-sponsered club holding a party with racial slurs and stereotypes.


Replace all of the "spics" with "n*****s" on those kids' shirts. Still seem OK to you? Just "brush it off?"

These are probably the same conservative posters who b**** about Shaprton and Jesse Jackson and talk about how if somebody in their community made a remark or did something about white people, there should be an outrage but nothing would happen.


They're trying to have it both ways. What would happen if a black fraternity or school sponsored organization dressed up as white people and did stereotypical "white" things at a party? I could totally see jenksismyb**** and/or Nuke complaining about it and making a crackpot shot at Jesse Jackson and/or Sharpton not being there to protest the racist events. They won't admit it though.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 13, 2007 -> 07:39 AM)
Most schools provide office space and logistical support for most student groups. In some areas the student groups are considered an extension of the University. I can see a difference between friends getting together and having a beer and an officially recognized student group throwing a party. I am certain that every student at that University now feels welcome to join that club, and I am certain that there are some University employees that appreciate their employer allowing them to be the object of ridicule.

I love the world of conservatives you can walk around saying hey you nappy haired ho! Go back to Mexico you wet back ! Back of the bus, monkey. I'm just a stupid pollack! Whoo Whoo we're all getting along because we can insult anyone. You guys know how to party :cheers





If this is such a morally objectable thing to do then why do we accept it in ANY setting? Why not create rules for the military that bans offensive speech? Why not make the University policy stronger, why not expel these students for their mean and hateful party?


To me this is all crap. We make fun of people everyday in this society and only sexuality and ethnicity seem to be the important ones. Christians are made fun of daily (and no I'm not one of them really), fat people are made fun of daily, ugly people are made fun of daily, and hell, Cubs fans are made fun of every second of their lives. Yet it's all acceptable.


These are probably the same conservative posters who b**** about Shaprton and Jesse Jackson and talk about how if somebody in their community made a remark or did something about white people, there should be an outrage but nothing would happen.


They're trying to have it both ways. What would happen if a black fraternity or school sponsored organization dressed up as white people and did stereotypical "white" things at a party? I could totally see jenksismyb**** and/or Nuke complaining about it and making a crackpot shot at Jesse Jackson and/or Sharpton not being there to protest the racist events. They won't admit it though.


I wouldn't give two sh*ts, and you know why? Because it doesn't affect my daily life at all. Same as being called a nappy headed ho didn't change a damned thing for those bball players, except for benefiting them, especially their coach, who is now a proud millionare thanks to her book deal. And I would probably call out Sharpton and Jackson. That make these situations moral issues. They try to make it seem like the world is ending everytime someone makes fun of a black person or a gay person. Of course I'd call him out if someone is making fun of a white straight person and he does nothing. As I'm asking Tex, if it's so wrong why is it acceptable in other situations?


I don't think it's my conservatism that is coming out here. It's called being an adult. Didn't we all learn that sticks and stones can break our bones, but words will never hurt us? They're just words people. We give them meaning. The longer we keep b****ing and moaning about them, the bigger they become. Also, this isn't 1880 or even 1960. It's 2007. Why can't we accept that?

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A conservatives' dream professor. He (no feminazis) walks into a classroom, looks around and says, "hey s*** and Span Cleaners are here. Get out of those desks and start cleaning the windows!" All the students laugh, the Hispanic's take the joke, because that's funny stuff. :lolhitting

You are right b****, it is an exclusively liberal trait to respect people and not use racial stereotypes. What whiny asses liberals are. :D

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 13, 2007 -> 07:39 AM)
I love the world of conservatives you can walk around saying hey you nappy haired ho! Go back to Mexico you wet back ! Back of the bus, monkey. I'm just a stupid pollack! Whoo Whoo we're all getting along because we can insult anyone. You guys know how to party :cheers



uh, why didn't this post get the "This post has been edited by the Soxtalk staff to remove objectionable material. Soxtalk encourages a free discussion between its members, but does not allow personal attacks, threats, graphic sexual material, nudity, or any other materials judged offensive by the Administrators and Moderators. Thank you" ?


get to the back of the bus, monkey??? sounds more like a democrat slogan from the 60's.

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I agree with Nuke on this. The liberal media takes anything that happens that could possibly be against a certain group of people and makes it a huge s***storm. Its to the point where certain groups are given special protection from any criticism towards them but when something happens toward the so-called "majority" (which in reality is now becoming the minority), nothing is done. IMO its bulls*** and the liberal media is to blame for a lot of the crap news stories that now come out that claim "discrimination" is going on.

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 13, 2007 -> 04:52 PM)
I agree with Nuke on this. The liberal media takes anything that happens that could possibly be against a certain group of people and makes it a huge s***storm. Its to the point where certain groups are given special protection from any criticism towards them but when something happens toward the so-called "majority" (which in reality is now becoming the minority), nothing is done. IMO its bulls*** and the liberal media is to blame for a lot of the crap news stories that now come out that claim "discrimination" is going on.


So wearing a s*** -n- Span t-shirt with Hispanic names, was criticism? What did the Hispanic community do that required this criticism?

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ May 13, 2007 -> 10:04 AM)
These are probably the same conservative posters who b**** about Shaprton and Jesse Jackson and talk about how if somebody in their community made a remark or did something about white people, there should be an outrage but nothing would happen.


They're trying to have it both ways. What would happen if a black fraternity or school sponsored organization dressed up as white people and did stereotypical "white" things at a party? I could totally see jenksismyb**** and/or Nuke complaining about it and making a crackpot shot at Jesse Jackson and/or Sharpton not being there to protest the racist events. They won't admit it though.



I wouldn't complain about the stereotype at all. What would be fun, though, is to point out the hypocrasy of these so called "civil rights leaders". But, as always, the truth is better than fiction could ever be. Reference Sharpton's comments about Mormons.

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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ May 13, 2007 -> 09:48 AM)
If they are a student organization, they receive funds and support from the school.


I'm in agreement with Tex here. There's a difference of several orders of magnitude of Nuke and his buddies cracking a racist joke amongst friends, and a school-sponsered club holding a party with racial slurs and stereotypes.


Replace all of the "spics" with "n*****s" on those kids' shirts. Still seem OK to you? Just "brush it off?"


Or replace them all with "blonde" or "pollack" and see if anyone even notices...

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How about a reason that conservatives should appreciate? :D


This is an official student group, and I believe is the key difference. This official student group agrees as part of it's recognition, to certain standards of behavior. In exchange, the University benefits because part of a great college experience are many of these groups. When these groups behave in this way, it alienates customers for the University. What business would have sponsored and tolerated this? It's just good business for the University to take appropriate actions.


BTW, great post SS. There is a long way to go.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 13, 2007 -> 07:39 AM)
Most schools provide office space and logistical support for most student groups. In some areas the student groups are considered an extension of the University. I can see a difference between friends getting together and having a beer and an officially recognized student group throwing a party. I am certain that every student at that University now feels welcome to join that club, and I am certain that there are some University employees that appreciate their employer allowing them to be the object of ridicule.

I love the world of conservatives you can walk around saying hey you nappy haired ho! Go back to Mexico you wet back ! Back of the bus, monkey. I'm just a stupid pollack! Whoo Whoo we're all getting along because we can insult anyone. You guys know how to party :cheers





So you are saying Imus is a conservative?

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ May 13, 2007 -> 10:28 PM)
I had no idea "blonde" was a slur...my apologies...


When it is used to stereotype a group with a negative connotation it is just as much of a slur as someone referring to any other group of people negatively by a commonly accepted name. Telling stupid blonde jokes and telling lazy Mexican jokes fall under the same category. By themselves Mexicans and blondes don't have negative connotations, but when you start attaching labels to group based on mindless stereotyping, the somehow it changes for one, but not the other, group. Certian races seem to have this same "immunity" from protection as well.

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All good comments Mike, but I wonder if we aren't missing something in that definition. I think there needs some actual damages, some opportunity denied, access, promotions, perhaps violence against, and that body of human misdeeds before elevating.


By comparing the histories of blacks, Hispanics, and blonds in this country, there are some stark contrasts. Maybe that is why we are less sensitive to blond or pollack jokes and more sensitive to black and Hispanic issues?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 15, 2007 -> 07:43 AM)
All good comments Mike, but I wonder if we aren't missing something in that definition. I think there needs some actual damages, some opportunity denied, access, promotions, perhaps violence against, and that body of human misdeeds before elevating.


By comparing the histories of blacks, Hispanics, and blonds in this country, there are some stark contrasts. Maybe that is why we are less sensitive to blond or pollack jokes and more sensitive to black and Hispanic issues?


You don't think if we program stereotyping into people's heads that opportunities are going to be denied? It wouldn't be a hard leap of faith to think that someone who had a blonde and a brunnette in front of them would not hire the blonde, because somewhere in the back of their mind they believe that the brunette has to be smarter than the blonde.

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I hasn't considered that possibility before, of programming new stereotypes. I agree that appearance does come into the hiring process. So are you suggesting we need to have more, less, or the same diligence when issues like this come up, (when student groups do stuff like this)?


I am wondering, from a practical standpoint, that there has to a critical mass of negative events before we start acting.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 15, 2007 -> 07:59 AM)
Historically, I don't think there will ever be a real change. There always seems to be a divide between the groups that are socially OK to look down on, and those that are protected. I don't see that changing.


It hasn't for millenniums and in all societies. The groups change, but there is always another group to take their place. I just thought of this, we are arguably the greatest mix ever assembled on this planet. Perhaps it is amazing it has worked this well. (OK, the native Americans may disagree).

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 15, 2007 -> 06:54 AM)
When it is used to stereotype a group with a negative connotation it is just as much of a slur as someone referring to any other group of people negatively by a commonly accepted name. Telling stupid blonde jokes and telling lazy Mexican jokes fall under the same category. By themselves Mexicans and blondes don't have negative connotations, but when you start attaching labels to group based on mindless stereotyping, the somehow it changes for one, but not the other, group. Certian races seem to have this same "immunity" from protection as well.


It didn't say "Mexicans and span" on the backs of those shirts...

Edited by SleepyWhiteSox
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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 15, 2007 -> 10:34 AM)
Lame. Partly because it's offensive, but mostly because it just wasn't very creative or funny. :huh


The ironic twist is Anglos took a reasonable somber Mexican holiday and turned it into a Mexican Mardi Gras, then used the anglicized version and attempted a lampoon of Mexicans.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 15, 2007 -> 10:19 AM)
I kinda figured you'd miss the forest for the trees on this one...


Your carrying the torch in the plight of blondes is very admirable and fits well with the topic at hand. :)


Carry on.

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I know that it is much easier to miss the big picture, and just jump on the outrage train with everyone else, but I still don't get how this is OK for some groups, but it isn't for others. You mocking me just proves that point. It is OK to slander people as long as they aren't one of the groups who are under the spotlight now. If they aren't in that spotlight, it is OK, no scratch that, socially admirable, to joke about them. The thing is it is just as bad when you do it about one group as another, no matter what the TV tells you is funny. If you want to be outraged about the T-shirts, fine, but I hope you stand up everytime this happens instead of joining the mindless hypocrates who don't see anything wrong with their actions.

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