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Mike Norrh


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First takes shots at Baker for removing his young star after 127 pitches against non-playoff team with one of the best closers (this year anyway, look at Borowski's peripherals and conversion rate prior to that) in the bullpen...and now he is blaming him for removing Clement who is lucky Sox didn't crush his mediocre stuff today....North is pathetic in his attempts to find "edgy", controversial insights where there are none, typical Score hack, going against baseball common sense just to appear different.



Meanwhile we have a true moron on the South Side who let a twice-injured, key veteran reliever go 3 innings and then puts a mental closer in with BASES LOADED and no outs with Patterson/Sosa/ALOU coming up and wind blowing out....Compared to Manuel, Baker is a GENIUS!




(meanwhile I can't even believe we won considering how many games we've been giving away virtually every series in 2003....Cubbies were the Sox today and we were the Twins....lol)

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Mike North should go back to doing what he does best..... selling hotdogs. He's the reason why I don't listen to Chicago sports radio..... not to mention the heavy pro-Cubs bias which is incredibly eveident..... even on the White Sox' flagship AM 1000.

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I guess I stand alone as a Mike North fan, afterall he is a Sox fan, unlike Murphy.


I love local Sportsradio, such as the Score, and New York's WFAN.


I loathe, hate, detest, and abhore, national sports radio such as ESPN radio. It is communist sports radio, and is killing local radio. Personally if I am in Chicago I don't give a f*** what Dan Patrick thinks about the f***ing Jets.

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not to mention the heavy pro-Cubs bias which is incredibly eveident..... even on the White Sox' flagship AM 1000.

With the notable exception of the second most biased radio personality in Chicago, Dave Wills.


Maybe I'll get blasted for saying this, but I think Wills is an annoying pumpkinhead, and HE is a main reason that AM1000 bothers me - him and that afternoon show of theirs.


I don't like biased radio, no matter which way the bias lies.

and I think that this homeristic "Local vs, National" thing makes people look very small town and hick. I DO care about what's going on around the country and around the leagues. I watch national TV programming ( where's the LOCAL ACCESS CABLE support if national is so bad? ), and I enjoy watching and listening to baseball games involving non-Chicago teams.


Don't shortchange your entertainment choices, people.

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ummmmmm You listen to and do work for Sox and Roll you ass!  :P  How biased is that?

Ummmmmmmm..............I thought this thread was about the LEGITIMATE, PROFESSIONAL sports talk entities in this town???


Your ( our ) little operation HARDLY qualifies as legit or pro, wouldn't you agree???


I realize that the Snore and Eastcoast SPorts News Radio1000 don't have THAT MANY more listeners than SnR, but they sell advertising and their people GET PAID, so there is a difference... :P :D


When I'm jabbering about sports with my friends, bias is a MUST!!!! :D


now f*** OFF!!! :fyou :angry: :bringit ;)

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No, Mike North actually is a Sox fan.


Mike Murphy is a Cubs fan.


North still has to talk about the cubs, because a show that was either all Sox or all Cubs would get hurt in the ratings, but North is definately a Sox fan. Didn't you listen during 2000. He had that Sox celebration after the sweep of the Indians.

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No, Mike North actually is a Sox fan.

Yea and I'll be at bible studies at game time today.


Believe what you want I guess.

what the hell, this isn't my theory. He really was born and raised, and still is a Sox fan.


But if he went on the air and said "I am a Sox fan, I hate the Cubs...they are bastards" how would his ratings be?


More proof. Remember his little show "bleacher bums and bleacher babes" the soul purpose of this show was to demonstrate the idiocy of cub fans. He would ask them questions like whats the score, who is the home team, who is playing. And the bleacher people would get most of them wrong.

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