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I dont EVER wanna see Mora on the Southside


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You can defend him all you want, but fact is he was never good, and right now he is just gettin lucky.. but your right, no point in arguing about this, it makes no difference.. Lets just stop fighting bout this and watch the Sox win here

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You can defend him all you want, but fact is he was never good, and right now he is just gettin lucky.. but your right, no point in arguing about this, it makes no difference.. Lets just stop fighting bout this and watch the Sox win here

I wouldnt say lucky..........id say hot.

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Hot?... Hes never been hot before this...


Lucky... Hot... not much a difference

dude, more than anything, luck is mental. Players get on a roll, their confidence goes way up and vise versa. Hot steaks are just belief. As soon as something goes wrong, most players or people will come out of that hot streak.

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Cool man, you figured out the averages for this year when they have only played about 80 games.. Yeah that seems about right..


Shut up, thats all I can tell you..


Look at the numbers, Loaiza has always been a decent pitcher where as Mora has never been anything..


Mora is having a good first half, that isnt going to keep up.. And by the way since you wanna play the numbers game..


Not counting this Season..


Mora is a career .229 Hitter...


Loaiza has a career ERA of 4.90..


So thanks for prooving your a dumbass!


Im done arguing about this Mora issue, he wont be in a Sox uniform so there really is no need to argue it.. Number dont lie though, and comparing Loaiza to Mora is just stupid..

LMAO...dude you're so wrong it's not even funny.

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Whats your problem? Why cant you just shut your f***in mouth.. Quit startin s***, just shut the hell up.. damn, its not that hard

Guys who cares? Its Melvin Mora. He is a baseball player. Get over it and stop stressing over something so meaningless.

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Im not stressing.. Im not the one who started this s***.. I tried to say who cares then that jackass had to say more s***.. If he is gonna try to "embarass" me on the board by making smart ass remarks fine let him, I already said we dont need to fight over this but he wont let it go..

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why would the sox possibly want melvin mora. He is just a crappy utility player who is on a hot streak. He is an AVERAGE player who will never carry a team on his back. if u look at how he has performed the last two years he has an average in the low .240s and an average of 13 homers and is not a high on base player or very fast....kinda reminds me of armando rios...why would the sox want another right handed bat in their lineup...i dont know why you are dissing loazia because he has carried the sox this whole season while buerhle and colon have struggled......every baseball fan knows that pitching is the hardest position to find and some pitchers just need that change of scenery to elevate their game....if the sox are gonna make a trade i would suggest they trade colon,rowand for fossum,trot nixon and some prospects...not try to get a utility player which we already have...tony graffanino

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Im not stressing.. Im not the one who started this s***.. I tried to say who cares then that jackass had to say more s***.. If he is gonna try to "embarass" me on the board by making smart ass remarks fine let him, I already said we dont need to fight over this but he wont let it go..

I have let it go.


I just thought it was funny that you said Mora hit .360 by getting lucky.


You don't luckily hit .360, I don't care who you are. It's like saying Barry Bonds got lucky in 2001. It's like saying Loaiza has gotten lucky all this year. Get it?


I don't even know who brought up bringing Melvin Mora to the Sox anyways. I'd definately take him.....nothing wrong with adding a good hitter who is versatile in the field.....but the asking price would be way too high.


You are the one who brought up bringing him here, by saying you don't want to bring him here. Get it?


And yes, Melvin Mora and Esteban Loaiza could very well be a like in the fact that they were very mediocre for much of their career, and then just put it all together, made one adjustment, and became very good players. How do you not see the connection?

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Melvin Mora is only CURRENTLY hitting .360... He isnt going to keep it up so when he falls back to earth and back to his career numbers, youll see Mora isnt good, hes average, like everyone has been saying.

Anthhony, it's not polite to switch monikers :nono




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Melvin Mora is only CURRENTLY hitting .360... He isnt going to keep it up so when he falls back to earth and back to his career numbers, youll see Mora isnt good, hes average, like everyone has been saying.

Let's see.....it's June 29th, and the season is about half-over, and the guy is an everday player and is STILL hitting .360.


He is ONLY hitting .360 huh? If it were April 29th, I'd consider believing you.




You know what I find funny though? You and Anthony seem to have a similar writing style, you just joined, you've made two posts(both on this thread), you and Anthony haven't been on at the same time, and that your name is rather simple, like it was made up off the top of someone's head to use as a name that a person wouldn't use very often, only to draw the illusion that one person has more people backing him then the other person, though because these two names are being used by the SAME person, that person really is not getting all the backing he thinks he is really getting because he is pretty sure he is wrong.


Am I saying you and Anthony are the same person? No....not necessarily. Right now, it kind of seems like that to me though. If I see mike12345 and anthony007 on at the same time, then I'll admit I was wrong and I'll move on.

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well someone doesnt just luckily be 11-2 and have a 1.99 era and be the favorite for alll star starter....mora will not be a starter for the all star team and will only make it cuz everyone else on the orioles sucks...i also wanted you to know that me and anthony are in fact different people who just share the same opinion...that melvin mora SUCKS!!!!!!!

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well someone doesnt just luckily be 11-2 and have a 1.99 era and be the favorite for alll star starter

And someone doesn't just luckily have a .360 average. And I swear that it was anthony, and not mike12345, that said Mora was lucky to hit .360. You're not fooling anyone, but nice try


mora will not be a starter for the all star team


If fans voted for the starting pitcher of the AS game, I guarantee you that Loaiza wouldn't be starting either


will only make it cuz everyone else on the orioles sucks


Not quite. You put him on the A's or Yanks, and if he's hitting .360, I'm sure he'd be an All-Star. Any Oriole fan could say that Loaiza would only be an All-Star because everyone else on the White Sox sucks, and for the season, they wouldn't be wrong. Tell me, honestly, how many other White Sox players deserve to go to the All-Star game, OTHER then ELo?


i also wanted you to know that me and anthony are in fact different people who just share the same opinion...that melvin mora SUCKS!!!!!!!


Nice try anthony. You're not fooling anyone

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Nice try? What r u talking about..


Do you think that it isnt even possible that I have a friend who is also a Sox fan who also agrees that Mora is trash..


Anyway.. if you dont believe me you can IM me..


T R U Perfection


and by the way.. Mike12345's screen name is Mike4235


We arent the same ppl, so you can think we r, but your wrong

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