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FutureSox Top 25: 20-16


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FutureSox 2007 Top 25: 20-16

Three relievers make the cut

By FutureSox Staff


In the second installment of our 2007 list, we replace one prospect due to injury while at the same time highlighting some of the organization’s relief depth.






We finally got our crap together tonight.

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QUOTE(Palehosefan @ May 15, 2007 -> 08:52 PM)
Disagree with Owens being on there and that high at 18, but otherwise looks good, good job guys.


Yeah, well the system still isn't awesome. Part of what we decided to rank on was chances to actually make the majors, and since he's been there an Ozzie seems to like him, he's got that going for him.


QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 15, 2007 -> 08:52 PM)
Hell has frozen over.



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QUOTE(Palehosefan @ May 15, 2007 -> 08:58 PM)
Yeah, it's not easy past 15 in our system. I just liken Owens to Dewon Day. Both are older "prospects" that do one thing well(SB's or K's) and are lacking in most of the other areas.


So, like in the first edition of the list, Jason did a Top 50. He's f***in nuts.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ May 16, 2007 -> 03:25 PM)
Yeah, not a huge fan of the list but I like reading them and seeing it anyways so nice job.



I wonder if they took into consideration how Getz has started 2007...? The danger of doing this list going into the season is that it might change again significantly as time goes by.

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Before this season Getz was barely a prospect because he sucked in AA. To be honest, we barely put him on the list. It's our fault for releasing it late, but you simply can't make the argument that Getz was a top 20 prospect in this system before his success at Birmingham. I still think his upside is as a better than average utility infielder.

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QUOTE(danman31 @ May 16, 2007 -> 04:36 PM)
Before this season Getz was barely a prospect because he sucked in AA. To be honest, we barely put him on the list. It's our fault for releasing it late, but you simply can't make the argument that Getz was a top 20 prospect in this system before his success at Birmingham. I still think his upside is as a better than average utility infielder.


Well maybe im biased because Ive always been a Getz fan even through his struggles last season. And you guys obviously put more time into it than I would. Just saying so far out of the 25-16 ive seen so far I think my personal list would be different.

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QUOTE(danman31 @ May 16, 2007 -> 04:36 PM)
Before this season Getz was barely a prospect because he sucked in AA. To be honest, we barely put him on the list. It's our fault for releasing it late, but you simply can't make the argument that Getz was a top 20 prospect in this system before his success at Birmingham. I still think his upside is as a better than average utility infielder.



Isn't that what they always said about Aaron Miles?


Maybe we should trade for Angel Berroa, move him to 2B, and have the lowest OBP for two middle infielders in the majors...although we might have the best defensive infield, if Berroa pulled his head out of his a--.

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QUOTE(caulfield12 @ May 16, 2007 -> 09:38 PM)
Isn't that what they always said about Aaron Miles?


Aaron Miles is, at best, a utility player. His career line in the majors is .278/.320/.356. If a player like that is starting for you, your team is probably not very good.


Dan's right on with regards to Getz. His career minor league line coming into this year was .272/.351/.345. Just because some want to annoint him Iguchi's replacement for next year based on ~150 at-bats doesn't make them right.


I'll be extremely surprised if Getz can stay anywhere near the .869 OPS he's putting up right now.


FWIW, Getz is also repeating AA, and he was a player drafted out of college in the first place. He should be doing this.

Edited by CWSGuy406
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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ May 16, 2007 -> 05:14 PM)
FWIW, Getz is also repeating AA, and he was a player drafted out of college in the first place. He should be doing this.

Exactly. That's why we were so harsh on him for struggling at Birmingham despite skipping high-A. He turns 24 in August and that means he doesn't have much time to make the Majors before his value starts plummeting. It wouldn't surprise me too much to see the White Sox promote him to Charlotte if he stays above .300 around late July or August. Especially because they might want to see if he has any shot at making the 08 roster as a bench guy.

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QUOTE(BearSox @ May 18, 2007 -> 12:45 PM)
I'm not a big fan of the list. To me, it seems like you guys rushed it to get it out ASAP...


The list has been done for awhile, and dont call them out saying they did a bad job because they tried to rush it.... they took the time to do it when they didnt need too. You can say you dont like it but dont call them out.

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Since I've posted, I'll post my version of the top 20, not that it really matters.


1. Gio Gonzalez

2. Ryan Sweeney

3. Josh Fields

4. Jack Egbert

5. Adam Russell

6. Aaron Cunningham

7. Lance Broadway

8. Gavin Floyd

9. Justin Edwards

10. Chris Getz

11. Chris(Vernon) Carter

12. Oneli Perez

13. Carlos Vasquez

14. Charlie Haeger

15. Fransisco Hernandez

16. Wes Whisler

17. Micah Schnurstein

18. Heath Phillips

19. Thomas Collaro

20. Fernando Hernandez


I like Getz more than most, his OPS is respectable at 2B, and he has speed, great eye at the plate and is our best IF prospect in our system(which isn't saying a lot) by a wide margin in my opinion.


No I didn't include Brian Anderson because of his past history with the big club, and I didn't include Shelby because his numbers as a CF compared to 2B aren't anything special.


And yes I like potential bullpen help more than most, and I didn't include Logan because he's with the big club, otherwise he would have made my top 12 ahead of Oneli.

Edited by Palehosefan
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If the list came out in April like we should have done it wouldn't have looked as weird. It's actually the opposite of rushing it because the new performances from guys so far is why the list looks off. Getz has shot up the charts and wasn't on our radar going into the year. A guy like Harrell not pitching yet this year would have him drop a few spots. Francisco Hernandez would be a few spots higher, etc.

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I guarantee one thing, we've been more accurate on our projections than any other prognosticators when it comes to Sox prospects over the past few seasons.


While BA was raving about Honel, we were saying there were some serious question-marks. Same goes for Brian Anderson (in fact I know personally speaking it always killed me having him ranked as highly as he was because we all knew he really had poor swing fundementals but despite that his minor league numbers were always impressive).


Brandon McCarthy wasn't even known of when we were busy talking the kid up. We were the same people appalled when he was included in the nixed Nomar Garciapara deal.


We've also had our mistakes (having Robert Valido rated so high), Francisco Hernandez was once rated pretty high by us as well, however I don't think either of us said they were sure far stars. And of course my man crush Sean Tracey. Than again there was my other man crush Chris Young, who we were higher on (although Dan hated my man crush on Young) than most other orgs and eventually the other prognosticators realized that Young was a special prospect (whether he turns into a special player, who knows).


We also were consistently high on a guy like Adam Russel or Jack Egbert than others. Point being, you can whine and complain all you want but the track record is worth noting (we also tend to not BS velocities like other organizations, although we have also been wrong from time to time as well because some minor league stadiums flat out have poor radar guns).


That said no one is going to agree with everything we say and I love having debate on stuff like this. However, we put it out there and have been pretty good at it (or at least I think we have) over the years.

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Jason, you have no reason to defend the list -- we know you guys who put the list together put in a lot of hard work and really are the best when it comes to Sox prospects. You guys know your s***, and I think most of us understand that.


Don't let one dumbass comment get in the way of that.

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Listen, I am not dissing the list at all, or it's integrity, as there was and has been a lot of hard work done. I have no problem with it. I am just saying it seems a bit rushed to me because of your guys busy lives, thats all.


Sorry if I offended anyone.

Edited by BearSox
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QUOTE(BearSox @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:40 PM)
Listen, I am not dissing the list at all, or it's integrity, as there was and has been a lot of hard work done. I have no problem with it. I am just saying it seems a bit rushed to me because of your guys busy lives, thats all.


Sorry if I offended anyone.


We started the initial work on the list on January 28 by ranking our top 12. We had an initial top 25 on February 10. Our final draft was on March 12. We've been compiling writeups since then. We've had fluctuations since then, and we've moved some guys, especially with early results this year (we wanted to have it out before the season).


There's a look into the world of FutureSox. Things don't happen fast.

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