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"That's So Gay" Ruling


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SANTA ROSA, Calif. (AP) - A judge ruled Tuesday that a high school student who sued after being disciplined and then mercilessly teased for using the phrase "That's so gay" is not entitled to monetary damages.


Sonoma County Superior Court Judge Elaine Rushing said she sympathized with 18-year-old Rebekah Rice for the ridicule she experienced at Maria Carrillo High School. But, the judge said, Rice's lawyers failed to prove that school administrators had violated any state laws or singled the girl out for punishment.



And in a quote that should be above every Judge's chair

The law "is simply too crude and imprecise an instrument to satisfactorily soothe deeply hurt feelings," Rushing said.
:notworthy :notworthy [/color]


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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 17, 2007 -> 05:57 AM)
Every time a kid at school says "That's gay" to something, I usually respond with "Yeah, [that locker, homework assignment, textbook reading, discussion questions on the overhead etc.] completely reminds me of two guys making out."

Then get your mind off the weekend and back in the classroom.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 17, 2007 -> 05:57 AM)
Every time a kid at school says "That's gay" to something, I usually respond with "Yeah, [that locker, homework assignment, textbook reading, discussion questions on the overhead etc.] completely reminds me of two guys making out."


There was a time when "gay" was generally known to mean "happy".

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"That's gay" is just a common phrase in today's world. Kids everywhere say it. It means the same thing as "That's stupid." Meanings of some words change over the years and that's whats happened with "gay"... If you don't like it, get over it. Public opinion is generally protected by the 1st Amendment, and if it's someone's opinion that they should be able to say "That's gay," then they should be able to.

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"Jew him down" is just a common phrase in today's world. Kids everywhere say it. It means the same thing as "To get him to lower the price." Meanings of some words change over the years and that's whats happened with "Jew"... If you don't like it, get over it. Public opinion is generally protected by the 1st Amendment, and if it's someone's opinion that they should be able to say "Jew him down" then they should be able to.


"n***** rig" is just a common phrase in today's world. Kids everywhere say it. It means the same thing as "patch something together." Meanings of some words change over the years and that's whats happened with "n*****"... If you don't like it, get over it. Public opinion is generally protected by the 1st Amendment, and if it's someone's opinion that they should be able to say "n***** rig," then they should be able to.


Why was gay substituted for stupid? That answer is why society frowns on these stereotypes.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 17, 2007 -> 05:55 PM)
"Jew him down" is just a common phrase in today's world. Kids everywhere say it. It means the same thing as "To get him to lower the price." Meanings of some words change over the years and that's whats happened with "Jew"... If you don't like it, get over it. Public opinion is generally protected by the 1st Amendment, and if it's someone's opinion that they should be able to say "Jew him down" then they should be able to.


"n***** rig" is just a common phrase in today's world. Kids everywhere say it. It means the same thing as "patch something together." Meanings of some words change over the years and that's whats happened with "n*****"... If you don't like it, get over it. Public opinion is generally protected by the 1st Amendment, and if it's someone's opinion that they should be able to say "n***** rig," then they should be able to.


Why was gay substituted for stupid? That answer is why society frowns on these stereotypes.


My grandmother used to call me a porch monkey 'cause I'd sit on the porch all day starin' at people. It's not a racial slur!

--Randal Graves



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The phrase "You suck!" used to have homosexual connotations. It has since evolved over the years to be the equinilent of "You stink". "You suck" doesn't literally mean that you are homosexual and "You stink" doesn't literally mean that you have an unpleasant odor. Now, if you want to n***** rig this discussion to where I have to J** you down, I will, but it would be mighty w**** of you if that wasn't necessary. To make it so would be g**.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 17, 2007 -> 04:55 PM)
"Jew him down" is just a common phrase in today's world. Kids everywhere say it. It means the same thing as "To get him to lower the price." Meanings of some words change over the years and that's whats happened with "Jew"... If you don't like it, get over it. Public opinion is generally protected by the 1st Amendment, and if it's someone's opinion that they should be able to say "Jew him down" then they should be able to.


"n***** rig" is just a common phrase in today's world. Kids everywhere say it. It means the same thing as "patch something together." Meanings of some words change over the years and that's whats happened with "n*****"... If you don't like it, get over it. Public opinion is generally protected by the 1st Amendment, and if it's someone's opinion that they should be able to say "n***** rig," then they should be able to.


Why was gay substituted for stupid? That answer is why society frowns on these stereotypes.


Why was gay substituded for homosexual?

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This conversation reminds me of a day years ago when me and some of my friends were invited to some girls birthday party at some Internet Cafe. This had to be in the mid-late 90's. It was on the northside of Chicago, so ... anyway, we get there, and there are about 8 gay guys there, and a few of them were of the really wierd variety. Apparantly this girl had a lot of gay friends.


Anyway, me and my friends were having an internet related conversation and some of the guys at the party got involved...one of them said, "I use the internet all the time. I use AOL." Without thinking, being total true-Internet guys at the time who work the industry, I said, "AOL isn't the Internet...AOL's gay..."


There was a dramatic pause here...and all the gay guys all at the same time were like, "Excuse me?!"


It was a tad late to backtrack at that point, so I said, "Yea, gay...as in stupid."


Needless to say, it was rude, but they had it coming. It seems that in this country that it's only racist or bad to say if you're saying it to the minority, like gays, blacks, etc. All night, they were calling me "breeder", and that was supposed to be ok...not that I really cared, but still...in the end, them calling me a breeder is the same as me calling AOL Gay.


Boo-hoo to them.


The street runs both ways. I'm not saying either side was right, nor am I saying either side was nice in what was said that day. What I am saying is that's reality...and if something that tiny in this huge universe bothers you THAT much, then you have bigger problems.

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Again, it appears we protect those that we believe need protection and allow the others to fend for themselves. So "breeder" gets a pass and "that's so gay" doesn't. Americans usually pull for the underdog, we don't beat puppies, and don't drown kittens. We creat an elaborate system to produce hamburgers from one animal and an elaborate system to save other stray animals. Middle class white males with all the advantages are ok to satire and poor retarded children are protected.


Not certain it fits anyones definition of fair, but that is our society. Work to change it. Some would say we work to change it by allowing anyone to insult anyone, others would want equal attention when they are referred to as breeders. Two totally different solutions.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 18, 2007 -> 07:54 AM)
Again, it appears we protect those that we believe need protection and allow the others to fend for themselves. So "breeder" gets a pass and "that's so gay" doesn't. Americans usually pull for the underdog, we don't beat puppies, and don't drown kittens. We creat an elaborate system to produce hamburgers from one animal and an elaborate system to save other stray animals. Middle class white males with all the advantages are ok to satire and poor retarded children are protected.


Not certain it fits anyones definition of fair, but that is our society. Work to change it. Some would say we work to change it by allowing anyone to insult anyone, others would want equal attention when they are referred to as breeders. Two totally different solutions.


I don't care either way. I just think people are over sensetized these days, and a lot of them need to grow thicker skin. It's either that, or they had such an easy upbringing and their lives are so perfect that they have actual time to worry about stupid crap like getting annoyed when they hear someone they don't even know say something is, "so gay", when it probably IS that gay. :D

Edited by Y2HH
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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 18, 2007 -> 08:54 AM)
Again, it appears we protect those that we believe need protection and allow the others to fend for themselves. So "breeder" gets a pass and "that's so gay" doesn't. Americans usually pull for the underdog, we don't beat puppies, and don't drown kittens. We creat an elaborate system to produce hamburgers from one animal and an elaborate system to save other stray animals. Middle class white males with all the advantages are ok to satire and poor retarded children are protected.


Not certain it fits anyones definition of fair, but that is our society. Work to change it. Some would say we work to change it by allowing anyone to insult anyone, others would want equal attention when they are referred to as breeders. Two totally different solutions.



I'll come out of retirement just to say that Texsox just called gay people "poor retarded children" who need protecting :lol:


too funny.

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QUOTE(Y2HH @ May 18, 2007 -> 08:00 AM)
I don't care either way. I just think people are over sensetized these days, and a lot of them need to grow thicker skin. It's either that, or they had such an easy upbringing and their lives are so perfect that they have actual time to worry about stupid crap like getting annoyed when they hear someone they don't even know say something is, "so gay", when it probably IS that gay. :D




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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 17, 2007 -> 09:55 PM)
"Jew him down" is just a common phrase in today's world. Kids everywhere say it. It means the same thing as "To get him to lower the price." Meanings of some words change over the years and that's whats happened with "Jew"... If you don't like it, get over it. Public opinion is generally protected by the 1st Amendment, and if it's someone's opinion that they should be able to say "Jew him down" then they should be able to.


"n***** rig" is just a common phrase in today's world. Kids everywhere say it. It means the same thing as "patch something together." Meanings of some words change over the years and that's whats happened with "n*****"... If you don't like it, get over it. Public opinion is generally protected by the 1st Amendment, and if it's someone's opinion that they should be able to say "n***** rig," then they should be able to.


Why was gay substituted for stupid? That answer is why society frowns on these stereotypes.

Wow, Tex. Saying "gay" is nowhere near the n-word. I like what you have to say 99% of the time, but that's a rediculous analogy.


Like SS2k5 said, why did "gay" start substituting for "homosexual?" If someone were to say "that's homosexual," then you could use your above analogies as examples of wrongly using a phrase. I think "gay" has too many different meanings to compare to the n-word or calling someone a "Jew."

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Dante: That's like calling someone a "k***". Did you ever think that your grandmother was a racist?


Randal: No way. She had the utmost respect for the Jewish community. She use to tell me to be nice to the Jewish kids or else they'd put the sheeny curse on me.


Dante: WHAT THE f***!?


Randal: What!?


Dante: Sheeny is a racial term for Jewish people...your grandmother was a racist.


Randal: My grandmother was not a racist! Wait... Now that I think of it...she did refer to a broken bottle as a "n****r knife" once. Maybe my grandmother was kind of a racist.


Dante: You think?


^^^ Flaxx' current fave film ^^^

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 18, 2007 -> 07:33 AM)
Why was gay substituded for homosexual?


This is the question that needs an answer. As far as I'm concerned, gay means a merry, live spirit. As in, "I'm having a gay time." Pick up F. Scott Fitzgerald's, "The Great Gatsby" and I'm pretty sure he uses "gay" in that form.


The word doesn't truly mean homosexual.



QUOTE(dasox24 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:15 PM)
Wow, Tex. Saying "gay" is nowhere near the n-word. I like what you have to say 99% of the time, but that's a rediculous analogy.


Like SS2k5 said, why did "gay" start substituting for "homosexual?" If someone were to say "that's homosexual," then you could use your above analogies as examples of wrongly using a phrase. I think "gay" has too many different meanings to compare to the n-word or calling someone a "Jew."


Wrong. Put "gay" into proper context and it's just as hateful. However, context is the important issue. And context is too much open to interpretation. The context for n***** is already in the word. For gay, it's not. However, the context certainly can be put into the word and become as hateful as n*****.

Edited by BobDylan
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