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White Sox vs. Cubs, 5/18/07 (L)


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QUOTE(caulfield12 @ May 18, 2007 -> 09:17 PM)
Tell that to Garland when he was micromanaged by Manuel.


Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, Ozzie has done wonders for the starting pitchers since he has been here.


Ah yes, the old Garland was mentally abused by Manuel argument. I guess it has nothing to do with Garland's maturity, as well as his improved command.

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QUOTE(caulfield12 @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:15 PM)
Which is why I've been arguing all along we need to blow it up and rebuild sooner rather than later....before it becomes a 3-5 year project, like the Kansas City Chiefs.

We may get away with this 2007 roster floundering aroud .500 through July, but these next few seasons, the different between our roster and those of divisional rivals will grow more noticeable.


It's essential for our future that blue-chip prospects emerge either from within or from trade that can make pursuing expensive talent for other positions possible.


The pressure should be immense on our scouting department. I don't even care if it's unrealistic, it's what essential to survive in this division.

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well last year we hit marquis around pretty good last year in that 21-2 win or w/e it was over st louis, so maybe we can do that again (ha, that will be the day)


im sayin sox lose 5-2

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ May 18, 2007 -> 05:44 PM)
if we win these next 2 and our offense scores some runs this game can be a positive maybe.... an eye opener.


Actually, it would be a distant memory tonight if Cleveland and Detroit lose. That would be very helpful.

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Some of the players may deny that this series means more than others, but its been pretty obvious the last few years that it does. These series tend to be turning points for the teams, one way or the other. If the embarrassing play today kicks off two solid wins, that could be a nice boost. Then Thome returns, and we're at home again for a little while. Let's hope it comes together that way.

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QUOTE(greg775 @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:49 PM)
We need to ship Mac and Sisco back to the Royals where they belong.

Mac D cost us the game today pure and simple.




calm down now... lets not get into trading away two relievers with good stuff right away...

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ May 18, 2007 -> 06:26 PM)
If I hear someone say that Greg Walker is one of the best hitting coaches in the game, I may just throw up.


4 strikeouts out of the last 6 outs of the game. WTF does this guy do for a living. And I have heard comments that they are working on Sweeneys power. Thats it. The man has to go. The minute you start f***ing with a kids swing, before fixing the entire team who cant hits swing then you have no clue what you are doing or how to manage priorities. To me, Sweeney's power can wait how about fixing the contact issue, or Konerko, or Dye or the rest of the hitless wonders.




On the park gun at Weeds on the Wall field. I had to look to find it. Its on the light bar on the 3rd base side. They dont use it on every pitch. Logan was hitting 95 on the gun with his fastbal. Mike McDougal was hitting 91.


Something is not right with that boy, he cant throw hard and he cant throw strikes.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ May 18, 2007 -> 06:26 PM)
If I hear someone say that Greg Walker is one of the best hitting coaches in the game, I may just throw up.

Greg Walker is one of the best hitting coaches in the game.


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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 18, 2007 -> 09:27 PM)
You drank too much after the game.

I just wanted to see that Buehrle>Wood guy throw up. Perhaps he would choke on the vomit.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 18, 2007 -> 09:10 PM)
4 strikeouts out of the last 6 outs of the game. WTF does this guy do for a living. And I have heard comments that they are working on Sweeneys power. Thats it. The man has to go. The minute you start f***ing with a kids swing, before fixing the entire team who cant hits swing then you have no clue what you are doing or how to manage priorities. To me, Sweeney's power can wait how about fixing the contact issue, or Konerko, or Dye or the rest of the hitless wonders.




On the park gun at Weeds on the Wall field. I had to look to find it. Its on the light bar on the 3rd base side. They dont use it on every pitch. Logan was hitting 95 on the gun with his fastbal. Mike McDougal was hitting 91.


Something is not right with that boy, he cant throw hard and he cant throw strikes.


Yeah, that's what the Comcast gun read as well actually. I was like, "um, I thought MacFrugal threw harder than this."

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 18, 2007 -> 09:10 PM)
4 strikeouts out of the last 6 outs of the game. WTF does this guy do for a living. And I have heard comments that they are working on Sweeneys power. Thats it. The man has to go. The minute you start f***ing with a kids swing, before fixing the entire team who cant hits swing then you have no clue what you are doing or how to manage priorities. To me, Sweeney's power can wait how about fixing the contact issue, or Konerko, or Dye or the rest of the hitless wonders.




On the park gun at Weeds on the Wall field. I had to look to find it. Its on the light bar on the 3rd base side. They dont use it on every pitch. Logan was hitting 95 on the gun with his fastbal. Mike McDougal was hitting 91.


Something is not right with that boy, he cant throw hard and he cant throw strikes.

Almost everyone in the bullpen has really struggled at some point already this season. The starters are really doing a job. They are almost a lock to go at least 6 innings every game. Melton was talking about the bullpen last week, saying even when they aren't giving up runs, they aren't having easy innings. I just hope its better than its showed, and better than I thought it would be. A lot of people got caught up in the radar gun with these guys before the season started. The problems are, the velocity isn't there for several of these guys so far, and really none of them have much of a track record of major league success. Most of them have had their moments, but everyone of them has question marks. I really don't fault Ozzie for bringing in MacDougal initially. For all we know, Aardsma might have had the same results. I do question letting him continue in the 8th after he showed he wasn't going to be effective and it was a 1 run game. Dempster may have had a tougher time breathing had the game been closer in the 9th. I almost think Ozzie is anticipating having to use the bullpen a lot on Sunday with Contreras having a shorter recovery time, and also Vazquez tends to fall apart quickly after cruising along, so that may be why he didn't want to go through few guys today, but this was a game that they should have won.

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QUOTE(Dick Allen @ May 18, 2007 -> 09:37 PM)
Almost everyone in the bullpen has really struggled at some point already this season. The starters are really doing a job. They are almost a lock to go at least 6 innings every game. Melton was talking about the bullpen last week, saying even when they aren't giving up runs, they aren't having easy innings. I just hope its better than its showed, and better than I thought it would be. A lot of people got caught up in the radar gun with these guys before the season started. The problems are, the velocity isn't there for several of these guys so far, and really none of them have much of a track record of major league success. Most of them have had their moments, but everyone of them has question marks. I really don't fault Ozzie for bringing in MacDougal initially. For all we know, Aardsma might have had the same results. I do question letting him continue in the 8th after he showed he wasn't going to be effective and it was a 1 run game. Dempster may have had a tougher time breathing had the game been closer in the 9th. I almost think Ozzie is anticipating having to use the bullpen a lot on Sunday with Contreras having a shorter recovery time, and also Vazquez tends to fall apart quickly after cruising along, so that may be why he didn't want to go through few guys today, but this was a game that they should have won.


Lefties hit Mac very well, and Pagan hits righties better. Guillen stated after the game that Pagan hits lefties better. He is using only a myopic set of stats this year, .500 versus lefties, versus .high .300s against righties. Over his career Pagan has hit better from the left side. Pinella must of nearly wet the bed when we brought a righty out to flip him around, especially one who struggles against lefty batters.

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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 18, 2007 -> 09:40 PM)
Lefties hit Mac very well, and Pagan hits righties better. Guillen stated after the game that Pagan hits lefties better. He is using only a myopic set of stats this year, .500 versus lefties, versus .high .300s against righties. Over his career Pagan has hit better from the left side. Pinella must of nearly wet the bed when we brought a righty out to flip him around, especially one who struggles against lefty batters.

Buerhle needed to be lifted. If Ozzie brought in a lefty and Derek Lee came to the plate, how dumb would everyone have called that move?

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