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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 11:22 AM)
I got a refurbished one. When the say refurbished, they pretty much mean new. There is no difference at all.

The refurbs are better I've heard, because they are inspected before they're shipped unlike the new ones.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 11:22 AM)
I got a refurbished one. When the say refurbished, they pretty much mean new. There is no difference at all.


I really don't give a crap, I don't trust it. As someone who took very good of their PS3 for 2 years+ and have it break on them, I'm not trusting a refurbished one. Odds are that one would just bite the dust in a year or two anyway. Also, my family and I have had a bad history with getting refurbished stuff back. I don't trust it. If they expect me to pay 150 bucks, they better offer more than a 90 f***ing day guarantee.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 10:01 AM)
Are you kidding me? As a loyal sony costumer and someone who took extremely good care of his system, their making me purchase a refurbished model with only a 90 day warranty. That's pretty lousy. No way am I willing to spend 150 bucks on a refurbished system that will only be guaranteed for 90 days, that's crap. Spending another 300-500 bucks on a new system with 3 year warranty >>> 150 bucks for a refurbished model for 90 days. No way am I gonna risk having to go through the same crap in 6 months to a year.


First of all, if you exploited the warranty loop like every one else has done, you wouldn't have this problem in the first place. Once the warranty is about to run out, you return it to the store, exchange it for a new PS3, buy a new warranty. Sony could easily put the hammer down on this, but they don't. That's generosity #2 from that company.


Second of all, electronics break. Deal with it. When your TV breaks, call the manufacturer and ask them to send you a brand new one, free of charge. Even a less than half price refurbished model. They won't do it. People take very good care of their automobile's, and they eventually break. No car manufacturer sends them a brand new car when the old one finally has had enough. That's just not how business works.


The only reason Microsoft can do what they do is because they sunk over a billion dollars into their model. And they did it only after a 60% or so failure rate. Sony doesn't have those deep pockets. Very few businesses in the world do. The fact that Sony doesn't tell you that you are s*** out of luck should be more than enough to a 'loyal customer.' They're offering you a better than fair deal (and the refurbished models are more or less brand new, I speak from experience) and you just want 'more, more, more.' If I were the customer rep dealing with you, I would have told you that you're s*** out of luck and that your only option is the buy a new one and then closed the call with, "Welcome to the real world."

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 02:16 PM)
You could also tell them about the GTA bug and get it free, like Jenks and I did.


And me. (And I believe I've also pointed that little exploit out a few times in this thread.)

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Beasrsox, just pay the $150 to fix it like the rest of us. Also, you have a 60GB so you could get it fixed, mark it up on Ebay (it's the only backwards compatible system) and then buy a new system if and when the price drops.


Zelda was cool far before the wii was ever around, so nice try Steve


If playing Zelda on wii is how I am going to have to play Zelda, then so be it. I have a wii here, its not like I bought the thing or something and you can now say "Oh but I thought wii was for little kids"


wii is for little kids, there's not much you can say to dispute that. It just so happens that Zelda is Nintendo exclusive and I prolly don't need to explain the rest of that.

Shia LaBeouf agrees


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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 03:16 PM)
You could also tell them about the GTA bug and get it free, like Jenks and I did.


BearSox I'm on your side here. I get the argument that other companies don't do the same thing, but the fact is they (Nintendo, Sony, Sega, etc) started this as a business practice, so now the consumer can complain about it. My ps3's graphics card went out and they wouldn't replace it. Of all things, the graphics card has to be the most important hardware piece that I couldn't possibly screw up. Luckily I used the GTA loophole and got it replaced for free.


So far the refurbed model works just as well. So i'm happy. But it does stink that for more hardward related problems (that you have no control over) they wouldn't do something for you.


Did you talk with a supervisor? Sometimes that helps, especially if you explain you're a longtime Sony customer that's quickly changing to Microsoft.

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what's the GTA bug?


And yes, I talked to a supervisor, and it wasn't any different than talking to support personal. I really don't think a supervisor could have done anything now cause he basically gave me no options as well.


I sent an e-mail to them complaining about the service and asked for it to be sent to management (which they e-mailed back and said they were delivering it to management). Hopefully this yields better results, angry letters stating to be a loyal costumer threatening to completely abandon them for their rival sometimes do the trick.


Or they can be stubborn dicks like directv was for my family and say too bad that we got s***ty service from them.

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QUOTE (BobDylan @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 02:58 PM)
First of all, if you exploited the warranty loop like every one else has done, you wouldn't have this problem in the first place. Once the warranty is about to run out, you return it to the store, exchange it for a new PS3, buy a new warranty. Sony could easily put the hammer down on this, but they don't. That's generosity #2 from that company.


Second of all, electronics break. Deal with it. When your TV breaks, call the manufacturer and ask them to send you a brand new one, free of charge. Even a less than half price refurbished model. They won't do it. People take very good care of their automobile's, and they eventually break. No car manufacturer sends them a brand new car when the old one finally has had enough. That's just not how business works.


The only reason Microsoft can do what they do is because they sunk over a billion dollars into their model. And they did it only after a 60% or so failure rate. Sony doesn't have those deep pockets. Very few businesses in the world do. The fact that Sony doesn't tell you that you are s*** out of luck should be more than enough to a 'loyal customer.' They're offering you a better than fair deal (and the refurbished models are more or less brand new, I speak from experience) and you just want 'more, more, more.' If I were the customer rep dealing with you, I would have told you that you're s*** out of luck and that your only option is the buy a new one and then closed the call with, "Welcome to the real world."


Are you really comparing a PS3 to a car and big screen televisions? Give me a break. There's quite a difference. A 90 day warranty is not acceptable, considering I took care of my brand new one and it still broke. Sorry, but I ain't trusting a refurbished one (say whatever you want, refurbished does not equal new) to last maybe more than a year.

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QUOTE (T R U @ Jun 27, 2009 -> 10:23 PM)
You need to get an XBOX 360


Mine died, and my warranty was up.


So what does XBOX do? Well, they get my XBOX in the mail and from receiving it to repairing it took literally 2 days and its already at UPS and being shipped back to me by Monday I would assume since I dont know if UPS delivers on Sundays.


Did I mention that I didn't have a warranty? The repair was still free.


I couldn't be more pleased with Microsoft.. They fixed my XBOX very quickly and have sent it back to me, all free of charge. I also get it back with a new limited warranty as well. They exceeded my expectations big time as this was my first time to ever have an issue with the system.

You probably were covered under the warranty actually, Microsoft extended everyone's warranty to 3 years. I bought mine in August 2006 I think and I'm probably still good under the warranty.

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You could also tell them about the GTA bug and get it free, like Jenks and I did.

Ok, I'm not going to research this entire thread, but what exactly is the bug? What did you say when you filed for a repair claim?


for the record I've only own two PS3 games: Uncharted 2 (played once and sold on ebay 15 months later,) and GTA IV (played a few times but not in a year) I really only use it as a blu-ray player but stopped reading discs so I paid the $150 to get it fixed.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 06:14 PM)
You probably were covered under the warranty actually, Microsoft extended everyone's warranty to 3 years. I bought mine in August 2006 I think and I'm probably still good under the warranty.


Nah man, Ive had it over 3 years the warranty was definitely up.. however, when you get the three red lights signaling a hardware problem Microsoft fixes it for free.


They say that wear and tear on your own part will not be a free repair, however, my XBOX was never moved and the only real thing I ever did was play it a lot. The only thing that I think played a part in it "breaking" was there were three occasions where I was playing and the power went out (In my entire house). When that happened, the three red lights came on immediately. So that might have been why it died on me, but, I don't think that's really me mishandling my system and I don't think it should die because of that either.


I am just glad that XBOX knows I spent a lot of money to buy their product and they did everything they could to fix my situation while also leaving me satisfied that it was not only free of charge, but done in a quick manor. Like I said, I couldn't be happier with XBOX and how this situation played out. I honestly didn't expect it, especially knowing I didn't have a warranty anymore and assuming it was going to take a month or so to get the thing back.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 27, 2009 -> 08:33 PM)
I'll probably get a 360 for college.... but the problem is, I'm addicted to the show. The past week+ has been hell for me.


Lets be honest here, there is really no difference between the 360 and the PS3 aside from some exclusive games and the Blu Ray player which I find to be pointless anyways. Sure, Blu Ray looks nice but you have to buy Blu Ray DVDs which are pricey anyways and unless you have a huge HD TV (Which I doubt you will at college) whats the point? I personally find watching HD Movies On Demand from Comcast cable perfectly satisfying in terms of quality.


The main thing I see here is that Sony isn't as generous with its customers as Microsoft is. Like I already said, my XBOX died on me and Microsoft fixed that b**** for free and quickly. There was no questioning me about what happened, I just said I got the three flashing red lights and they said send it in. They GIVE you a UPS shipping label, you don't even have to pay to send the thing. I didn't have to pay any money and my problem is fixed with no hassle at all.


Don't EVERYONE has a 360 in college so thats all youll end up playing in other peoples rooms/places. Just get a PS3 when the price drops.


How is this a problem? Playing with other people is awesome, I wouldnt even want the system if I didnt have XBOX live or people to play with. Playing against people in NCAA, playing Rock Band/Guitar Hero, and playing against people online is the best thing about the system.


I spend countless hours playing Call of Duty online, and its awesome. And I cant wait for the new NCAA to come out so I can start dominating online.


Which reminds me, I am pretty sure this was a heavy PS3 user place.. but if anyone does have XBOX Live and wants to play sometime gimme your gamer tag.

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QUOTE (T R U @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 10:12 PM)
Which reminds me, I am pretty sure this was a heavy PS3 user place.. but if anyone does have XBOX Live and wants to play sometime gimme your gamer tag.

youarenotrede. Nixon is killzig.

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QUOTE (T R U @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 09:51 PM)
haha what is that? is that one gamertag or two? Or none, and something weird im not getting


lostfans gamertag is youarenotrede

Nixons gamertag is killzig

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QUOTE (T R U @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 09:12 PM)
How is this a problem? Playing with other people is awesome, I wouldnt even want the system if I didnt have XBOX live or people to play with. Playing against people in NCAA, playing Rock Band/Guitar Hero, and playing against people online is the best thing about the system.


I spend countless hours playing Call of Duty online, and its awesome. And I cant wait for the new NCAA to come out so I can start dominating online.


Which reminds me, I am pretty sure this was a heavy PS3 user place.. but if anyone does have XBOX Live and wants to play sometime gimme your gamer tag.

Because you play it in their room vs them all the time. So its nice to switch it up and play PS3 in your own room.



But both systems have online play so it doesnt really matter. Unless all your friends have 1 specific system, and most of the people I play online with on a regular basis have PS3. But there are times when I wish I had live which is why I think im going to try and find a used cheap xbox soon.

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QUOTE (kev211 @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 09:24 PM)
Because you play it in their room vs them all the time. So its nice to switch it up and play PS3 in your own room.


haha what? You're basically saying that the downside to XBOX is a lot of people have it and you play with them.. but if you have your own system you can choose to play by yourself anyways. No one can force you to play XBOX with them haha


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QUOTE (T R U @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 10:30 PM)
haha what? You're basically saying that the downside to XBOX is a lot of people have it and you play with them.. but if you have your own system you can choose to play by yourself anyways. No one can force you to play XBOX with them haha

No my friends are split evenly so it doesn't matter to me. What im saying though is that everyone has xbox in college though so thats all you play, I never play anything online at school because its a hell of a lot more fun to do it in person so I go to other peoples rooms and apartments. It's nice to play PS3 and xbox instead of just playing on the same system over and over again. Its kind of hard to explain in text. But I'm not making this a "PS3 is better" argument I'm just saying playing on one system gets old so give yourself the opportunity to play on both.


And nothing pisses me off more then the excuse after you beat someone as "well im not used to PS3, or im not used to xbox." Man up and master both systems if you think theres a difference.



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QUOTE (kev211 @ Jun 28, 2009 -> 09:52 PM)
No my friends are split evenly so it doesn't matter to me. What im saying though is that everyone has xbox in college though so thats all you play, I never play anything online at school because its a hell of a lot more fun to do it in person so I go to other peoples rooms and apartments. It's nice to play PS3 and xbox instead of just playing on the same system over and over again. Its kind of hard to explain in text. But I'm not making this a "PS3 is better" argument I'm just saying playing on one system gets old so give yourself the opportunity to play on both.


And nothing pisses me off more then the excuse after you beat someone as "well im not used to PS3, or im not used to xbox." Man up and master both systems if you think theres a difference.


I agree about making the excuses thing, its weak..


However, there really is no difference between the systems aside from a few select exclusive titles.. I dont think its that big of a deal to have variety of both systems but again, doesn't really matter. The only thing I guess im missing is The Show, either way, I can pretty much play anything I wanna play.

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damn keith, why you broadcasting my s*** like that?


i haven't been playing anything recently. too bored with fallout 3 to play more than 20 minutes at a time of point lookout. kind of annoyed at the way they decide to ramp up difficulty in that game. (e.g., make enemies nearly indestructible)... It's already a garbage combat system, don't make me sit in vats for 5 minutes pumping my shotgun at close range just because you wanted to satisfy some min/maxing momos. Seriously dull, like MMO type combat in my single player RPG. If there's a tribal in a diaper wielding a hatchet at me my level 30 dude in combat armor with a b****ing shotgun should be able to take his head off in one swig. Leave me the f*** alone with your stupid combat mechanics.


At least bound in blood is out this week.

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