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Video Game Catch-All Thread


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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Feb 6, 2010 -> 01:41 PM)
I need to play those games still. Only played 3 so far.

I strongly suggest both of them. It's been awhile since I've played either, but I've been feeling the urge to play them again lately. Easily some of the best games I ever played in my childhood.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Feb 7, 2010 -> 08:26 AM)
Got the PSOM in the mail on Friday, with a full writeup on Heavy Rain. This is going to be one of the best games of all time.


Heavy Rain Preview


I know we've spoken about it before, but everytime I hear something new about this game it gets me more amped.


I'm excited about Heavy Rain, but I'm still a bit skeptical. But you're right, if executed well, it'll be a masterpiece.


Also, my friend recently talked me into playing a game that we used to play, and he now was able to buy. He keeps telling me to promote it, so if anyone likes free text-based-RTS games, check it out.

Edited by Quinarvy
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QUOTE (T R U @ Feb 6, 2010 -> 01:54 PM)
Is it just me, or does anyone think this isnt going to be very hard for some gamers out there...

I guess according to them pitching is harder. But I can see people buying this the first day & playing just to get a perfect game. That's not enough to make me buy this game.


They should probably...I don't know...improve the game perhaps?

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Feb 7, 2010 -> 08:26 AM)
Got the PSOM in the mail on Friday, with a full writeup on Heavy Rain. This is going to be one of the best games of all time.


Heavy Rain Preview


I know we've spoken about it before, but everytime I hear something new about this game it gets me more amped.


I've been very interested in this game ever since I found out about it recently. I do want to buy it when it comes out, but I have no damn time to play it. I'll try to wait to buy it until I have some time or might just get it when it comes out if I hear great things about it.

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Not sure how many people play NHL 10 for PS3 on here but if you do and you you play online team play what team are you on and how do you like it? For anyone who doesnt know what it is you basically create one character and use them at a certain position and you can play pick up games or join teams and leagues. The more you play unlocks higher attribute points and allows you to be rated higher. They start a new season each month and even have playoffs at the end of the year played live somewhere in Canada. Anyways, if you play it or want to check it out here is my team Glitch3s G3t Stitch3s


I should have anywhere between 15-20 guys depending on when you look at this and as of now we are 17-7 in the February season so if anyone is looking for a team let me know.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Feb 8, 2010 -> 10:43 AM)
Not sure how many people play NHL 10 for PS3 on here but if you do and you you play online team play what team are you on and how do you like it? For anyone who doesnt know what it is you basically create one character and use them at a certain position and you can play pick up games or join teams and leagues. The more you play unlocks higher attribute points and allows you to be rated higher. They start a new season each month and even have playoffs at the end of the year played live somewhere in Canada. Anyways, if you play it or want to check it out here is my team Glitch3s G3t Stitch3s


I should have anywhere between 15-20 guys depending on when you look at this and as of now we are 17-7 in the February season so if anyone is looking for a team let me know.


Not a big fan of NHL Video games, but thats something I've always wanted in every sports game.


There was an online game (Ultimate Baseball Online?) that let you do it a few years ago, but I think it shut down.

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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Feb 5, 2010 -> 07:03 AM)
I hate getting stabbed in MW2. One dude stabbed me like 5 times in a row. He was stalking me.

knifing is kinda my thing... Me and aiming don't get along too well, but my knife skills are superior. Lol

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Feb 9, 2010 -> 02:29 PM)
knifing is kinda my thing... Me and aiming don't get along too well, but my knife skills are superior. Lol


For all of my fellow hated knifers in MW2. Here you go.



Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 04:20 PM)
It's getting some great reviews.


However, it's looking like a rental to me. It's an 8 hour play through with minimal replay value. It's definitely a must play though.

Review I just read said its 10-12 and should be played many times through given the different ways you can alter the story with one choice. It also had some very interesting stuff that I'll quote below.


Review: Heavy Rain (PS3)

Read our in-depth, spoiler-free review of Qunatic Dream's PlayStation 3 exclusive Heavy Rain.


A man sitting in an armchair suffers a heart attack.


You are by his side and you could give him the pills that would save his life - they are within easy reach in his desk draw. But just hours before the heart attack this same man caused the death of your partner and you barely escaped with your life. Will you take revenge on this man and let him die or will you show mercy, even though you know he could take another life?


You must make this choice. The categorical imperative is marked with an X on your controller, the ethics of utility is represented by O. Which button will you press?


Heavy Rain is a game where choice is the essence of the experience from beginning to end. We are used to choice in games - but such choices usually come with safe limits. There's very little that can't be undone in most games. Good will usually find a way of winning over evil.


However in Heavy Rain you can beat the protagonist to death in the game's very first act. And that choice is final.


You may even go from scene to scene believing that your choices and actions are helping good people, and vexing the bad. But ultimately your actions have horrific consequences based on your own character's misunderstandings and coincidences.


This is very much a true adult videogame experience. So often in games the story is just an excuse to move from one disconnected event to the next. So often we play games with a narrative tacked on - Heavy Rain is an epic and important story told in videogame form.




First and foremost Heavy Rain is a PEGI 18 title. One can imagine Sony's bean counters weren't happy with this approach - excluding the lucrative teen market. Look how The Sims 3 censored its sexual content to ensure all those 13 to 18 sales.


Heavy Rain on the other hand is uncompromising in the events it depicts. A character who is shot is not a mere avatar on the ground who will soon disappear. Instead they pour with blood in a grim realistic style that's unlikely to satisfy the blood lust of pubescent Call of Duty players.


This is a game that features vulgar scenes of self-inflicted torture and mutilation. It isn't pretty. You may only need to press a few buttons to make these things happen but you are left in no doubt of the consequences. There is nothing casual about the violence in this game.



The game also sticks two fingers up at the ignorant media, such as the choir of hate fueled hypocrites that infest Fox News - those that would preach ignorance about computer games and play on people's fears and prejudices.


The original Mass Effect took a heavy hit for 20 seconds of mild physical love - goodness knows what effect Heavy Rain is going to have on the most ignorant sections of the media. There is no such cosy cutting away from the action in Heavy Rain. There is nudity, there is sexual intercourse. Again though this is not aiming to satisfy a pubescent market, instead there such scenes used to show love and devotion between two people.


Most important of all Heavy Rain is an admonishment to the games industry for so long being will to plumb the depths, to constantly seek the lowest common denominator - to lack ambition in story telling and challenging players. Heavy Rain says not every game needs to be a grind - it's so revelatory it feels somewhat embarrassing. How has it taken this long for games to step up to this level?

We've been treated like idiots by so many games - even ones that claim to be mature - that Heavy Rain comes as a shock, but a very good shock. Imagine playing a game where 2/3 of the way through your actions cause the death of your character and that is final. Sure you can mess around with save games and back track a little, but you'll still have faced the consequences of your actions.


This certainly is a risk for Sony, but one it deserves to reap the rewards of. Heavy Rain will be attacked from both sides - the conservative media and political hypocrites who spread hatred in the name of protecting children and the conservative gamers who see a typical gaming experience of killing 50 sheep and 25 elk to gain a magic shield as perfectly reasonable, with no reason for such things to change.

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Feb 9, 2010 -> 11:32 AM)
If it's like the last game, then it's going to be great.


Right, but basically what the review said was there was no improvements made to it.. it could have just been a weak review though..

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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Feb 9, 2010 -> 03:47 PM)
<!--quoteo(post=2083162:date=Feb 9, 2010 -> 02:29 PM:name=Reddy)-->
QUOTE (Reddy @ Feb 9, 2010 -> 02:29 PM)
<!--quotec-->knifing is kinda my thing... Me and aiming don't get along too well, but my knife skills are superior. Lol


For all of my fellow hated knifers in MW2. Here you go.




I can handle people knifing, while sometimes annoying I play a lot of Search so there are very few people runnin around tac knifing.. what is pissing me off lately is everyone doing the care package glitch, the one where they have unlimited CP not the run fast while holding it..


They need to get that patched soon, its beyond irritating playing the entire game with killstreaks going the whole time..

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<br />I can handle people knifing, while sometimes annoying I play a lot of Search so there are very few people runnin around tac knifing.. what is pissing me off lately is everyone doing the care package glitch, the one where they have unlimited CP not the run fast while holding it..<br /><br />They need to get that patched soon, its beyond irritating playing the entire game with killstreaks going the whole time..<br />
I do mind knifing when people teleport 10 feet through my shotgun blast and kill me. That just doesn't make sense. Edited by almagest
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Sometimes I wonder why I even use Xbox Live, my whole friends list is either playing Madden or Modern Warfare 2 at any given time. MW2 is a great game but I never lost interest in a game so fast.

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Pre-ordered Heavy Rain, lets hope its worth even half the hype.


Also, I really want to play Dante's Inferno, but every review I've seen mentioned the overly-obvious "God of War" feel to the game. Hell, I'll probably still end up getting it eventually, but I'm gonna play God of War 1 and 2 first.

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QUOTE (Capn12 @ Feb 12, 2010 -> 03:34 PM)
Pre-ordered Heavy Rain, lets hope its worth even half the hype.


Also, I really want to play Dante's Inferno, but every review I've seen mentioned the overly-obvious "God of War" feel to the game. Hell, I'll probably still end up getting it eventually, but I'm gonna play God of War 1 and 2 first.


Hated the Dante's Inferno demo. Hack and slash with bleh graphics IMO.


Also played the Heavy Rain demo last night. Not sure it's a game I'd like. Didn't like the control scheme but I only played it for 15 minutes so maybe it's something I'd get used to if I gave it a shot.

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