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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 03:25 PM)
If I could go back to a year ago, and re-make my decision... I would get a PS3 instead of a 360.


At the time, all I wanted to do was play Halo 3, but man, I'd love to have that Blue Ray player and the ability to play The Show. Plus, I believe the PS3 looks better on HD tvs.


Yeah I agree, if I could go back I would no doubt go with the ps3 over 360. Most games I play are on both consoles anyways.

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QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 03:21 PM)
xbox 360 > ps3 in games easy.. right now and probably forever.


I don't get where this comment comes from. Side by side, the game lists are damn near identical. If you buy a console for gaming only (not including the Wii here), it comes down to which exclusive titles you'd rather have. Off the top of my head, for X-box, I can think of Halo, Perfect Dark and Mass Effect. I know there are others, but I feel these are the big ones. Playstation 3, again, off the top of my head, has Socom, Resistance and Metal Gear Solid, (Final Fantasy?). I enjoy the PS3 titles more.


What you said about buying a console for gaming purposes only, I do the same. Anything extra I get with it is an added bonus. But now that I have a PS3, I don't have to buy a blu-ray player. Even today, the PS3 is a very good buy just for the blu-ray capabilities. If I had a PSP, I'd enjoy hooking it up to the PS3. I've seen others do it and it's a fantastic feature. Now that they're planning to add a PSP phone, I'm truly excited for what else they can bring to the table and for the PS3.


What you say about online communities within the X-box, it's not really that different for the PS3. The X-box has a few extra features like in game chat, but the PS3 with the XMB bar and the PSN friends list isn't that much far behind. Add in that they constantly improve the PSN, it's essentially limitless (I realize Microsoft updates X-Box live, too). Home, from playing the beta, offers an experience in what you call community, that trumps anything X-Box Live offers. And when it comes out, will be free.


But it is foolish to think gaming consoles are just gaming machines these days. Consoles are slowly bridging the gap between the PC's and themselves. When the PSN store gets in full gear with it's movie line-up and what Home does, there is no doubt in my mind that X-Box Live will look like the second tier online experience.


Maybe it's just my opinion, but you're making a mistake by going with the X-Box 360. I'm not a fan boy, I've had both systems, but if you're leaning towards the 360 only for the reasons you've stated, I suggest you do a little research before spending that money.

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I don't get where this comment comes from. Side by side, the game lists are damn near identical. If you buy a console for gaming only (not including the Wii here), it comes down to which exclusive titles you'd rather have. Off the top of my head, for X-box, I can think of Halo, Perfect Dark and Mass Effect. I know there are others, but I feel these are the big ones. Playstation 3, again, off the top of my head, has Socom, Resistance and Metal Gear Solid, (Final Fantasy?). I enjoy the PS3 titles more.


What you said about buying a console for gaming purposes only, I do the same. Anything extra I get with it is an added bonus. But now that I have a PS3, I don't have to buy a blu-ray player. Even today, the PS3 is a very good buy just for the blu-ray capabilities. If I had a PSP, I'd enjoy hooking it up to the PS3. I've seen others do it and it's a fantastic feature. Now that they're planning to add a PSP phone, I'm truly excited for what else they can bring to the table and for the PS3.


What you say about online communities within the X-box, it's not really that different for the PS3. The X-box has a few extra features like in game chat, but the PS3 with the XMB bar and the PSN friends list isn't that much far behind. Add in that they constantly improve the PSN, it's essentially limitless (I realize Microsoft updates X-Box live, too). Home, from playing the beta, offers an experience in what you call community, that trumps anything X-Box Live offers. And when it comes out, will be free.


But it is foolish to think gaming consoles are just gaming machines these days. Consoles are slowly bridging the gap between the PC's and themselves. When the PSN store gets in full gear with it's movie line-up and what Home does, there is no doubt in my mind that X-Box Live will look like the second tier online experience.


Maybe it's just my opinion, but you're making a mistake by going with the X-Box 360. I'm not a fan boy, I've had both systems, but if you're leaning towards the 360 only for the reasons you've stated, I suggest you do a little research before spending that money.


yo man that was a good post that ill agree with, looking back at my statement about xbox 360 > ps3, its kinda ridiculous to say what games are better then what. As youve stated its determined by owns personal opinion. But the reason I got pissed was cause you said youd have to be an idiot to buy the xbox...

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QUOTE (chimpy2121 @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 03:13 PM)
I traded in my Xbox 360 for a PS3 back in June and I am completely satisfied with my choice. I love the Show, I love PSN, I can't wait for LBP, and I can't wait for Home. Oh, and Blu-Rays kick arse.

If we are talking about the BluRay and the total package...PS3 > Xbox. Again, I was saying simply as a gaming console the Xbox is better but when you factor in everything else the PS3 is a pretty sweet system (I know I love my BluRay). I just don't play hardly any games on it.

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QUOTE (BobDylan @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 04:43 PM)
I don't get where this comment comes from. Side by side, the game lists are damn near identical. If you buy a console for gaming only (not including the Wii here), it comes down to which exclusive titles you'd rather have. Off the top of my head, for X-box, I can think of Halo, Perfect Dark and Mass Effect. I know there are others, but I feel these are the big ones. Playstation 3, again, off the top of my head, has Socom, Resistance and Metal Gear Solid, (Final Fantasy?). I enjoy the PS3 titles more.


What you said about buying a console for gaming purposes only, I do the same. Anything extra I get with it is an added bonus. But now that I have a PS3, I don't have to buy a blu-ray player. Even today, the PS3 is a very good buy just for the blu-ray capabilities. If I had a PSP, I'd enjoy hooking it up to the PS3. I've seen others do it and it's a fantastic feature. Now that they're planning to add a PSP phone, I'm truly excited for what else they can bring to the table and for the PS3.


What you say about online communities within the X-box, it's not really that different for the PS3. The X-box has a few extra features like in game chat, but the PS3 with the XMB bar and the PSN friends list isn't that much far behind. Add in that they constantly improve the PSN, it's essentially limitless (I realize Microsoft updates X-Box live, too). Home, from playing the beta, offers an experience in what you call community, that trumps anything X-Box Live offers. And when it comes out, will be free.


But it is foolish to think gaming consoles are just gaming machines these days. Consoles are slowly bridging the gap between the PC's and themselves. When the PSN store gets in full gear with it's movie line-up and what Home does, there is no doubt in my mind that X-Box Live will look like the second tier online experience.


Maybe it's just my opinion, but you're making a mistake by going with the X-Box 360. I'm not a fan boy, I've had both systems, but if you're leaning towards the 360 only for the reasons you've stated, I suggest you do a little research before spending that money.

FFXIII is coming out on PS3 and Xbox360. Also, if you're an RPG fan like me, the 360 is the way to go -- for now.


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I'm a happy ps3 customer, although I'm going to have to send my PS3 in here shortly because the graphics on some of the games are messed up (spikes and lines coming out of players in Madden and NCAA football). Otherwise though I'm very, very happy with it.


I'll add too that I don't think the consoles will ever take over for PC's. PC's will always be a few steps ahead simply because you can buy a computer that'll last your 4-5 years but you can upgrade the memory and graphics cards to stay up to date. Moreover, I think there's still a majority of gamers that like the mouse and keyboard controls over a controller (including me). Call of Duty 4 is so much better on PC than either console simply because of the precision of the controls. I couldn't imagine playing a game like WoW on a console either (although I am looking forward to what Agent can bring to the table).

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 04:44 PM)
I'm a happy ps3 customer, although I'm going to have to send my PS3 in here shortly because the graphics on some of the games are messed up (spikes and lines coming out of players in Madden and NCAA football). Otherwise though I'm very, very happy with it.


Do you/have you used HDMI?

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 01:25 PM)
Do you/have you used HDMI?



Yeah that's what I use. Surely that's not the problem though. It's not like one line in the middle of the screen, it follows the players. Imagine a 10 foot line extended off the back of a players foot. Whenever the player runs the line follows up and down.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 06:55 PM)
Yeah that's what I use. Surely that's not the problem though. It's not like one line in the middle of the screen, it follows the players. Imagine a 10 foot line extended off the back of a players foot. Whenever the player runs the line follows up and down.


There's something about if at any point you unplugged your HDMI while the console is on it screws up the picture permanently no matter the output source. Kind of sucks and they should put a much bigger warning about it then they do. I had the same problem with random lines appearing at seemingly random times. I used HDMI, so I think that's what I did, though I'm not really sure. I turned my PS3 in for free and got a perfect refurb.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 05:47 PM)
There's something about if at any point you unplugged your HDMI while the console is on it screws up the picture permanently no matter the output source. Kind of sucks and they should put a much bigger warning about it then they do. I had the same problem with random lines appearing at seemingly random times. I used HDMI, so I think that's what I did, though I'm not really sure. I turned my PS3 in for free and got a perfect refurb.


But was it for all games at all times? I can run some games, like Uncharted, without any graphical issues, but madden and NCAA always have it (though it's not the same spot on the screens cuz it follows certain players. I did a little research and I think it's called artifacting - basically the gpu and/or graphics card are not working properly.


So I called Sony yesterday and they basically said I could get it fixed for $150 bucks, plus additional fees if necessary, plus the cost to ship a refurbed system to me. I have the original launch 60gb, so she wasn't able to tell me if i'd get it back or not (i.e. they just throw in the broken piece and send me back mine). Since they don't have 60gb's anymore, I'll probably get the 80gb without the ps/ps1 compatabiltiy, which i guess isn't a huge issue since i have yet to play one and i still have both of those systems.


Still though, I complained about the price of fixing it and basically told the customer service rep that it's ridiculous to expect me to spend 150 bucks when i spent 600 at launch, only to have the price of the machine drop 200 within a couple of months. I said you've made your money off me already, might as well make me happy. I also reminded her of the fact that it's going to be a material defect of the machine and that I could easily stop being a long-time Sony customer and buy a brand new 360 for the same price. None of this meant anything to her, she put me on hold to get a supervisor and then my phone dropped its signal. So who knows if they'll try and work for me.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 05:03 PM)
But was it for all games at all times? I can run some games, like Uncharted, without any graphical issues, but madden and NCAA always have it (though it's not the same spot on the screens cuz it follows certain players. I did a little research and I think it's called artifacting - basically the gpu and/or graphics card are not working properly.


So I called Sony yesterday and they basically said I could get it fixed for $150 bucks, plus additional fees if necessary, plus the cost to ship a refurbed system to me. I have the original launch 60gb, so she wasn't able to tell me if i'd get it back or not (i.e. they just throw in the broken piece and send me back mine). Since they don't have 60gb's anymore, I'll probably get the 80gb without the ps/ps1 compatabiltiy, which i guess isn't a huge issue since i have yet to play one and i still have both of those systems.


Still though, I complained about the price of fixing it and basically told the customer service rep that it's ridiculous to expect me to spend 150 bucks when i spent 600 at launch, only to have the price of the machine drop 200 within a couple of months. I said you've made your money off me already, might as well make me happy. I also reminded her of the fact that it's going to be a material defect of the machine and that I could easily stop being a long-time Sony customer and buy a brand new 360 for the same price. None of this meant anything to her, she put me on hold to get a supervisor and then my phone dropped its signal. So who knows if they'll try and work for me.

If you don't want to pay, tell them GTA4 freezes at the title screen for you all the time. This was a huge problem for 60GB launch systems so they have to replace the system for free. That's what I did(mine was well out of warranty) and I didn't even have GTA4 at the time(I had it for about 1 day before returning it; this was months before actually sending my PS3 in). They never asked me to prove it or anything, all I to do was tell them it did not work. The only reason I was sending it in of course was the line problem, I don't really care that much about GTA. Got my refurb in just a couple days ago, not sure if it's a 60GB or not.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 10:03 AM)
Since they don't have 60gb's anymore, I'll probably get the 80gb without the ps/ps1 compatabiltiy, which i guess isn't a huge issue since i have yet to play one and i still have both of those systems.


You won't. When I sent my broken 20 gig PS3 in a few months back, they sent back a 20 gig.

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LBP delayed for a week just 5 days before it was supposed to be released for a "controversial" song. I guess it contains two lines from the Quran so it's offensive to people, even though the song has been out for 2 years. The song is Tapha Niang by Toumani Diabaté and the Symmetric Orchestra. Like someone said, maybe they can throw a 50 Cent or Eminem song in there for this one. It would have been funny to see Muslims burning cutouts of Sackboy in the street though. :angry:


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QUOTE (BobDylan @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 07:32 PM)
Socom anyone? Aside from the server issues, I like the game a hell of a lot.


Me and some buddies used to play it ALL the time when 1 first came out. Went to crap with all the cheaters. 2 was better, IMO. We owned Desert Glory. We would seriously play til 3am. Sometimes fall asleep with the controllers in our hands. I miss those days.

I got 3 when it came out and didn't like it at all. Maps were too big.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 20, 2008 -> 11:19 AM)
NBA 2k9 is f***ing amazing.



Please elaborate..........


I was considering buying the game, but I was disappointed with last years model. Although, I did play it this weekend and switched the game speed setting to 100 and it was a lot more enjoyable.


I just have such a hard time doing all the moves, etc. without running into other players and so on.

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QUOTE (HeGone33 @ Oct 21, 2008 -> 12:14 PM)
Please elaborate..........


I was considering buying the game, but I was disappointed with last years model. Although, I did play it this weekend and switched the game speed setting to 100 and it was a lot more enjoyable.


I just have such a hard time doing all the moves, etc. without running into other players and so on.

Well, this year's game has a full tutorial. Yeah, there's a learning curve because it's not just turbo dunk, but it's pretty amazing. The game actually plays at a faster pace (the pace I adjusted 2k8 to)... They finally adjusted so the players play like they should. Not just a bunch of players who take shots when they get a chance... the ball actually cycles through the point guard or main ball handlers, and the stars of the teams are the ones that kick your ass. It's real.


D-Rose is awesome, by the way... they made him look so real. Now if only the Bulls had someone who could finish at the rim.


Seriously, it's the best sports game I've ever played.

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For anyone that has played or seen both MLB The Show 08 and MLB 2K8, which game is more realistic when it comes to players and there acutal tendancies? Take batting stances and swings for example. I've read quite a bit and most people say The Show is a ton better, but from looking on youtube, it seemed as if 2K8 had the players stances and swings more accurate.


Also, which has the better version of US Cellular?


Can anyone post a picture of the park?



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