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Video Game Catch-All Thread


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QUOTE (Nixon @ Feb 2, 2009 -> 02:55 PM)
EA has gotten better in recent years and has taken chances on new properties (Dead Space and Mirror's Edge for example)... They need to quit being dicks with the DRM though.

PC game wise they've really gone downhill in the last few years as they've focused on Console Gaming.


As a PC gamer, that's why I dislike EA also.

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I've been off and on with GTAIV since it came out last year. Why do they come out with this trophy s*** when I've almost beaten the game? Same thing happened with Burnout and with Drake's Fortune, though I had already beaten Uncharted when it came with trophies.

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If Resident Evil 5 is going to be anything like the demo then count me out. I've never been a big RE fan and it appears the latest incarnation will fail to sway me, I just find it boring. What the hell kind of game makes you stop moving before you can fire your underpowered pistol that sounds like a cap-gun? I'd rather play Dead Space, at least that game allows me to run and gun a little.

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Feb 4, 2009 -> 03:42 AM)
If Resident Evil 5 is going to be anything like the demo then count me out. I've never been a big RE fan and it appears the latest incarnation will fail to sway me, I just find it boring. What the hell kind of game makes you stop moving before you can fire your underpowered pistol that sounds like a cap-gun? I'd rather play Dead Space, at least that game allows me to run and gun a little.


:lolhitting I take it you saw my comment on the PSN, too. The demo was terrible. Bad controls, can't move while aiming, weak gun, an IDIOT partner and a douche bag of a main character.


The FEAR 2 demo was okay, though.

Edited by BobDylan
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QUOTE (BobDylan @ Feb 4, 2009 -> 02:51 AM)
:lolhitting I take it you saw my comment on the PSN, too. The demo was terrible. Bad controls, can't move while aiming, weak gun, an IDIOT partner and a douche bag of a main character.


The FEAR 2 demo was okay, though.

Yeah I saw it just now.


Agreed on FEAR 2, it looks like a pretty average shooter, definitely playable.

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QUOTE (BobDylan @ Feb 4, 2009 -> 03:51 AM)
:lolhitting I take it you saw my comment on the PSN, too. The demo was terrible. Bad controls, can't move while aiming, weak gun, an IDIOT partner and a douche bag of a main character.


The FEAR 2 demo was okay, though.

You guys have stumbled on RE's dirty little secret, it's not a shooter, it's a resource management sim! You're supposed to use the gun to slow the horde down enough to set up melee attacks. I hate it for that reason and like you guys, that's why I find Dead Space so much more satisfying. When I shoot, stuff dies! Or at the very least, gets chopped off. RE5 is definitely a pass for me too, beautiful looking but after the changes Dead Space brought I can't see myself going back. Also find the setting/character design of RE5 very off-putting.


Killzone 2 demo tomorrow. SQUEE!


Also, JESUS REVIEWS: http://objectiveministries.org/zounds/gaming.html


Tetris (Soviet Academy of Sciences, available everywhere)


12.10.2008: Tetris is an action puzzle game where the player rotates falling block shapes to make them fit together in a pile. When a row is filled, it disappears, keeping the height of the pile of blocks from increasing. As the game progresses, it continually speeds up until the player starts making mistakes that allow the blocks to reach the top of the game area, ending the game. Tetris is unwinable, you can only put off your inevitable defeat. This fatalistic aspect of the game should come as no surprise since it was originally created in 1985 in the Soviet Union, where the Atheist government taught everyone that there is nothing but a bleak, pointless existence followed by death with no chance for Salvation.


It is claimed that the word "tetris" comes from the game pieces all being made of four blocks. In reality, the game was named in mockery of the Trinity by adding a forth hypostasis, the Communist State, to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Because it is simple to program, versions of Tetris can be found on every game, computer, and operating system. There have even been implementations of Tetris done using computer controlled lights in office buildings, turning the lighted windows into the falling blocks. The ubiquity of Tetris is also because it is highly addictive. Its repetitive gameplay and use of a repetitive Russian folk tune causes players to slip into a hypnagogic state, making them receptive to the Communistic themes inherent in the game imagery (everyone is an unindividualistic block that must be made to fit together in Soviet conformity, and sometimes whole lines of people are made to disappear without any explanation). This is intentional, since, like all work done by the Soviet Academy of Science where Tetris was developed, it was part of secret military research, in this case having to do with mind control. (The US military also researched mind control video games in the 1980s, including one called "Polybius", but we never used them during the Cold War, unlike the Soviets who unleashed Tetris into the general public where it's still affecting people to this day.) Because of its fatalistic worldview and the danger it poses to people's God-given Free Will, all implementations of Tetris get ZERO CROSSES. [see our Tetris video exposé on GodTube.]

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Agreed on the RE:5 demo, which sucks because Re:4 was one of the best games of the last few years. Supposedly there will be an option to change the combat controls so that you can run while aiming (ala gears). I didn't see this option on the demo though. I also agree that the AI on your partner is terrible - she always seems get in the way, which gets annoying after a while. Hopefully they take the feedback from the demo and tweak the game before they release it.


I've been trying to avoid all reviews for Killzone. I don't want to be let down from unattainable expectations.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 4, 2009 -> 11:01 AM)
GTA 4 anyone?


MGS 4 too. I think all of the review sites lost their credibility a bit with me after they gave both of those games 10/10. Both were great, but both suffered from some nagging issues (on top of the fact that no game is perfect).


Unfortunately killzone has had so much pub, and for so long, that i just dont think they can meet the expectations. Basically it has to be the best looking game with the best fps controls/style of any game before it. That's pretty ridiculous.

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I can help you manage expectations!



The game tells the story of Sergeant Tomas Sevchenko, aka "Sev." Sev is an Average Joe. He's not the best-looking guy. He has a very average-sized neck for a videogame hero. (Compare/contrast Sev's neck with Marcus Fenix's neck.) Sev is pale and gaunt. He is also extremely short. In cut scenes he appears to be as tall as everyone else, but once gameplay kicks in, he miraculously shrinks to the size of Owen Meany. Every non-playable character in the game is noticeably taller than Sev. He seems to come up to everyone's chest.

This annoyed me so much in Oblivion. Good times! :lolhitting



Maybe the game gets better. Maybe my midget links up with a bunch of other midgets and we have a giant battle with the gay Norwegian celebrity hairdresser voiced by Brian Cox while riding unicorns in an underwater city inspired by the works of Salvador Dali and then Gandalf comes skipping in from the direction of the rising sun and it turns into a rhythm game that supports the instruments from Rock Band. If that happens, I will come back here and write a full review to set the record straight. Until then, Killzone 2 may very well be as spectacular a disappointment as you'll play all year.

I want to play the game he describes so much it hurts. Maybe Hideo should do something like that instead of more MGS garbage.


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So EA announced some pretty bad results yesterday or the day before, and are firing about 10-15% of their staff and pushing the release date of some games such as Sime 3 back a few months.


I don't think there'll be much sympathy for them though.

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Mirror's Edge and Dead Space underperformed. Warhammer Online has fallen to 300K subscriptions. They closed down black box (folded most of them into EA proper) and laid off anyone redundant. They've pushed most of their heavy hitters into next year's holiday season/beyond in hopes of economic turn around helping sales. This includes Bioware's new Dragon Age (looks like a proper Baldur's Gate III without the D&D license) but the reasoning for moving that was to coordinate the PC/Console release (take that, pirates!)...


Edit: The Halo Wars demo is up on the XBL marketplace. RIP Ensemble.


Edit 2: The Killzone 2 demo for the gamestop pre-orders will be up sometime around 5-6PM EST.

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QUOTE (onedude @ Feb 2, 2009 -> 03:37 PM)
Soxtalk name - PSN name

onedude - onedude84

Soxbadger - Soxbadger

Kalapse - K_A_L_A_P_S_E

RockRaines - THE_Rockraines

BobDylan - iIi-MARV-iIi

chimpy2121 - drunkchimp

Buehrle>Wood - gregf5711

ChiSox Sonix - hungryj0e

BigSqwert - m4rk0358

BurlyMan56 - BTRAIN1105

nitetrain8601 - jtamay3

DrunkBomber - drunkbomber

Jenksismyb**** - IbKillin

beautox - buzzbuzz785



I'll add you two when I get a chance, I've pretty much sent invites to all on the list. So far looks like around 14 or so.



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Right I'm looking to buy a new external hard drive, and it's got to have the following 2 things;


1 - I want it to have at least 1TB in space.

2 - I don't want to get one that has a power supply with it, as I'd like to use it on the road and not have to plug it into anything.


Anyone know of any good ones on the market that will fit the bill?

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