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Sox Sign Mark Johnson To One-Year Deal


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Dude, I cant stand MJ. Anyone who remembers me from mlb will know that. In my mind, he doesnt seem to be able to do anything. He doesnt throw out runners very well, he doesnt hit at all, he has no speed. But we should still keep him as a mentor to Olivo. MJ can call a good game and therefore he should stay because Olivo needs the tutoring... And every once in a while, he can give Miguel a breather... But nothing more...

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Damn, thats the big signing this team needed to put us over the top....Now we can deal him for Corey Lidle.


Seriously, what was Gammons thinking.


Still, I do like MJ as a solid backup catcher.  He just better not be starting for us this yera.


Here's what he thinking Mr. Soxtalk GM: He has to cut 5 million or so in payroll. Lee makes 3 or 4 million so why would he trade Lidle, who makes 3 or so for a guy making the same or more? That does nothing for them.


You get Johnson for cheap, and maybe a Rowand or something like that and your looking at trading Lidle and his 3 million for Rowand and Johnson at 800,000 or so a year. Thus slashing about 2.2 million.


Gotta go gang.

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Originally posted by theoldroman

Dude, I cant stand MJ. Anyone who remembers me from mlb will know that. In my mind, he doesnt seem to be able to do anything. He doesnt throw out runners very well, he doesnt hit at all, he has no speed. But we should still keep him as a mentor to Olivo. MJ can call a good game and therefore he should stay because Olivo needs the tutoring... And every once in a while, he can give Miguel a breather... But nothing more...


He may not throw out runners well, but he is by far a better defensive backstop than Paul or Olivo at this point. No one who knows baseball would question MJ's abilities behind the plate, although he doesn't have the greatest arm, he stops the ball and digs it well. $500,000 for a lefthanded hitting catcher is not bad, although he isn't a starter.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i would rather have johnson over paul though.... if i had to have either one of them... with olivo up here his bat will more than enough fill in for what marks lacks....better to have better defense than offense in a heavy offensive lineup.....does that make sense????? lol... good gosh i think im starting to sound like kw..... heaven help me ...........

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