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Weightlifting Tips?


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QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ May 23, 2007 -> 09:47 PM)
So this summer I decided that I would ldo some serious lifting. I know the basics, but what some good tips to get stronger? Good excersises? Supplements? I have heard about Whey protein, is it safe? Food choices? Give me some pointers here.

I'm using Muscle Milk and GFPro in the morning, at lunch, after workouts and and at night (not both but one or the other) High protein foods -- try to for your desired weight in grams of protein.


Do a lot to strengthen your core (abs, lower back, back muscles) and work with correct form and posture to maximize effects of exercises.


Some good core exercises are single crunches, crunches on a ball, Supermans (laying stomach side down on the floor and using your lower back to pull your arms and legs off the ground)...Eat lots of calories (I try to get in 2800-3200 a day) because you are going to be using them with working out and building muscle. Always important to eat after workouts. Try eating smaller meals every few hours too.

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I think you are going to need to be a bit more specific. How old are you? Height/Weight? What are your goals? Do you have a spotter? How long do you have to work out?


It isn't as easy as someone just saying go do exercise A,B,C and eat X,Y,Z.


If you are looking for some basic starter info I would suggest checking out http://www.t-nation.com/category.jsp?categ...s=forumsSidebar


There you can get some ideas of what works and what doesn't from people who have actually tried it. If you can let us know your goals, if you have a gym membership, what weights you have access to and other important details we might be able to help you better.

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Not an expert, but I'll throw some tips I'm using as well.


Probably already know this, but I have to tell it to myself often, but don't hold your breath on reps, as it builds up pressure in your body and can hurt you. If you have to grunt and scream to do reps, then it's probably not the right weight size for you. You want to stick with a weight that isn't too difficult, but isn't too easy and slowly build up.


Drink a lot of water, as it will help flush out access fat and waste instead of your body storing it up.


Eat several small meals a day, not 2-3 big meals, as your body will store up the excess food as fat to use later in hard times.


Don't work the same muscles each day, 2 days in between is probably better than even one for a muscle group. Don't do cardio on the same days as weightlifting or you will fatigue your muscles and stunt their re-growth. Freewights are better than actual machines most of the time, because you can work more areas with free weights.


Again, you probably know most of that, but just wanted to post it anyways just in case.


Whey Protein is good to build muscle and is a safe choice, you could do a lot worse. I'm using Hydroxycut Hardcore and it works well, but you still have to drink a lot of water with it and stick to a healthier food regimen and workout plan or it's useless. I'm probably going to add some kind of protein to my Hydroxycut Hardcore and vitamins to help my body re-build muscle. Anyways, good luck with it.

Edited by Palehosefan
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QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 23, 2007 -> 10:33 PM)
I would like to start getting into some lifting here at home on the basic set we have, just to stay a little active.


What's good for a 19 year old who is 5'10" and weighs (as of two days ago) 131.5?


I don't think working out is good for skelators...

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QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ May 23, 2007 -> 10:01 PM)
I think you are going to need to be a bit more specific. How old are you? Height/Weight? What are your goals? Do you have a spotter? How long do you have to work out?


It isn't as easy as someone just saying go do exercise A,B,C and eat X,Y,Z.


If you are looking for some basic starter info I would suggest checking out http://www.t-nation.com/category.jsp?categ...s=forumsSidebar


There you can get some ideas of what works and what doesn't from people who have actually tried it. If you can let us know your goals, if you have a gym membership, what weights you have access to and other important details we might be able to help you better.

5'9", 140 lbs. 19 years old. Goals is just to get strong, not buff, but in-shape strong. I played some high school baseball but stopped that to concentrate on cross country/track and field more (yeah i know bad, but I was better at running, no fun just sitting on the bench.) So the muscle I built up from baseball training dissapeared during running, especially from very long distance running including two marathons. So basically just want to get some natural strongness, nothing to drastic, I guess toned would be the best way to describe. I have about 1.5 hours to workout, mostly mornings, then I got work in the afternoon/evening.

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 23, 2007 -> 10:33 PM)
I would like to start getting into some lifting here at home on the basic set we have, just to stay a little active.


What's good for a 19 year old who is 5'10" and weighs (as of two days ago) 131.5?



Sadly Heads, it would appear that your genetics is going to prevent you from getting much bigger without the use of steroids..


QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ May 23, 2007 -> 11:03 PM)
5'9", 140 lbs. 19 years old. Goals is just to get strong, not buff, but in-shape strong. I played some high school baseball but stopped that to concentrate on cross country/track and field more (yeah i know bad, but I was better at running, no fun just sitting on the bench.) So the muscle I built up from baseball training dissapeared during running, especially from very long distance running including two marathons. So basically just want to get some natural strongness, nothing to drastic, I guess toned would be the best way to describe. I have about 1.5 hours to workout, mostly mornings, then I got work in the afternoon/evening.


If you want to build for strength, do heavy weight with low reps.. something like 3 sets of 8-6-4.. if you want to get toned and not try to get buff, then you should be doing lighter weight with more reps.. something like 3 sets of 12-10-8 or 10-8-6


Also, if you are naturally small in stature.. your genetics might be holding you back as well


Also, it really doesnt matter if you have 1.5 hours to work out or 5.. as long as you get done what you need to time shouldnt matter.. it only takes me 30-45 minutes a day to get done what I need to get done for that certain day

Edited by Shadows
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QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 23, 2007 -> 10:33 PM)
I would like to start getting into some lifting here at home on the basic set we have, just to stay a little active.


What's good for a 19 year old who is 5'10" and weighs (as of two days ago) 131.5?


Add 4 years, that's me. Nice, Heads.

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QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 23, 2007 -> 10:33 PM)
I would like to start getting into some lifting here at home on the basic set we have, just to stay a little active.


What's good for a 19 year old who is 5'10" and weighs (as of two days ago) 131.5?



131.5? WTF? Damn, Heads, you need to come through my crib. My mom will feed your little ass.

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QUOTE(mreye @ May 24, 2007 -> 07:12 AM)
Form, form, form. The correct posture and form is more important than the weight itself. Get this right first before adding weight.



Also, have some high energy music playing on your Ipod/mp3 player. Sometimes weightlifting can get boring and monotonous and some kickass music can inspire you.

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You think Heads is skinny? I've got 5 inches on him and only about 20 lbs...


I'm going to be starting to work out myself this summer. I know I'm not going to get much bigger. I have a friend who is the exact same body type as me and had to work out non-stop for about 3 years to build up a good amount of muscle. That's not my goal, though. Just looking to get stronger and get my ass in shape.

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Here's my work out:


12 oz. curls (progressively lightening weight, don't want to hurt anything) - 1 Rep


Thumb agility training - sometimes 1 rep, sometimes many reps


12 oz. curls - 2 Reps


Mandibular flexing (preferred tool - Round Cheese Dough w/ toppings) - As many Reps as it takes




12 oz. curls - 3 Reps


Vocal Cord extension - 3 reps


12 oz. curls - 4 Reps


Pass out from exhaustion.

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Yeah so I'm training for the marathon which means I'm running 4 days a week and doing an hour of cardio on Sundays. Obviously I'm not going to be bulking up as well, but anyone know what type of routine I should be doing to add more overall tone?

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Dont listen to them heads, I went to college at 135 pounds and quickly put on 30 lbs of muscle and topped out at 215 at one point. IM now a healthy 185.


QUOTE(Damen @ May 24, 2007 -> 09:47 AM)
Yeah so I'm training for the marathon which means I'm running 4 days a week and doing an hour of cardio on Sundays. Obviously I'm not going to be bulking up as well, but anyone know what type of routine I should be doing to add more overall tone?

Im training for the half marathon. You are probably running too many days a week. I make my long run on sunday and rest mon, wed and sat. On those days I do lots of free weight and core training. Core training is a must to strengthen your back and abs.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 24, 2007 -> 10:17 AM)
Dont listen to them heads, I went to college at 135 pounds and quickly put on 30 lbs of muscle and topped out at 215 at one point. IM now a healthy 185.

Im training for the half marathon. You are probably running too many days a week. I make my long run on sunday and rest mon, wed and sat. On those days I do lots of free weight and core training. Core training is a must to strengthen your back and abs.


I'm going by the Hal Higdon and CARA program. Short runs Tues/Wed/Thurs with Weds progressively becoming a longer run. Saturday is the long run day.

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QUOTE(Damen @ May 24, 2007 -> 10:22 AM)
I'm going by the Hal Higdon and CARA program. Short runs Tues/Wed/Thurs with Weds progressively becoming a longer run. Saturday is the long run day.

Ah ok. Im following the runners world schedule. I found my back was getting sore after the runs so I started using wed as a huge core day.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 24, 2007 -> 10:25 AM)
Ah ok. Im following the runners world schedule. I found my back was getting sore after the runs so I started using wed as a huge core day.

I run six days a week, which is prolly bad, but since I am less than a year removed from hard-core cross country/track training, I just feel weird not running everyday.

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QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ May 24, 2007 -> 11:45 AM)
something that is overlooked is sleep. You can workout and eat all the protein you want, but if you don't get enough sleep your body is not going to properly recover

Exactly. You want to get your 8 hours so that your body has time to recover. I remember reading something about rem sleep and better recovery time.

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