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Shut Up And TAKE It

The Critic

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Another crybaby manager whining about "running up the score" and "have some consideration for the other team" after his Marlins put on a HORRIBLE display of inept baseball.

SHUT UP, Jack! If I were a manager, I would NEVER suggest that guys make outs on purpose! The Red Sox are supposed to stop playing the game because the Marlins can't stop them??? NEVER. If the Marlins were pissed about it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! And I DON"T mean throw it at their heads! I mean make better pitches and catch the f***ing ball!!! And if the Marlins players are unable to do that, then GET BETTER PLAYERS!!!


A guy's not supposed to try and score on a sacrifice fly because it might hurt someone's feelings???? f*** THAT! Stealing bases with a big lead.......maybe, but I'm not even so sure about that.


Rubbing it in...........PLEASE. Is the Miami Herald supposed to NOT report on it because THAT might be "rubbing it in"?? You give up 28 runs in a major league ballgame, you SHOULD be embarrassed and it SHOULD be rubbed in!!


So :fyou Jack McKeon..........sit there, shut up, and TAKE IT!!!

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Never stop scoring.You Never know what can happen. Even if it's the Marlins , they're all still mlb players and are 10 time more talented then any average Joe playing park district baseball or softball. (Except Jiminez the dumb f***) :D


Remember what Seatle did to the Indians in 2001? If i remember right, Seattle scored `5 runs in the 9th to win in their last ab. ouch!

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Never stop scoring.You  Never know what can happen. Even if it's the Marlins , they're all still mlb players and are 10 time more talented then any average Joe playing park district baseball or softball. (Except Jiminez the dumb f***)  :D


Remember what Seatle did to the Indians in 2001? If i remember right, Seattle scored `5 runs in the 9th to win in their last ab. ouch!

That wasn't the half of it, them came back from 13 or 14 runs down in like 9 outs right?

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Never stop scoring.You  Never know what can happen. Even if it's the Marlins , they're all still mlb players and are 10 time more talented then any average Joe playing park district baseball or softball. (Except Jiminez the dumb f***)  :D


Remember what Seatle did to the Indians in 2001? If i remember right, Seattle scored `5 runs in the 9th to win in their last ab. ouch!

That wasn't the half of it, them came back from 13 or 14 runs down in like 9 outs right?

mis print. i meant to type 15. lol

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I know it was almost two years ago, but it was the biggest comeback in 76 years and your memories shouldn't be that vague. It was the Indians, not the Mariners, who fought back, after the Seattle built a 12-0 lead and Cleveland ended up winning 15-14 in 11 innings. Not that it did them much good in the post-season ahainst Seattle that year...

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I think McKeons comments are based on Todd Walker hitting the ball back at that Owen kids head! I think he got frustrated after that and emotions went wild.

maybe, but he specifically b****ed about a sacrifice fly and someone taking third on some play. He's just a doddering old fool who needs to relax. Maybe some fishing and Country Time lemonade on the porch!

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Trader jack was immitating those crybaby football coaches who complain when another coach runs up the score. It sounds inane in either sport. Just shut up and show tomarrow. There is nothing wrong with a hitter trying to pad his own stats even if his team is ahead by 15 runs.

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A side note to this whole thing, did anyone notice that the Marlins scored 20 runs last night including 9 over the last 3 innings.  What do you want to bet he wasn't stopping his guys from running up the score?



I was thinking that as I was watching the highlights. I was going to check the box score to see what substitutions he made.

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A side note to this whole thing, did anyone notice that the Marlins scored 20 runs last night including 9 over the last 3 innings.  What do you want to bet he wasn't stopping his guys from running up the score?



When I saw 20-1 on the ESPN sports ticker last night, this thread came to mind :lol:


:fyou McKeon. You HYPOCRITE!!!!!

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I disagree completely. Trying to score on a shallow fly ball with a 16 run lead in the bottom of the 7th inning is not kosher. The Red Sox are lucky the Marlins didn't plant one in someone's ear.


There are unspoken ways to play the game right and that does not fit within those. It just shows that many guys in this generation don't understand everything about the game. Some things, you just don't do.


The guy was thrown out by 5 feet for christ's sake. With a 16-run lead?


I'd have plunked the next son of a b**** that came to the plate and smiled while doing it.

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