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QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Oct 25, 2009 -> 03:14 PM)
I rewatched the fight and IMO the decision was a good one.


Round 1: 10-9 Machida, and I can't see giving this to Shogun

Round 2: 10-9 Machida, but I could definitely see going 10-10 here. But I can't give this to Shogun.

Round 3: 10-9 Machida, can't give this to Shogun

Round 4: 10-9 Shogun, can't give this to Machida

Round 5: 10-9 Shogun, can't give this to Machida


I'd go 48-47 Machida exactly as the judges have it, and I could see going with a 48-48 draw. Shogun did not win that fight and people who did are probably being influenced by 1) Rogan and Goldberg's commentary, and 2) Shogun stalking Machida throughout the fight.





Shogun won that fight and Rogan had nothing to do with it. Shogun clearly won the last 2 rounds. Shogun also outstruck Machida in rounds 1 (19-11) and round 3 (19-15). It's not like Machida had rocked Shogun to the point that he could make up being outstruck.


In round 2 Shogun outstruck Machida 21-7 but you cant give that to him? I know you turned off the volume so Rogan couldnt influence your thoughts but did you close your eyes too?


Machida got exposed big time last night. His bandwagon was insane the last few months but all his UFC opponents before last night were perfect matchups for him. Machida will get his ass kicked and hopefully be put to sleep next time out.

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QUOTE (zenryan @ Oct 25, 2009 -> 02:59 PM)
Shogun won that fight and Rogan had nothing to do with it. Shogun clearly won the last 2 rounds. Shogun also outstruck Machida in rounds 1 (19-11) and round 3 (19-15). It's not like Machida had rocked Shogun to the point that he could make up being outstruck.


In round 2 Shogun outstruck Machida 21-7 but you cant give that to him? I know you turned off the volume so Rogan couldnt influence your thoughts but did you close your eyes too?


Machida got exposed big time last night. His bandwagon was insane the last few months but all his UFC opponents before last night were perfect matchups for him. Machida will get his ass kicked and hopefully be put to sleep next time out.

Agree that Shogun definitely took the 4th and 5th rounds.


The rules say "effective striking" and I watched the fight and thought Machida did most of the effective striking. Effective striking does not mean land a bunch of grazing shots, which Shogun did in the first half of the fight. The majority of damage Shogun did came in the second half.


The second round I gave to Machida, but I could easily go 10-10 on that one to make the fight a draw, and here's why. Shogun landed some pretty heavy knees to the right thigh of Machida near the end of the round as they were clinched against the fence. Most of them were blocked or didn't land, but a couple got right through to the bone. Later on in the fight you can see Machida pulling up on his shorts and touching the spot where he was kneed. IMO those knees in Round 2 were the most signficant blows for Shogun in the entire fight because they helped set up those leg and body kicks later on. Machida stopped moving as well following those shots.


I disagree 100% about Machida getting exposed. IMO all that happened is that Shogun exposed himself as a much, much better fighter than most people including myself were giving him credit for. This was a new, smarter Shogun who was in great shape. I was a big Shogun critic as he came to the UFC mainly because of the soccer kicks being taken away and the fact that, at his old style, the ring-to-cage transition couldn't have been a positive one for him at all. But not only has Shogun adjusted, he has evolved. I've been talking up Machida for a long time, and IMO I wasn't wrong about Machida, I was only wrong about Shogun. The old Shogun would still have been picked apart.


It's like if you watched the Forrest Griffin-Keith Jardine fight, or the Forrest Griffin-Stephan Bonnar fights as examples, you'd never think he'd have a prayer at going 5 rounds with Rampage because he was just a gutsy brawler. But then if you saw the Hector Ramirez fight then suddenly you could see him having a much better chance, because in that fight Forrest did a complete 180 and fought a fight that wasn't anything like what Forrest had done in the past. Shogun did that same basic thing last night. If someone just watched Shogun fight for the first time last night then that person would be shocked to see the Shogun from Pride, or even the Shogun vs. Chuck, Forrest, and Coleman in the UFC.


I completely disagree with Machida's style being exposed or having a gameplan exposed, or anything like that. The gameplan was always there. Don't attack Machida aggressively because you'll get knocked out. Machida is always out there on his lead leg with his head back, so sit back and look to punish him with kicks as he comes in. If you have a great shot, then look to take him down or at least make him work, punish him in close, and ideally you'd like to get him down, rough him up a bit from his guard or if possible try to throw a few knees to the body if you can pass into side control. If you're able to keep Machida down and pepper him, do that to steal rounds. If you can, throw elbows from his guard to open up a cut on Machida if possible. You can't slow down Machida's ability to react mentally, but you can put blood in his eyes and mess up his vision, and you can put a hurt on his lead leg, and you can hurt him enough in the body and make him work hard enough to shorten his breath and affect his physical mobility. But the whole gameplan for beating Machida is basically that. Slow him down on the feet enough to tag him in the later rounds or get the takedown easier, since his TD defense is very strong.


The problem is, very few fighters are capable of implementing that kind of gameplan, either because they aren't skilled enough, or because they aren't athletic enough, or because they're too stubborn, or too comfortable in their fighting styles to alter them, or all of that. Shogun had to come into the fight in great shape, plus completely alter his approach to the fight, stay patient, and also stay calm under pressure without letting the fight turn into a brawl where Machida's accuracy is killer. Shogun did everything perfectly, and as I see it, just because Shogun could do it doesn't mean others can.


I believe Machida won that fight and therefore he is still the #1 LHW in the world. Shogun is #1A. I'm excited for a rematch mainly because I want to see what Machida does now that he knows Shogun can play his game. I also want to know whether Shogun is going to look to do the same things in the rematch, or maybe if he'll try to grapple more early on.

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I too watched the fight again, without sound since that's what people like to do...


I scored it exactly the same as last night. Effective Striking, Grappling, Octagon Control & Aggression are how these fights should be judged.


Round 1: Rua- Close, but due to Striking & Aggression he had it.

Round 2: Rua- Grappling, Striking & Octagon Control

Round 3: Machida

Round 4: Rua - See Round 1

Round 5: Rua - See Round 1


Lyoto was eating kicks for 5 rounds, he had some offense as well but we saw who was more hindered by it in round 5. So by grazing shots, I'm not sure what fight you watched sir.



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QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Oct 26, 2009 -> 03:26 PM)


Reports have Lesnar out of 106 with illness, Dana doesn't think it's H1N1, wouldn't be shocked if they try to get him on the New Years card or the Super Saturday card.

Well, that sucks. Question, do you keep Carwin on the card or do you pull him until Lesnar gets better?

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QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Oct 28, 2009 -> 07:03 AM)
Koscheck vs. Anthony Johnson added to 106

I have a feeling Kos is gonna eat his lunch at 106. And that's just fine w/ me.


Also, according to Meltzer. Dana is looking to put on Machida/Shogun II at 108 & Shogun has already agreed.

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QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Oct 28, 2009 -> 10:50 AM)
I have a feeling Kos is gonna eat his lunch at 106. And that's just fine w/ me.


Also, according to Meltzer. Dana is looking to put on Machida/Shogun II at 108 & Shogun has already agreed.

I heard he wants to do it ASAP and the fighters basically agreed, just Machida has some injuries and will likely receive medical suspensions and has to let some things heal, but 108 sounds fairly reasonable.

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QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Nov 5, 2009 -> 10:17 AM)
Brock has mono, no training for a month, so the January date is off. After a run of great health luck, the UFC is getting smacked with it now.

But it's rumored that we get Big Nog/Velasquez. That would excite me plenty.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Nov 5, 2009 -> 02:08 PM)
did anyone catch Marcus Jones almost rip Mike Wessells arm off last night on TUF? That was UGLY

for a guy that size and getting into at that age, his ground work was impressive, he needs to improve his "black mummy" stand-up some though.

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QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Nov 5, 2009 -> 11:10 AM)
But it's rumored that we get Big Nog/Velasquez. That would excite me plenty.

Panic move by the UFC IMO. This would be the first matchup for Cain that will give him major trouble, and if he loses, the card they're planning in Mexico is going to take a serious hit. I don't see the logic in this from a business standpoint. Pat Barry just had an impressive win over Hardonk on SpikeTV, so they should have went Cain-Barry or something and then set Nog up with somebody else.

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QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Nov 5, 2009 -> 02:11 PM)
for a guy that size and getting into at that age, his ground work was impressive, he needs to improve his "black mummy" stand-up some though.


he went from in trouble to that arm bar in like .001 seconds. I mean, his hips swiveled just a bit and Wissell was done.


and if Wissell didnt severely dislocate that shoulder I am amazed. his whole shoulder blade looked like it was pulled down

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Nov 5, 2009 -> 06:14 PM)
he went from in trouble to that arm bar in like .001 seconds. I mean, his hips swiveled just a bit and Wissell was done.


and if Wissell didnt severely dislocate that shoulder I am amazed. his whole shoulder blade looked like it was pulled down

Well Marcus did say he was going to take Mike's arm home with home and he almost succeeded.

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QUOTE (tommy @ Nov 7, 2009 -> 02:53 PM)
Strikeforce tonight guys, in Hoffman Estates and live on CBS.



Pretty solid card from what I watched.











Gegard Mousasi is awesome. I love his fights. He looked good tonight.


Shields was his usual boring self. After he realized he couldn't sub Miller he just did some LNP action for the rest of the fight. I think Miller is pretty fun and was hoping for him to catch Shields at some point.


Fedor/Rogers was a good fight. Rogers looked like a threat during the first round. However, he had the same fate as the rest of Fedor's opponents. Man, that KO shot was so fast and brutal. Just like that, bam, it was over. The guy is simply amazing. He looks beatable and then does something crazy to win it.

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QUOTE (SoxFanForever @ Nov 7, 2009 -> 11:30 PM)
Pretty solid card from what I watched.











Gegard Mousasi is awesome. I love his fights. He looked good tonight.


Shields was his usual boring self. After he realized he couldn't sub Miller he just did some LNP action for the rest of the fight. I think Miller is pretty fun and was hoping for him to catch Shields at some point.


Fedor/Rogers was a good fight. Rogers looked like a threat during the first round. However, he had the same fate as the rest of Fedor's opponents. Man, that KO shot was so fast and brutal. Just like that, bam, it was over. The guy is simply amazing. He looks beatable and then does something crazy to win it.


Like when he had him choked out, and Shields was saved by the bell?

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Good fights tonight.



Rogers gave him a fight but Fedor is just on another level. Once Fedor escaped from the bottom the fight was over. Rogers can talk all he wants but other than breaking Fedor's nose 30 seconds in, he really didnt do much. Even when on top Rogers got some shots in but nothing that was close to fight ending. Roger's does have a hard head because he took some shots and I was shocked that he wasnt sleeping after the final punch. That was as crisp of a punch someone can land.

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The Sears Center was absolutely electric tonite when Fedor came out, it was awesome. There were alternating "USA" and "FEDOR" Chants for the entire fight, and when Fedor landed that haymaker, the entire crowd came off the ground. It was great, I had a really good time tonite. Mousasi was impressive, Shields was boring and lost the fight in the chokeout, Mayhem had an absolutely hysterical intro dancing with his girls, and Fedor was just amazing.



That unorthodox punch Fedor throws, it is just something else. His entire momentum just compounded into his fist

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