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This is why we have an illegal immigration problem.


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Immigration officials in Portland, Oregon arrested about 165 people Tuesday — most of them illegal workers — along with managers who knowingly hired them and supplied them with false documents.


And Portland Mayor Tom Potter is unhappy — not about the crimes — but about the arrests.


His statement: "I am angered by this morning's arrest by federal officers of approximately 150 Portland residents who were working at a local produce company... To go after local workers who are here to support their families while filling the demands of local businesses for their labor is bad policy... My heart goes out to families dealing with the aftermath of this morning."


You're always going to have a problem with illegal immigration when you have these politicians and do goody priests making statements like this and embracing these criminals.


Guess what Mr. Mayor, if enforcing the law makes you mad then you really don't need to be in charge of anything, let alone a mid-sized city.

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Jun 13, 2007 -> 09:11 PM)
Nuke, do you think the message on the Statue of Liberty should be sand blasted away?

There you go, assuming that Nuke is anti-immigrant, when he is anti ILLEGAL immigrant. Do you think the laws governing LEGAL entry into this country should be erased and ignored/

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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 13, 2007 -> 10:07 PM)
There you go, assuming that Nuke is anti-immigrant, when he is anti ILLEGAL immigrant. Do you think the laws governing LEGAL entry into this country should be erased and ignored/


^^^^^ Fix our immigration laws. Don't coddle illegal immigrants.

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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 13, 2007 -> 10:07 PM)
There you go, assuming that Nuke is anti-immigrant, when he is anti ILLEGAL immigrant. Do you think the laws governing LEGAL entry into this country should be erased and ignored/



Obviously he thinks they should be as he draws no distinction between legal and illegal immigration. I've said many times that I have no problem with people who emigrate here LEGALLY. However, all these criminals, who break the law the moment they stop on U.S. soil, should be rounded up and shipped out of here.

Edited by NUKE
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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 13, 2007 -> 10:07 PM)
There you go, assuming that Nuke is anti-immigrant, when he is anti ILLEGAL immigrant. Do you think the laws governing LEGAL entry into this country should be erased and ignored/


Well of course Nuke hates forgeiners, that's why he signed up for the army and is in Iraq fighting for them...

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 07:02 AM)
Well of course Nuke hates forgeiners, that's why he signed up for the army and is in Iraq fighting for them...


Best...post...ever!! :notworthy :notworthy


God bless you, Nuke!! :cheers

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illegal immigrants do all the dirty jobs that most citizens want to have no part of doing. They work harder than anyone who posts on this message board and get paid a helluva lot less all for the hope that life can be better for their family and a better future for their kids..... so yes I think arresting all of them is utter bulls***.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 12:54 PM)
illegal immigrants do all the dirty jobs that most citizens want to have no part of doing. They work harder than anyone who posts on this message board and get paid a helluva lot less all for the hope that life can be better for their family and a better future for their kids..... so yes I think arresting all of them is utter bulls***.

And I think allowing them to cut in front of the line to get a path to citizenship is utter bulls***, as well. Reward people for breaking the law! YES! That makes sense.


If you're a LEGAL immigrant, I welcome you with open arms, and thanks for doing it the right way. I know many, many legals, and they are uber-pissed off about this, because it cheapens the struggle they had to get here.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 07:54 AM)
illegal immigrants do all the dirty jobs that most citizens want to have no part of doing. They work harder than anyone who posts on this message board and get paid a helluva lot less all for the hope that life can be better for their family and a better future for their kids..... so yes I think arresting all of them is utter bulls***.


So all it takes is a nobel cause to excuse everything? Cool. George W Bush is trying to instill democracy in Iraq, there now everyone should love the Iraq War. Even if he lied and broke a few laws along the way, who cares, he is trying to make a better future for their kids. Now Bush's ratings should go through the roof, right?

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 08:20 AM)
So all it takes is a nobel cause to excuse everything? Cool. George W Bush is trying to instill democracy in Iraq, there now everyone should love the Iraq War. Even if he lied and broke a few laws along the way, who cares, he is trying to make a better future for their kids. Now Bush's ratings should go through the roof, right?


War and illegal immigration arent comparable at all :chair

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 08:26 AM)
War and illegal immigration arent comparable at all :chair


Why not? If all it takes is a nobel cause, and trying to improve people's lives to excuse illegal activity... that works for me. I think I might go and improve my family's life by robbing a bank... Do you think Congress will make a law to cover my butt too?

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 08:34 AM)
Why not? If all it takes is a nobel cause, and trying to improve people's lives to excuse illegal activity... that works for me. I think I might go and improve my family's life by robbing a bank... Do you think Congress will make a law to cover my butt too?


Again not comparable offenses, and the first one doesnt work because one results in the death of many people and the destruction of towns. Plus how is robbing a bank beneficial to america at all? Illegal immigrants do jobs most citizens dont want to do, they are beneficial to the country.


So you tell me how robbing a bank and killing people is comparable to someone wanting a good life for their family and working harder than you ever will to achieve that goal. And working in a way that doesnt harm others or put them in dangers way.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 07:54 AM)
illegal immigrants do all the dirty jobs that most citizens want to have no part of doing. They work harder than anyone who posts on this message board and get paid a helluva lot less all for the hope that life can be better for their family and a better future for their kids..... so yes I think arresting all of them is utter bulls***.



Stop you're bringing me to tears.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 08:48 AM)
Again not comparable offenses, and the first one doesnt work because one results in the death of many people and the destruction of towns. Plus how is robbing a bank beneficial to america at all? Illegal immigrants do jobs most citizens dont want to do, they are beneficial to the country.


So you tell me how robbing a bank and killing people is comparable to someone wanting a good life for their family and working harder than you ever will to achieve that goal. And working in a way that doesnt harm others or put them in dangers way.


Freedom for Iraqis isn't a way of making their life better than dictatorship and genocide? You don't think they don't want to be able to live life without a secret police knocking on their door and taking away someone in the middle of the night out of their house?


And think how much greater robbing a bank would make my life? I would never have to work, and I could spend all kinds of time helping my kids out. Don't you care about my kids? Plus if the bank would make it easier and just give me the money, I wouldn't have to endanger my life to do it. That has got to be a winning situation right?


I am sad you have fallen for the fallacy about illegals doing work that most American's don't want. They don't want the jobs because they cannot survive on those jobs wage levels. Corporate America is all too willing to reinforce that fallacy, when in reality they are leaving out the most vital line, which would make it a truth. American's don't want to work those jobs, at below living wages. What people don't seem to realize is there is a cost to illegal immigration. Most immediately it keeps down wages for blue collar American's. After that it does cost money to suppor these people. The study I sighted last week estimates it costs $20,000 a year in a net tax money out flow for each illegal, on average, that is in this country. Are you telling me if you added $20,000 a year to some of these jobs, that no one would still be willing to work them? Somehow I doubt it. And if we really need labor, there are plenty of people all over the world who would be willing to come here and do it, and they would be willing to do it legally. We also wouldn't have to depend on the racist system that gives preferences to the places in the world which are closest to us. There are plenty of people in the world who need help more than lots of the illegals who are here. Why is it that a Mexican who can climb a border fence is a better candidate to live here, than a Rwanada lost boy? Is the fact that one lives closer than the other, more important than the fact that boy might be killed simply for being what race he is? Why shouldn't someone like that have his life made better first? Because it costs too much? Hell Social Security costs too much, but I don't see anyone saying to get rid of it.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 09:02 AM)
Freedom for Iraqis isn't a way of making their life better than dictatorship and genocide? You don't think they don't want to be able to live life without a secret police knocking on their door and taking away someone in the middle of the night out of their house?


And think how much greater robbing a bank would make my life? I would never have to work, and I could spend all kinds of time helping my kids out. Don't you care about my kids? Plus if the bank would make it easier and just give me the money, I wouldn't have to endanger my life to do it. That has got to be a winning situation right?


I am sad you have fallen for the fallacy about illegals doing work that most American's don't want. They don't want the jobs because they cannot survive on those jobs wage levels. Corporate America is all too willing to reinforce that fallacy, when in reality they are leaving out the most vital line, which would make it a truth. American's don't want to work those jobs, at below living wages. What people don't seem to realize is there is a cost to illegal immigration. Most immediately it keeps down wages for blue collar American's. After that it does cost money to suppor these people. The study I sighted last week estimates it costs $20,000 a year in a net tax money out flow for each illegal, on average, that is in this country. Are you telling me if you added $20,000 a year to some of these jobs, that no one would still be willing to work them? Somehow I doubt it. And if we really need labor, there are plenty of people all over the world who would be willing to come here and do it, and they would be willing to do it legally. We also wouldn't have to depend on the racist system that gives preferences to the places in the world which are closest to us. There are plenty of people in the world who need help more than lots of the illegals who are here. Why is it that a Mexican who can climb a border fence is a better candidate to live here, than a Rwanada lost boy? Is the fact that one lives closer than the other, more important than the fact that boy might be killed simply for being what race he is? Why shouldn't someone like that have his life made better first? Because it costs too much? Hell Social Security costs too much, but I don't see anyone saying to get rid of it.

People get on WalMart so much because they claim by paying thier workers lower wages they shift the burden of care onto the government. Sounds alot like employees who hire illegals at low wages.


QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 07:54 AM)
illegal immigrants do all the dirty jobs that most citizens want to have no part of doing. They work harder than anyone who posts on this message board and get paid a helluva lot less all for the hope that life can be better for their family and a better future for their kids..... so yes I think arresting all of them is utter bulls***.

Right now there are 7 hispanics doing the maintenance in the stripmall lot where my store is located. One is riding on a lawnmower, 2 are walking along with leafblowers on thier backs, and the other 4 are follwing behind. 2 are holding garbage cans, 2 are bending down picking up bits of trash and stuff to put in the cans. They have been out there for at least 30 minutes so far, and this is a small strip mall. Moving very slow (except for the guy riding the mower). Yup, they are working hard, just bustin' ass cleaning the parking lot.

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Whatever, so because you have 1 example of people being lazy that you also have no evidence that their illegal immigrants only that their hispanic thats what you base your judgement off of. Some of you need to get a clue and open your eyes. Not everyone has been here for 3 generations, is white, or has the financial backing to immigrate. And since im fairly confident all of you posting right now have no clue what thats like, its useless arguing a point.


Especially when someone compares war to being an illegal immigrant or robbing a bank which is just utter stupidity. War causes death, destruction of homes, an invasion of another country by force.... a bank robbery is putting your own life and everyone in that banks life at risk, even if you dont plan on using your gun. And if you dont have a gun than your not robbing a bank. Illegal immigrants are filling jobs that nobody else wants to do, being in hazardous working conditions and making below mininum wage. To compare that with war saying they are equal is just utter nonsense.


Im done debating this topic.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 02:58 PM)
Whatever, so because you have 1 example of people being lazy that you also have no evidence that their illegal immigrants only that their hispanic thats what you base your judgement off of. Some of you need to get a clue and open your eyes. Not everyone has been here for 3 generations, is white, or has the financial backing to immigrate. And since im fairly confident all of you posting right now have no clue what thats like, its useless arguing a point.


Especially when someone compares war to being an illegal immigrant or robbing a bank which is just utter stupidity. War causes death, destruction of homes, an invasion of another country by force.... a bank robbery is putting your own life and everyone in that banks life at risk, even if you dont plan on using your gun. And if you dont have a gun than your not robbing a bank. Illegal immigrants are filling jobs that nobody else wants to do, being in hazardous working conditions and making below mininum wage. To compare that with war saying they are equal is just utter nonsense.


Im done debating this topic.





Yea, 'cause I stereotype soooo much! Thanks for stereotyping off of a comment on a message board. I bet you don't even see the paralell in that one, do you?


I've cleaned up my share of nasty toilets and the like to get myself through college, thank you. I've done some pretty thankless jobs, all for minimum wage no less. But now, I wouldn't have to if this were 20 years ago because the ILLEGALS would do it for me! WEEEEEEEEE!



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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 09:58 AM)
Whatever, so because you have 1 example of people being lazy that you also have no evidence that their illegal immigrants only that their hispanic thats what you base your judgement off of. Some of you need to get a clue and open your eyes. Not everyone has been here for 3 generations, is white, or has the financial backing to immigrate. And since im fairly confident all of you posting right now have no clue what thats like, its useless arguing a point.


Especially when someone compares war to being an illegal immigrant or robbing a bank which is just utter stupidity. War causes death, destruction of homes, an invasion of another country by force.... a bank robbery is putting your own life and everyone in that banks life at risk, even if you dont plan on using your gun. And if you dont have a gun than your not robbing a bank. Illegal immigrants are filling jobs that nobody else wants to do, being in hazardous working conditions and making below mininum wage. To compare that with war saying they are equal is just utter nonsense.


Im done debating this topic.


Oh, that's right, I forgot American's are too good to work menial labor, that's why we let the illegals in.


In all seriousness, you might want to do some research before advancing stereotypes like you have been, espeically if you are going to attack someone else for it. You also have no idea of anyone's backrounds on here. You also have no idea what the statistical truth is in these cases.

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I realize i made a steriotype in that last response but I figured if all of you were going to make one than whats the harm in making one back. And after being here for a few years now and reading enough about posters you get the general idea of their type of background. And I didnt say americans didnt work deadend menial labor jobs, just the majority of those type of jobs are filled with illegal immigrants and if your a US citizen your atleast getting minimal wage and probably more with the increase of danger in the job. Also a janitor as much as it isnt a pleasant job persay it sure as hell beats working in a factory under hazardous conditions.


Why dont you guys venture out and take a look at some of the working conditions these illegal immigrants are working in and maybe that will change your opinion. Obviously there are some bad apples who are lazy etc. but where in the world is there not.




I will say this however, although some may find it hypocritical, I dont agree that a person born from two illegal immigrants in america should be a citizen while a person born from two american citizens outside of the USA is not. It just seems like the government is encouraging illegal immigration with how that works out. Ideally we would force factories to cleanup their act and make it safe to work in and not have a need for illegal immigrants to work those jobs because they would be more attractive to the regular person. So, im against the factories that employ the illegal immigrants but not against the illegals.

Edited by SoxFan101
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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 11:09 AM)
Also a janitor as much as it isnt a pleasant job persay it sure as hell beats working in a factory under hazardous conditions.

Have you ever heard of OSHA? They are a b**** to deal with. Just what type of hazerdous factory conditions do you think are still out there? Slaughter houses are about the worst you will get, and it isn't so much that the job is dangerous, it is dangerous if you are careless or tired. And before you can chime back, I DID work in one for about 6 months. As for the jobs no one wants, I TRIED to get some of them when I was younger. i weeded bean fields for 4 summers, that sucks. I tried to get a job at a landscaper 2 summers in a row. The guy hired all hispanic from the people who showed up. No idea if they were illegal or not, but my legal hispanic buddy who I went and applied with got the job.

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I have no clue what OSHA is so dont know what to respond with to that but what my general point is. I do not blame an individual who is willing to work 60 plus hours a week if not 80 plus in a crappy job getting paid like crap so that his kids and their kids have the chance to realize the american dream.



Now the illegal immigrants that are lazy or thugs, I have no problems with them being arrested and shipped the hell out of here. But until the government changes its laws, like making factory jobs/slaughter houses more appealing to US citizens and not having it so two illegal immigrants can have a child and have him/her be a US citizen.... I have a problem with going to a factory and arresting 180 people or whatever the number was.




As a sidenote, obviously im not referring to allll factory jobs just a portion of them.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 15, 2007 -> 11:52 AM)
I have no clue what OSHA is so dont know what to respond with to that but what my general point is. I do not blame an individual who is willing to work 60 plus hours a week if not 80 plus in a crappy job getting paid like crap so that his kids and their kids have the chance to realize the american dream.

Now the illegal immigrants that are lazy or thugs, I have no problems with them being arrested and shipped the hell out of here. But until the government changes its laws, like making factory jobs/slaughter houses more appealing to US citizens and not having it so two illegal immigrants can have a child and have him/her be a US citizen.... I have a problem with going to a factory and arresting 180 people or whatever the number was.

As a sidenote, obviously im not referring to allll factory jobs just a portion of them.

Here the Feds raided a bunch of Swift meat packing plants for hiring illegals.


A bunch of people lined up to take those jobs that nobody wants, and lo and behold, some Americans were in line!



And FYI, OSHA is the agency in charge of workplace safety. They are a b**** to deal with, are like little nazis when they smell blood and can be called by anyone for just about anything. I had a 6 month ordeal with them because they didn't like the containers my pressman was using to store some of his press chemicals.

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