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Willie Harris


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The Sox would be silly to pick up a CF who is not a big pickup. No bigtime CF's are really available though. I am content with Aaron Rowand and Willie Harris sharing time in CF. Rowand has actually startd hitting, who knew. 2 HR in last 2 games.

Steve I agree with you. Aaron Rowand can play at the major league level. We need a lead-off guy, and I hope Kenny realizes that he's in Florida.



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As for Renteria, he's always been a solid player. I'm not quite sure what you mean by playing over his head, the Marlins organization always believed that he'd put up the current numbers that he's putting up this year



When they 28yo goes from being a 700 OPS player to 900 OPS player, in a pitcher's park at that, it's only natural to express one's healthy doubts.


Can this be his break ot year? Of course, but I'll go with a career year.


There is no reason to doubt Eric Byrnes. After seeing him play in the minors a couple years back I knew he was going to be a good player.


Byrnes works and hustles his ass off every play. He's the type of guy I want on my team.


There are a lot of guys who hustle...

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When they 28yo goes from being a 700 OPS player to 900 OPS player, in a pitcher's park at that, it's only natural to express one's healthy doubts.


Can this be his break ot year? Of course, but I'll with a career year.

You're correct, it's been a career year. Yet I'm just saying from the people I've talked to they always knew that Renteria would eventually have a season or two like this in his career.


I'm not that surprised, even with his extraordinary OPS.



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The problem I see with bringing Castillo over, and oh boy I would love to see him here, is who would we give the Marlins? I imagine that either Willie Harris or D'Angelo Jimenez would be part of the deal. Everyone is so down on DJ right now, but I have been much more impressed with DJ than Willie since they came up last year.

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When they 28yo goes from being a 700 OPS player to 900 OPS player, in a pitcher's park at that, it's only natural to express one's healthy doubts.


Can this be his break ot year? Of course, but I'll with a career year.

Nah its a career year. Renteria is a 2nd tier SS, id take him in a heartbeat. Just dont expect these numbers to continue.

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Yet I'm just saying from the people I've talked to they always knew that Renteria would eventually have a season or two like this in his career



IMO there is no such a thing as "always knew" in baseball. Everyone knows Jimenez has All-Star instincts/talent/eye and someimes shows flashes of brilliance in spite of himself....but I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he became a bum. Such is the nature of things.



Look at Lowell, Mora, Mueller, Byrnes, etc...they are NOT nearly as good as they've shown this year, but if you were to go by their play prior to this season, you would have seen good players, but no all-stars,

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IMO there is no such a thing as "always knew" in baseball. Everyone knows Jimenez has All-Star instincts/talent/eye and someimes shows flashes of brilliance in spite of himself....but I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he became a bum.  Such is the nature of things.



Look at Lowell, Mora, Mueller, Byrnes, etc...they are NOT nearly as good as they've shown this year, but if you were to go by their play prior to this season, you would have seen good players, but no all-stars,

Allow me to clarify what I meant by "always knew." The Marlins organization believed that if Renteria developed in the big leagues, then they were positive he could put up these numbers.


Edgar Renteria is the most underrated shortstop in the entire game, at least in my opinion he is.



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No, Tejada is most underrated SS in the game. Yeah, I know he has an MVP, but he'll make the AS game because the AL will only take 2 second basemen.

LOL. He wont be underrated after this season, he'll be makin the big bucks.



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What are the odds of the Sox getting him as a FA after this year. Yanks and Red Sox are set. So are heavy spending Rangers. Sox should show some interest.

I saw an article earlier on the places he might go, Sox were 10th on that list for some reason. Cubs were second.....



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Which teams who can afford hime can get him? Sox, Cubs, Orioles, Giants (Aurillia is a FA after season), and who else. Dodgers don't want anymore payroll, most teams can't afford him. I'd like to see the article.

I saw it on the SportingNews website.....not exactly sure who wrote it..



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I'm not saying I want Singleton back nor am I commenting on Phil Rogers' intellect.  Just saying what was in the paper this morning.  Rogers offered no opinion on the value of bringing back Singleton, just that his sources indicated it was possible.


He also said Rick Hahn was going down to Charlotte to look at Aaron Miles first hand.

The sox need to give Miles a try and trade for a CF. OR give Rowand a real shot, and trade for alomar. Jimenez, Harris and singleton are not answers. I REALLY doubt the sox are considering Singleton. They make stupid moves, but they arent THAT stupid.

Why can't we get Ichiro or Matsui ** or Cameron? They each make about 7 Mill and are much better than 36yo Alomar since I still think Jimenez's bat will come around, his eye and swing are simply to good to sump like this as long as he stops overswinging. He is cheap too.


(**- When Soriano, Jeter, Giambi, Posada and Bernie get on a hot streak--and they will--he will get on an RBI streak and will probably finish with 130-140, he is a money player. The knack on him eaerly on was he couldn't hit two-seamers his first time aorund since they barely throw them in Japan, but he has become noticeably better at it and will only improve...)

Cameron would bring some more pop and better defense, but if you look at his average (taking out his usual .800 avg vs. the Sox), he's not that good of a hitter. He's having a pretty decent year so far (.271, 11, 47), but he's on pace to strike out WELL over a hundred times (which is something he has done every full season he's been in the majors, which is 6), and he's a career .251 hitter. I do like his speed (31 steals last year and 34 in 2001), and like I said, his speed defensively would be a help to the limited range our LF and RF'ers have.


I don't know how willing Seattle would be to part with him. Who do they have to replace him in CF? I would rather see the Sox give Rowand the job FULL TIME and see what the kid can do. He's never really had the job for himself -- he's always had to fight for it, which is good, but I think if the club showed some confidence in him and let him have the job for a while, he could loosen up and it would really help his game. I'd rather use the player(s) it would take to get Cameron and trade them to some other team for maybe a reliever or a package deal for a quality player like Pierre or Castillo. Cameron is not the answer IMO.


A guy like Dave Roberts would be awesome at the top of the Sox lineup, but there's no way the Dodgers would part with him.

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I really don't have an oppionion on Harris.   But he was a top prospect 2 to 3 years ago with the O's, and acording to Hawk and DJ, Walker(Hitting coach) has said that Harris will be a very good hitter in the league.



So maybe we should give him some more time.

Dude hawk says everyone the sox bring up is the next coming..........TOTALLY ignore what he says.

I have to disagree with you there. Hawk always tries to find SOMETHING good to say about every young player we have, but that's what he's paid to do dude. What's he going to say? "This kid shouldn't be in the majors, what is this team doing?"? He'd be fired if he did that.


You can tell when a player has a legit chance and when Hawk is just trying to fill air-time if you listen to enough games.

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I really don't have an oppionion on Harris.   But he was a top prospect 2 to 3 years ago with the O's, and acording to Hawk and DJ, Walker(Hitting coach) has said that Harris will be a very good hitter in the league.



So maybe we should give him some more time.

Dude hawk says everyone the sox bring up is the next coming..........TOTALLY ignore what he says.

I have to disagree with you there. Hawk always tries to find SOMETHING good to say about every young player we have, but that's what he's paid to do dude. What's he going to say? "This kid shouldn't be in the majors, what is this team doing?"? He'd be fired if he did that.


You can tell when a player has a legit chance and when Hawk is just trying to fill air-time if you listen to enough games.

Listen to Rooney and Farmer. If you don't hear them saying good things about a player, you know they don't think he will be any good.

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How? He's never seen these pitchers before, he barely saw any fastball wiht sinking action on it, he's been struggling since the beginning of the year....AND YET HE IS STILL ON PACE FOR A WHOPPING 130 RBI'S OUT OF THE 5-6TH SPOT OM THE LINE-UP...and tha with Bernie Williams on DL, with Soriano/Jeter/Posada/Ventura mired in month-long slumps and with Giambi not having what you might call a great year just yet...Do you know how good he will be once Yankees are clicking, with significantly more base-runners and better line-up protection (read: more mistakes to crush)....I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't finish with 130-140 RBIs.....consdiering it's his first year, is it not "money" in your book?


As soon as he familiarizes himself with the league and with a two-seam fastball (he's been maing progress lately), he will have NO WEAKNESS in his swing, literally.  Is he going to put up Bonds-ian #s? Of crouse no, but OPS of 900-950+ and a TON of RBIs is not out of the question--from your CF'er at that!


I say at 6-7 Mill (less than R. Alomar), he is absolutely worth the "gamble"....think of the Asian fan base this team will have....



(Too bad Yankees would never give Godzilla up.  And neither would M's Ichiro.  Cameron, on the other hand, can be had. )

2 words: Kevin Maas.

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How? He's never seen these pitchers before, he barely saw any fastball wiht sinking action on it, he's been struggling since the beginning of the year....AND YET HE IS STILL ON PACE FOR A WHOPPING 130 RBI'S OUT OF THE 5-6TH SPOT OM THE LINE-UP...and tha with Bernie Williams on DL, with Soriano/Jeter/Posada/Ventura mired in month-long slumps and with Giambi not having what you might call a great year just yet...Do you know how good he will be once Yankees are clicking, with significantly more base-runners and better line-up protection (read: more mistakes to crush)....I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't finish with 130-140 RBIs.....consdiering it's his first year, is it not "money" in your book?


As soon as he familiarizes himself with the league and with a two-seam fastball (he's been maing progress lately), he will have NO WEAKNESS in his swing, literally.  Is he going to put up Bonds-ian #s? Of crouse no, but OPS of 900-950+ and a TON of RBIs is not out of the question--from your CF'er at that!


I say at 6-7 Mill (less than R. Alomar), he is absolutely worth the "gamble"....think of the Asian fan base this team will have....



(Too bad Yankees would never give Godzilla up.  And neither would M's Ichiro.  Cameron, on the other hand, can be had. )

2 words: Kevin Maas.

I remember when his 1990 Fleer card was the hot item. The whole set was worth like $10, but his card alone was worth like $5. I had like 5 of them, LOL. Wish I had sold them. ;)

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Willie Harris cannot hit the baseball.

I doubt he'd be here if that were true.......MAYBE he can't do much with the ball but he sure hits it

What is our infatuation with him?

NOT sure what the word infatuation means

Do any of you on here like Harris? If so please tell me what positives he has?

I do, his speed and his attitude and his fielding

What does our organization see in this guy besides speed?

THE ability to have a high BA :huh:


BE GOOD, hoped i helped ya there

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Two hits tonight for Willie ain't half bad.

Rios and Olivo were the only 0-fers in the lineup.

And I like Olivo. Rios blows however.

I like our lineup better when only one of the Harris-D'Angelo combo plays, though Aaron only got 1 hit in the No. 2 slot.

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Two hits tonight for Willie ain't half bad.

Rios and Olivo were the only 0-fers in the lineup.

And I like Olivo. Rios blows however.

I like our lineup better when only one of the Harris-D'Angelo combo plays, though Aaron only got 1 hit in the No. 2 slot.

Rowand had an RBI single, walked and scored a run...... Not a night to be looked down upon

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Two hits tonight for Willie ain't half bad.

Rios and Olivo were the only 0-fers in the lineup.

And I like Olivo. Rios blows however.

I like our lineup better when only one of the Harris-D'Angelo combo plays, though Aaron only got 1 hit in the No. 2 slot.

Rowand had an RBI single, walked and scored a run...... Not a night to be looked down upon

sure isnt. he started off the scoring.

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I mean, the guy tries hard, but can't seem to get it through his head he isn't a home run hitter.


Lance Johnson was the same way. In his early days with the Cardinals and even in his first year or so with the Sox, he used to upper cut a lot and just fly out. Then, he adjusted his swing and became a slap hitter who would go the other way and just smack the ball somewhere with a sometimes-level and sometimes-downward swing. And One Dog became a damn good hitter who used his speed as an advantage.


If Harris continues his slight upper-cut swing, then he truly will end up forever known as a "4 AAAA" player.


I just wish I knew if he was a CF or a 2B - I don't see him excel at either.

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