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DJ sucks


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you know what is funny. when he was batting .300 earlier and playing some pretty flawless baseball, compared to the other players on this team of course, everybody ripped on him even though we were playing bad as a team.


now that we are playing good and he's struggling, everyone is still ripping on him.


and Roman, your constant contradiction of yourself is making me sick.


what is also weird is how a 32-year-old, $5 million man like Jose Valentin can receive so much slack, while a younger, less expensive Jimenez gets ripped on for defensive troubles.


Paul Konerko now sucks when people LOVED him last year. Mark Buehrle, he's sucked at one point.


god, I hate this s***. it is like too many always like to contradict themselves or refuse to give credit when credit is due.


Rick White has now given up just two runs in 13 1/3 innings. a guy with a pretty decent career had a bad start to the season and people were saying how he sucked. yet I have not seen one person go out and say, "wow, he's picked it up a bit".

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yet I have not seen one person go out and say, "wow, he's picked it up a bit".

you never will


and that is too bad


people make up their minds on whatever and that is that no matter what occurs, and the slant is almost always either totally negative or, on occasion, worshipful idolatry.

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what is also weird is how a 32-year-old, $5 million man like Jose Valentin can receive so much slack, while a younger, less expensive Jimenez gets ripped on for defensive troubles.


Paul Konerko now sucks when people LOVED him last year. Mark Buehrle, he's sucked at one point.


god, I hate this s***. it is like too many always like to contradict themselves or refuse to give credit when credit is due.


Rick White has now given up just two runs in 13 1/3 innings. a guy with a pretty decent career had a bad start to the season and people were saying how he sucked. yet I have not seen one person go out and say, "wow, he's picked it up a bit".

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I did not realize White had been doing that well.


And hasn't Gordon been better of late?


As far as PK, I don't sense hatred of him on here or people bagging on him too much, just people shaking their head wondering how he could be so pathetic after being a star.

It's almost like give Paul a break and give the fans a break by just shutting it down til next season.


Also, not too many on here turned on Mark B. Just Roman basically. I sense the others

wished he'd get it together but gave him some slack.


I simply don't like Harris or D'Angelo. We were spoiled with Durham and Harris simply can't hit.

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I don't presume to speak for anyone else, but...


what is also weird is how a 32-year-old, $5 million man like Jose Valentin can receive so much slack, while a younger, less expensive Jimenez gets ripped on for defensive troubles.


Any child with savvy will tell you that Jose's is TWICE the defensive player is this year...and that is not so much a sign of how good Val is (although his last 35 games, he comitted only 2 errors while getting close to a ML lead on ZoneRating and DP/inn ratio in addition to coutnless tough plays) as it is of how GODAWFUL Jimenez has been. Some said Ray Durham couldn't come up with a play whe we needed him...well, DJ is MUCH worse- the two botched DPs alone on Friday and today would have led to a painful death if he was playing for Lou Pinella.......As it wasn;t enough, his range is TERRIBLE not because he is not athletic enough, but because he just doesn't care and can't anticipate for s***...and his DP-turning is pretty s***ty as well.


Valentin has also been hitting as of late (even with 4 just missed homers in last 3 games and a two-month slump, he is still pretty solid overall and should only get better).....he has been hands down the best runner and bunter on this team all season long as evidenced by his runs scored despite a low OBP.......and, most importantly, he is an ABSOLUTE leader of this team-- alwats the first to laugh his ass of in the dugout; to hug his teammate; to mentor a rookie; and to deal with the media.


As far as 5 million goes, his salary will only go down from here on and you may be a able resign him for a 2-3 Mill tops after this year. If D'Angelo starts hitting like he was, he will be making 4-5 Mill in arbitration in no time.


Paul Konerko now sucks when people LOVED him last year. Mark Buehrle, he's sucked at one point.


This whole team was very lethargic and unproductive virtually all season long, Frank Thomas included......However, Pauyl Konerko singlehandedly killed us in KC series with his GIDPs and lack of range at 1st...and hasn't let up since. He is been THE worst hitter in baseball and deserves EVERY single criticism he gets.


god, I hate this s***. it is like too many always like to contradict themselves or refuse to give credit when credit is due.



Bulls***...I was a big Jimeenz fan in March-May because his play warranted it......last month he has been nothing short of HORRRIBLE in every aspect of the game and I, as someone who is more or less sensible, am NOT going to live in the past and pretend all is well....What has he done for me lately, that little prick?


Rick White has now given up just two runs in 13 1/3 innings. a guy with a pretty decent career had a bad start to the season and people were saying how he sucked. yet I have not seen one person go out and say, "wow, he's picked it up a bit".


Rick White has been Konerko of the bullpen and along with Koch and Glover nearly buried this promising team back in April-May....So excuse me if I don't get overly excited about near garbage-time 8 scoreless innings he's thrown...Whatever.

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DJ came back to play after an accident...the physical training that went into that is to be admired.


However, he seems at least to me that he just doesn't give a damn that much about playing. Watching him play recently, he seems like he doesn't want to be there and doesn't seem to have the flair for actually wanting to play this game with desire and intensity. He's got, in my opinion, the lax mentality that we are always bashing Jerry Manuel for having. In the 2nd game against the Cubs, he had a chance to run out a ball and he stopped. The lack of hustle shows he doesn't wanna bust his ass and give 110% to the team and racking up the wins.


Everybody is entitled to ups and downs from time to time. No person is on fire all the damn time. I mean, even .391 batting Pujols went 1 for 9 in the last two games until going 4 for 6 today.


Hell, everybody was giving Dorn s*** and it should be known that he is hitting approx .360 since getting recalled June 10.


The fact is that we can use a more solid 2B. I think a lot of the anger just in general is that this team looked so f***ing great on paper and is below .500, not sweeping teams we should have swept, etc. And crow isn't always the most tasty thing to eat either. ;)

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I will say this again, this is Jimenez first full season starting at one position, let alone second. has his defense been good? no, but the ability is definately there.


as far as baserunning? if I'm not mistake, Carlos Lee was a bad baserunner, but now is pretty decent. Jimenez will get better with time. offensively and defensively the tools are there, it just takes time.

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I will say this again, this is Jimenez first full season starting at one position, let alone second.  has his defense been good? no, but the ability is definately there.


as far as baserunning?  if I'm not mistake, Carlos Lee was a bad baserunner, but now is pretty decent.  Jimenez will get better with time.  offensively and defensively the tools are there, it just takes time.

Molto, I agree. However since the Sox are gaining ground in the AL Central it wouldn't be a bad idea to acquire someone else to play second base. (Luis Castillo). Now if the Sox for some reason fall flat on their face before the trade deadline then there's nothing wrong with letting Jimenez grow and learn to play at the big league level.


However I feel that if this team wants to win the division they need a guy like Luis Castillo.



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I used to defend DJ against all the Miles fans. I defended him from the day last year when he joined the team. But his defense is horrible. I dont support Miles either. My upcoming post (might take a while) will explain what I think should be done...

We know all that already, the only player you do support is Frank.



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I agree with that.


here is my thing. we trade Jimenez IF we are in the pennant race, yet when we were bad he was the main reason we were bad.


IF we were to acquire Castillo or Alomar or give Miles or Harris a chance, I will be fine with it. BUT, there are too many people who aren't giving Jimenez a fair chance. he had a good start, people hated him, he's struggling, people hate him.


he's a talented player who should be given more time than three months.


considering all the doubt on this board that is directed at how poor this team is, you'd think they would be patient with a guy like Jimenez.

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Does anyone else notice that those two errors came at third base...  Why don't we blame Jerry?

Dude, i understand you defending DJ to a POINT. But the guy makes mental error after mental error, and of late, he isnt hitting worth s***. His past history and past reputation proves hes a s***ty player. I, for one, am not the type to go out and pick on one player. However, DJ sucks dude.

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Dude, i understand you defending DJ to  a POINT.  But the guy makes mental error after mental error, and of late, he isnt hitting worth s***.  His past history and past reputation proves hes a s***ty player.  I, for one, am not the type to go out and pick on one player.  However, DJ sucks dude.

Man, there are a lot of people I'd rather see go before Jimenez.

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Valentin, Konerko, and Crede have all been bigger holes than Jimenez this year.  Of those three, I'd only like 1 to stay.

LOl they all suck, but their past history and talent make it obvious theyre better than DJ.

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LOl they all suck, but their past history and talent make it obvious theyre better than DJ.

I dunno... Valentin is on the downslide of his career... Konerko, well... He just f***ing sucks and I was screaming bloody murder when Williams inked that big extension... Crede, I still think, has big time talent. I think he just needs to spend some time in a line-up that's hitting on all cylinders so he can just slide into the background, out of the limelight were there is absolutely no pressure. The kid's supposed to have been the next Ventura, for christ's sake...

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Valentin, Konerko, and Crede have all been bigger holes than Jimenez this year.  Of those three, I'd only like 1 to stay.  And Lee has been as big.

How you can put Valentin (near 800 OPS even after a s***ty start, best overall defense of his career, new-found clutch swing, really good baserunning, emotional leadership, etc) in the same sentence as Crede, Konerko and to lesser extent Jimenez is mind-boggling.




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I dunno... Valentin is on the downslide of his career... Konerko, well... He just f***ing sucks and I was screaming bloody murder when Williams inked that big extension... Crede, I still think, has big time talent.  I think he just needs to spend some time in a line-up that's hitting on all cylinders so he can just slide into the background, out of the limelight were there is absolutely no pressure.  The kid's supposed to have been the next Ventura, for christ's sake...

Good points. Id still take all of them over DJ. Konerko will be fine, by next season at the very latest. Jose? Yeah he may be close to done. Ya gotta take Crede based on his stats from last year and his upside. Add to all that, none of those three players, that I am aware of, are known to be lazy and a poor teammate.

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I will say this again, this is Jimenez first full season starting at one position, let alone second.  has his defense been good? no, but the ability is definately there.


as far as baserunning?  if I'm not mistake, Carlos Lee was a bad baserunner, but now is pretty decent.  Jimenez will get better with time.  offensively and defensively the tools are there, it just takes time.

The difference was that you could tell Carlos was always trying, and it upset him when he did something wrong. He went back and worked on improving.

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So excuse me if I don't get overly excited about near garbage-time 8 scoreless innings he's thrown

"Garbage time"? The last 2 games he has pitched very well, and has not been in "garbage time" at all.


In the 6th inning on Saturday, he came in with runners on 1st and 3rd and the Cubs up 6-4. He got Sammy to fly into an inning-ending flyout. He then pitched the next 1 2/3 innings and did so scorelessly. He kept the game close enough for the Sox to win, and we did.


Then, Sunday, he came in with the Sox down 5-2, and threw 2 more scoreless innings to keep the Sox in the game. They had a chance in the 8th to tie it up, but it just didn't work out.


So while early on he came in during garbage time a lot, recently he's been used in games that are still in question, and he's done very well.

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