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Tank "possibly" got a DUI in Arizona

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QUOTE(knightni @ Jun 25, 2007 -> 01:27 AM)
Shouldn't we know something by now?


Or, are they holding off til Monday?



Johnson was taken to the Gilbert police station, where blood was drawn to determine his blood-alcohol content.


Results of those tests aren't expected for up to two weeks, Duncan said.


I dont remember this stuff taking this long

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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 25, 2007 -> 07:48 AM)
Being out after 2am is just an invitation to bored cops to be pulled over anyway. Nothing good happens after 2am.


Seriously though, why even have a DUI limit if they can charge you even if you are under it. "being impaired to the slightest degree"? WTF, this is just one step away from police state. They tried this crap on me once many years ago. I had had ONE beer, 2 hours BEFORE I was pulled over, but was wearing several beers due to a barfight that I happened to be in the way of. The cop was the biggest ass I have met, had cuffed me, hard, left my car on the side of the road unlocked, and kept me in the station for 3 hours. Oh, it was also 2:30 am. After blowing low enough to aalmost not even register three times, they finally let me go with a fake speeding ticket (I also wasn't speeding, positive of it), claiming to be acting 'nice' by not giving me a 'slightly impared' ticket.


On a different note, be carefull out there people, thanks to MADD, Illinois is doing a huge DUI push the next two weeks, with random roadside safety checks (yeah, safety. sure). It would be interesting to note if anyone here gets stopped by a nazi patrol or not. Living not too far from the Jooliet riverboats, I see the stops alot.


I'm not sure if it's been changed, but Washington, DC has a zero-tolerance DUI policy. That's right, if you blow a .01, you can be charged with DUI.


MADD has gone from an anti-drunken driving organization to a neo-prohibitionist group. Their next step will be a .04 limit, passed in the same extortionist manner as nationwide .08 and 21 year old age limit. If a state doesn't pass it, they get no highway funds.


Get a couple of taxi companies on speed dial -- you'll save lots of money.

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QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Jun 25, 2007 -> 12:52 PM)
I'm not sure if it's been changed, but Washington, DC has a zero-tolerance DUI policy. That's right, if you blow a .01, you can be charged with DUI.


MADD has gone from an anti-drunken driving organization to a neo-prohibitionist group. Their next step will be a .04 limit, passed in the same extortionist manner as nationwide .08 and 21 year old age limit. If a state doesn't pass it, they get no highway funds.


Get a couple of taxi companies on speed dial -- you'll save lots of money.

A good, and related story about the myth that you have to blow at least a .08 to get a dui.

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This isn't about the DUI, it's about the Bears having Tank's back to the press, to the NFL and to the commissioner. Now, as someone said, they have made the Bears look like fools. They won't take that and I expect him to be released shortly after the positive (if they are) results.

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