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The story was actually starting to calm down and make some sort of sense (aka Benoit was just messed up), but that wikipedia thing is just bizarre. The fact it was posted from Stamford (although I heard it wasn't at WWE headquarters, but still) 13 hours before the bodies were found and just....too many coincidences. And there are so many bizarre possibilities there that I don't want to start going into them.

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Comic Book Television


The Ultimate Warrior will be featured on FOX News’ Hannity and Colmes tonight. I’ll tell you right now: Warrior is a maniac and everybody knows it. He might have something valuable to say about himself and steroids (he is, I’m sure, a former if not present steroid user) but whatever he says about the WWE or the wrestling industry should be taken with a grain of salt as he was exiled from the business for his cockamamie beliefs and erratic behavior.


You might take that with a grain of thought and say, “Greg Pratt has a problem with the Warrior and is just trying to smear him before he tells the truth!” but if you say that, you’re fooling yourself. He is a man who changed his legal name to Warrior (just Warrior) because he wanted to own, and be, his character; he’s been involved in numerous pay disputes with the WWE and has been dismissed several times from the organization; he’s written a comic book about himself; he recently said, about an autobiographical book he’s writing, “I’m not interested in detailing the seedy underbelly of an industry I have no desire to be associated with.” So why is he speaking about an industry that he’s been out of for so long?


Because he wants to smear the wrestling world. Why is FOX giving him air-time? Two reasons: they want to smear the wrestling world (obviously) and Warrior is a Conservative commentator in the same realm as Ann Coulter. He famously declared, “Queering doesn’t make the world work!” and that’s about the extent of his intellectual thought. If you go to his website, you’ll find endless, meaningless babble.


There’s nothing wrong with reporters speaking to wrestlers about steroids, but don’t mislead the world by presenting clowns like the Ultimate Warrior as credible sources.


There’s news on the Benoit-crime front: he was drinking, as several empty cans were found next to his dead body. That tells me that Benoit wasn’t right, as do all his drugs, and I eagerly await his toxicology report. Geraldo Rivera, upon hearing that Benoit had been drinking when he killed himself (if not when he killed his family), decided to kick a few back himself. How else can you explain the following, which is from his latest appearance on the O’Reilly Factor and is the most shameless, opportunistic bit of poor reporting that I’ve ever read. O’Reilly, Rivera and their producers should all lose their jobs for not doing any amount of fact-checking before letting him go on the air with this dribble.


Gerlado Rivera was a guest analyst on The O’Reilly Factor tonight and made a huge mistake in trying to create a conspiracy because he mistakenly believed that Sherri Martel and Nancy Benoit died on the same day, then loosely tied Sherri with Nancy’s ex-husband, Kevin Sullivan (whom he didn’t mention by name) and said she was his “booker,” whatever that means. He then managed to get wrong the dates of the text messages, saying they took place on Sunday night during the PPV.


Mid-discussion, Geraldo moved to the Wikipedia posting at midnight on Sunday. He said it could have been by chance, a hoax by someone making it up. [it was. If you haven’t heard, someone posted over the weekend before the cops knew that Benoit was dead. Turns out it was an unfortunate hoax.] He said another coincidence is that Chris kills his wife on Friday, June 15 or Saturday, June 16 and that Sherri Martel also died of unnatural causes related to drug use. He said she is another woman connected to these pro wrestlers. He said Sherri knew Nancy’s ex-husband.


He asked if the posting was made by a WWE official, “they were obviously in communication with Chris Benoit.” He said it was alleged that Benoit was text messaging his friends as he was watching a wrestling event he was supposed to be at in Texas. “The Feds have to subpoena every single electronic communication,” he said. “I think this is going to be gigantic.” He wondered if it was bigger than a murder-murder-suicide. O’Reilly said (completely off-topic), “If they can prove steroid abuse was ordered by the top guys in the wrestling federation, they’ll arrest them.” Geraldo asked, “What if you can prove everybody in town knows whatever everybody is doing and do nothing. Now it’s a little less clear as to their criminal liability, but I think you’ve definitely got a story here that will affect professional wrestling in a profound way.”


Earlier in the discussion, Geraldo said: “I think there is going to be increased scrutiny of WWE… in the steroid abuse of the people who are their actors in this entertainment venture. There is obviously great athleticism. They know about their heavy steroid use.” He brought up the raids on Chris Benoit’s doctor and internet pharmacy. He said WWE tried to downplay the steroid involvment and place the blame on Chris or Nancy arguing over the care of their child. “What a bunch of bunk that was,” he said. “They were trying intentionally to deflect the public’s attention from this steroid use.”


The last sentence is right and wrong. Of course the wrestling world doesn’t want to pour gasoline on the steroids did this! fire but the idea that there was a huge domestic dispute is not far-fetched in the least. Other than that, Rivera made an idiot out of himself and the people who watch Fox News now believe that the WWE is covering up its knowledge of the murder-suicides (and, perhaps, involvement) along with a bunch of crazy ideas that Geraldo made up about Benoit’s wife and ex-husband.


Journalism is as journalism has been for the last ten years.

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QUOTE(Brian @ Jun 29, 2007 -> 08:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
College student makes Wiki addition


Says it was just a coincidence and he always posts crap to screw with people on wikipedia.

It's sounds like someone made it up in a WWE chat and wikipediot made the entry afterwards.


by Dave Meltzer

In a really bizarre story regarding the story going around everywhere about Wikipedia at 4:01 a.m. on Monday posting that Nancy Benoit had passed away, long before authorities knew, and it was removed 20 minutes later due to a lack of confirmation, my belief is that it was nobody who knew anything. The edit came from Connecticut, but not from WWE headquarters. My feeling is that this is just a bizarre coincidence. The WWE later found that on its chat line at 8:41 p.m., during the PPV, after Benoit missed the show, someone on a WWE chat said that he missed the show due to his wife dying. Later, when the person was asked where he heard the story, he said, "Meltzer reported it." An hour later after the Wikipedia entry was taken down, someone from Australia edited it and again put that Nancy Benoit had passed away, attributing it to "several pro wrestling web sites." I didn't know of this until today when questioned by WWE who asked if Benoit had called me, which he hadn't, nor did I report it or know anything until Monday afternoon, after the WWE wrestlers were told. It appears it was a hoax started by someone and given credibility by usage of my name, no more than the daily fake stories people make up on MMA and pro wrestling chat boards, the appear to have led to the Wikipedia edit, this become a big story, and it may be nothing more to the story other than an eerie irony.

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QUOTE(Brian @ Jun 29, 2007 -> 04:12 PM)
Agreed. Warrior will say something horrible and will give out ridiculous opinions that should not be believed or listened to.




Didn't he used to spit colored stuff out of his mouth? Tassles handing off his biceps..?

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 29, 2007 -> 04:25 PM)
Didn't he used to spit colored stuff out of his mouth? Tassles handing off his biceps..?


Tassles, yes. Don't think he ever spit mist. You maybe thinking of the Great Muta.


Warrior is his own biggest mark. Believes all his outrageous philosophies and thoughts. Really out there and it is humorous if anyone takes him as seriously as he takes himself.


Warrior website

Edited by Brian
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QUOTE(Brian @ Jun 29, 2007 -> 10:38 PM)
Tassles, yes. Don't think he ever spit mist. You maybe thinking of the Great Muta.

I vaguely remember a late, way over the top 80's angle where Papa Shango put a curse on Warrior and he began throwing up all this fake colored liquid. That's about all I got.

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Pro wrestler Benoit bought excessive amounts of injectable steroids, papers say


By HARRY R. WEBER, Associated Press Writer

July 2, 2007


ATLANTA (AP) -- The pro wrestler who strangled his wife and son and committed suicide last month bought injectable steroids excessively, according to court papers released Monday. His doctor was charged with improperly prescribing drugs to other patients.


Dr. Phil Astin prescribed a 10-month supply of anabolic steroids to Chris Benoit every three to four weeks between May 2006 and May 2007, a Drug Enforcement Administration agent said in an affidavit filed Friday and made public Monday.


During a probe of "RX Weight Loss," Benoit was identified as an excessive buyer of injectable steroids, the document states. Prosecutors would not say what "RX Weight Loss" is.


The affidavit also said Astin supplied various controlled substances, including injectable anabolic steroids, that were found in Benoit's home.


Astin has not been charged with supplying steroids to Benoit, though U.S. Attorney David E. Nahmias said more charges are possible.


The anabolic steroids found in Benoit's home led officials to wonder whether the drugs played a role in the killings that started the weekend of June 22. Some experts believe steroids can cause paranoia, depression and violent outbursts known as "roid rage." Toxicology tests on Benoit's body have not been completed.


A federal indictment issued Monday charges Astin with improperly dispensing painkillers and other drugs to two different patients.


Prosecutors allege in the seven-count indictment that Astin dispensed drugs including Percocet, Xanax, Lorcet and Vicoprofen between April 2004 and September 2005. The recipients were identified in the indictment by the initials O.G. and M.J.; Benoit's initials were not listed.


Astin pleaded not guilty and was being held in lieu of $125,000 bond. He will be under house arrest once he posts bond and must surrender his medical license, U.S. Magistrate Judge Linda Walker ordered.


Astin had written prescriptions for about 1 million doses of controlled substances over the past two years, including "significant quantities" of injectable testosterone cypionate, an anabolic steroid, according to the criminal complaint.


The complaint by Drug Enforcement Administration agent Anissa Jones said the amount of prescriptions was "excessive" for a medical office with a sole practitioner in a rural area like Carrollton, about 40 miles west of Atlanta.


Assistant U.S. Attorney John Horn said that when agents raided the doctor's office Wednesday, Astin was carrying Benoit's medical file.


Astin's attorney, Manny Arora, said the doctor had brought the file because he thought the authorities would want it.


Federal drug agents have taken over the probe into whether Astin improperly prescribed testosterone and other drugs to Benoit before the killings and suicide in the wrestler's suburban Atlanta home last month. State prosecutors and sheriff's officials are overseeing the death investigation.


Investigators have conducted two raids at Astin's west Georgia office since last week.


Astin prescribed testosterone for Benoit, a longtime friend, in the past but has not said what, if any, medications he prescribed when Benoit visited his office June 22, the day authorities believe Benoit killed his wife.


"We're still asking questions and searching for answers with regard to the death so we can tie up loose ends," said Scott Ballard, Fayette County district attorney.


Authorities have said Benoit strangled his wife and son, placing Bibles next to their bodies, before hanging himself with the cable of a weight machine in his home.


The boy had old needle marks in his arms, Ballard has said. He said he had been told the parents considered him undersized and had given him growth hormones.


Benoit's father, Michael, said Monday that "it's impossible to come up with a rational explanation for a very irrational act."


"Let the cards fall where they fall, we have no control over it at this point," he said.


Associated Press writers Errin Haines and Greg Bluestein in Atlanta and Matt Apuzzo in Washington contributed to this report.

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Amid reports that WWE wrestler Chris Benoit allegedly injected his son with hormones because of a health condition, Scott Ballard, District Attorney of Fayette County, Ga., just released this statement:


"There are additional reports that contradict the earlier information that suggested that Daniel Benoit may have suffered from Dwarf Syndrome or Fragile X Syndrome. Daniel's family denies that he suffered from either condition. As a result of the family's concerns, the Fayette County Sheriff's investigators and the District Attorney's Office have inquired into this matter. A source having access to certain of Daniel's medical reports reviewed those reports, and they do not mention any pre-existing mental or physical impairment. Reports from Daniel's educators likewise contradict the claims that Daniel was physically undersized. The educators report that Daniel graduated kindergarten and was prepared to enter the first grade on par with the other students."




That poor child.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 3, 2007 -> 08:35 AM)
Amid reports that WWE wrestler Chris Benoit allegedly injected his son with hormones because of a health condition, Scott Ballard, District Attorney of Fayette County, Ga., just released this statement:


"There are additional reports that contradict the earlier information that suggested that Daniel Benoit may have suffered from Dwarf Syndrome or Fragile X Syndrome. Daniel's family denies that he suffered from either condition. As a result of the family's concerns, the Fayette County Sheriff's investigators and the District Attorney's Office have inquired into this matter. A source having access to certain of Daniel's medical reports reviewed those reports, and they do not mention any pre-existing mental or physical impairment. Reports from Daniel's educators likewise contradict the claims that Daniel was physically undersized. The educators report that Daniel graduated kindergarten and was prepared to enter the first grade on par with the other students."

That poor child.

Oh god, please tell me he didn't do that.

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Steff, Northside,


I wrote about this yesterday. I'm not sure how true it is. I don't necessarily disbelieve it but I don't necessarily do. I'm waiting and seeing, as I said yesterday:


I'm not sure how I feel about this. It seems odd that a seven year old would just be passing Kindergarten but I have nothing else to add. It's sad and tragic whether or not he was suffering from Fragile X Syndrome or in full health, but we'll see what else is said about it in coming days and weeks. Chris Jericho discussed it in detail as well and said that Chris Benoit was very private about his family and so he didn't know but that he always suspected that the boy was Autistic.


THIS article is very interesting, too: http://thetrack.bostonherald.com/moreTrack...mat=&page=1


Apparently, Benoit's neighbor discovered their bodies and was very close to Nancy. She has now fled to Boston to avoid the media and is very shaken up having lost her dear neighbor whose house she had keys to. She says that she believes Daniel had Fragile X, so who knows?


It's such a terrible story.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jul 4, 2007 -> 01:38 PM)
Steff, Northside,


I wrote about this yesterday. I'm not sure how true it is. I don't necessarily disbelieve it but I don't necessarily do. I'm waiting and seeing, as I said yesterday:

THIS article is very interesting, too: http://thetrack.bostonherald.com/moreTrack...mat=&page=1


Apparently, Benoit's neighbor discovered their bodies and was very close to Nancy. She has now fled to Boston to avoid the media and is very shaken up having lost her dear neighbor whose house she had keys to. She says that she believes Daniel had Fragile X, so who knows?


It's such a terrible story.



The grandparents are quoted in People denying any health issues with Daniel.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jul 9, 2007 -> 12:28 PM)
And the initial report of the person who reported the Fragile X syndrome said that not even the grand parents knew about it.


I find it very hard to believe that folks who take care of a child as intimately as a grandparent would not know of such a serious medical issue. Time will tell I suppose.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 9, 2007 -> 01:58 PM)
I find it very hard to believe that folks who take care of a child as intimately as a grandparent would not know of such a serious medical issue. Time will tell I suppose.

I also find that really hard to believe, but many people in the business have stated that if Chris didn't want you to know something, you wouldn't know. But maybe they're saying that because of all the things they're finding out that they never knew. As you said, only time will tell.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 9, 2007 -> 07:58 PM)
I find it very hard to believe that folks who take care of a child as intimately as a grandparent would not know of such a serious medical issue. Time will tell I suppose.

Oh I agree. I just found it odd that the initial report said the grandparents probably didn't know about it, and then they come out and deny that he ever had such a condition.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jul 9, 2007 -> 02:45 PM)
Oh I agree. I just found it odd that the initial report said the grandparents probably didn't know about it, and then they come out and deny that he ever had such a condition.



I would suspect the initial report was bulls*** before I believe the grandparents didn't know. Even a one time babysitter would have to know something so massive. This mess is just all so sad. Reading the ME's comments on how he concluded Daniel was killed was very disturbing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 18, 2007 -> 11:09 AM)
GP, I'm sure you have more details than I do on this, but I did hear a snipit that from the tox report is was found that the child was sedated before he was smothered. :huh:

Yeah -- all three had therapeutic levels of Xanax in their blood. Nancy had other painkillers in her blood (she was recovering from surgery) and Benoit had elevated levels of testosterone. However, the ME said that the testosterone levels were a "mystery" and stated that they could not definitively be linked to recent steroid use/abuse. The full details of the tox reports and press conference are on the first page of the new Squared Circle thread.

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