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Chris Benoit...

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From wwe.com


WWE/Chris Benoit timeline

Written: June 26, 2007


On Saturday, June 23, Chris Benoit was slated to appear at a WWE live event in Beaumont, Texas. That afternoon, Benoit contacted WWE to inform them that his wife and child were ill, and that he would not be able to attend the show.


WWE executives rebooked Benoit’s flight for the following morning, allowing Benoit to miss the Beaumont event making alternate arrangements for him to attend the pay-per-view event in Houston on Sunday.


WWE employees attempted to confirm with Benoit his travel plans but were unable to contact him.


Early Sunday morning, between 3:51 and 3:58 a.m., Benoit sent five text messages to co-workers:



Text Message 1 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53am)- Chris Benoit’s cell phone

“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”


Text Message 2 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53am)- Chris Benoit’s cell phone

“The dogs are in the enclosed pool area. Garage side door is open”


Text Message 3 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:54am)- Nancy Benoit’s cell phone

“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane.

Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”


Text Message 4 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:55am)- Nancy Benoit’s cell phone

“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane.

Fayetteville Georgia. 30215


Text Message 5 to one co-worker (sent 6/24 at 3:58am)- Nancy Benoit’s cell phone

“My address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”


Throughout the day on Sunday, WWE made numerous attempts to contact Benoit both at home and at local hospitals in the Atlanta area. As of 11:00 p.m., WWE officials were unable to establish contact with Chris Benoit.


At 12:30 p.m. on Monday, June 25, WWE officials were notified of the text messages sent to the co-workers the previous day. By 12:45 p.m., WWE had contacted Fayetteville County Sheriff’s office requesting they check on the Benoit family.


Fayetteville County Sheriffs office made contact with WWE at approximately 4:00 p.m. advising that they had entered the house of Chris Benoit and found three deceased bodies – an adult male, adult female and a male child. WWE was told that Benoit’s home was now considered a major crime scene.


The decision to cancel the live event scheduled in Corpus Christi that night was made between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. In keeping with company policy, and with limited knowledge regarding facts of the case, WWE choose to air a memorial dedicated to the career of Chris Benoit. As facts emerged surrounding the case, all tributes to Chris Benoit were removed both on-air and on WWE.com.

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I haven't really read this thread. 171 pages and counting on another board I visit is hard enough to keep up with.


I'd just like to say that people should avoid watching any sort of MSNBC/CNN/FOXNews type channels during this. It really scares me to see how badly they have no clue on what is going on. The old cliche holds true think about how wrong they could be on other news they report on.


As for the incident itself, I'm not smart enough to come up with the right words. Chris Benoit the performer was one of the greatest I've seen in my 20 years of watching this business. I don't know what was going on at the end of his life, but his actions we're certainly not representative of the Benoit his friends and family knew for 4 decades. I'm interested to see what they find when they get in and see what was in his system and his brain condition.


Regardless, a wife, child and husband are gone. Benoit's other children from a previous marriage are without their father, and that's the story.

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Vince McMahon opens ECW saying that last night they aired a 3 hour tribute to the career of Chris Benoit but now that the facts are out, the show will go on as normal and there will be no mention of Chris Benoit and the events of the weekend.


Than John Cena comes out....on ECW....after a draft....yeah.

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I'm hating how the talking heads on the media are swarming in to use this as a means to bash wrestling, wrestlers and to smear the WWE in the decision they made for last night's Raw.


Nobody. NOBODY. NOBODY outside of the direct investigators knew at the time Raw aired that it was a confirmed murder/suicide with Benoit as the likely perp. I can't fault the E for airing what they did yesterday. As they got more knowledge, they removed it all from WWE.com and removed it from distribution.


Yet the media whores are out there "TEH E GLORYFYED A MURDERER!111!1!! ELEVENTY!". I thought, given the info out at the time, the E was a class act last night. I wonder which one of these talk radio/TV talking head rat bastards looked into their crystal ball to be able to divine this info last night before the decision was made to run with the show. If they can't, they too, should learn a case of shutting the f*** up. They continue to be a class act tonight with ECW mentioning Benoit and the developments only in the beginning statement from Vinny Mac and then letting any wrestlers go out and perform.


As a wrestler and a professional, Benoit was an entertaining guy to see in the ring and one of the greats at technical in-ring work. As a human being, he was quite f***ed up and its sad that he was unable to get the necessary help to avoid such a tragedy.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 09:13 PM)
I'm hating how the talking heads on the media are swarming in to use this as a means to bash wrestling, wrestlers and to smear the WWE in the decision they made for last night's Raw.


Nobody. NOBODY. NOBODY outside of the direct investigators knew at the time Raw aired that it was a confirmed murder/suicide with Benoit as the likely perp. I can't fault the E for airing what they did yesterday. As they got more knowledge, they removed it all from WWE.com and removed it from distribution.


Yet the media whores are out there "TEH E GLORYFYED A MURDERER!111!1!! ELEVENTY!". I thought, given the info out at the time, the E was a class act last night. I wonder which one of these talk radio/TV talking head rat bastards looked into their crystal ball to be able to divine this info last night before the decision was made to run with the show. If they can't, they too, should learn a case of shutting the f*** up. They continue to be a class act tonight with ECW mentioning Benoit and the developments only in the beginning statement from Vinny Mac and then letting any wrestlers go out and perform.


As a wrestler and a professional, Benoit was an entertaining guy to see in the ring and one of the greats at technical in-ring work. As a human being, he was quite f***ed up and its sad that he was unable to get the necessary help to avoid such a tragedy.


Well said :headbang

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When RAW started, every single rumor I heard was about the coughing up blood/carbon monoxide senario, so if anything it seemed like a horrid accident at the time they aired the show. Anybody who blames the WWE for their actions in regards to their treatment of the situation on their show last night or tonight is simply being dumb.

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The Brady Campaign issued the following statement.


“We at the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence were saddened to hear of the tragic death of the Benoit family. We encourage anyone contemplating a future murder/suicide to use a handgun. Every time a horrific event like this one takes place, where no firearm is involved, the public is reminded of the truth of the NRA’s axiom that guns don’t kill people, people do. Only when all Americans pull together, recognize that the use of guns in a violent manner is the only thing which can demonstrate how dangerous guns can be, and pledge to commit all their violent acts with firearms, will we be able to rid America of the scourge of gun violence.


If Mr. Benoit had used a gun we would have easily been able to point out how his family would still be alive had he not had access to a firearm. By selfishly killing his family using his hands and other common household implements he is denying us the propaganda tool that we so desperately need to implement our radical socialist agenda.


Remember, if you’re going to kill your family, have a heart and do it with a gun.

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QUOTE(Shadows @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 07:04 PM)
ECW starts with Vince McMahon basically saying that after they found out what really happened with this whole situation WWE will no longer mention Benoits name etc. on their programming.

Good...Benoit ranks right up there with the scum of the earth. f*** the jag off and as far as I'm concerned if I viewed avatars (I have them off) I wouldn't not allow any RIP avatars on this site because all they are doing is immortalizing a guy that murdered his family (it is one thing to say sorry to his friends and family but it is another to say sorry to Benoit...f*** that selfish asshole).


Sorry, maybe a bit harsh but I can't believe the amount of people defending this f***. (I've kept quiet on this issue as to not sound out until the facts are out but it pretty much appears the facts are out now).

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 12:48 AM)
Good...Benoit ranks right up there with the scum of the earth. f*** the jag off and as far as I'm concerned if I viewed avatars (I have them off) I wouldn't not allow any RIP avatars on this site because all they are doing is immortalizing a guy that murdered his family (it is one thing to say sorry to his friends and family but it is another to say sorry to Benoit...f*** that selfish asshole).


Sorry, maybe a bit harsh but I can't believe the amount of people defending this f***. (I've kept quiet on this issue as to not sound out until the facts are out but it pretty much appears the facts are out now).

Glad someone said it.

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Report: Benoit's Son Had Fragile X Syndrome

06/26/2007 by Ryan Clark


Canadian female Pam Winthrope told News 1130 in Canada that Chris Benoit's son had a genetic condition called Fragile X syndrome.


According to WebMD, "Fragile X Syndrome is a defect of the X chromosome which causes mild mental retardation. The disorder occurs more frequently and severely among males than females. This condition is the leading known familial cause of mental retardation in the United States. Language delays, behavioral problems, autism or autistic-like behavior (including poor eye contact and hand-flapping), enlarged external genitalia (macroorchidism), large or prominent ears, hyperactivity, delayed motor development and/or poor sensory skills are among the wide range of symptoms associated with this disorder."


Winthrope, whose son also suffers from the condition, told the Canadian news outlet that her husband reached out to Benoit five years ago in an attempt to increase awareness about Fragile X.


She told News 1130, "We talked to him because I was trying to set up a support group in BC and in Canada, we only have a couple of them. My husband was struggling when we got diagnosed with our son, and Chris was struggling with his. They talked for a few minutes and then he said he didn't want to be a public face for Fragile X, he just wanted to keep it really, really quiet."


Winthrope noted that the lack of support for those affected by the disorder can tear families apart. Nonetheless, "she couldn't believe the news that Benoit had taken his life along with his wife and 7-year-old son," wrote News 1130.


This may explain why Daniel was taking growth hormone injections. It also may shed light onto why Chris didn't want someone else raising his son and made the fateful decision to kill him. As irrational and twisted as it may sound, he may have felt he was saving his son from the double-blow of losing his parents through a murder-suicide and being subject to being raised by people who didn't understand or care for his condition.

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per WWE.com


Detailed WWE/Benoit timeline

Written: June 26, 2007


Below is a detailed WWE/Chris Benoit timeline from Saturday to Monday:


Saturday, June 23, 2007


Chris Benoit was scheduled to appear at the WWE SmackDown/ ECW live event in Beaumont, Texas



A co-worker received a voice message from Benoit. The message from Benoit stated he missed his flight and over slept and would be late to the WWE Live Event. The co-worker called Benoit back, Benoit confirmed everything he said in his voice message and sounded tired and groggy. Benoit then stated, “I love you”. The co-worker stated that it was “out of context.”



The same co-worker was concerned with Benoit’s tone and demeanor and called Benoit for a second time. Benoit did not answer the call and the co-worker left a message stating “just call me back.”



Benoit called the co-worker back stating he didn’t answer the call because he was on the phone with Delta changing his flight. Benoit stated he had a real stressful day due to Nancy and Daniel being sick with food poisoning. They discussed travel plans for the WWE Tour of Texas with Benoit still sounding groggy at this point according to the co-worker.



A co-worker who consistently travels with Benoit, called Benoit from outside Houston airport and Benoit answered. Benoit told the co-worker that Nancy was throwing up blood and that Daniel was also throwing up. Benoit thought they had food poisoning. Benoit stated he changed his flight and he would be arriving into Houston at 6:30pm. Benoit told the co-worker to drive onto the WWE event.



Benoit called WWE Talent Relations stating that his son was throwing up and that he and Nancy were in the hospital with their son, and that Benoit would be taking a later flight into Houston, landing late, but would make the WWE live event in Beaumont.



A representative of Talent Relations called Benoit. The representative from Talent Relations asked Benoit what time Benoit was getting into Beaumont. Benoit responded he was leaving Atlanta at 9:20pm Eastern time arriving into Houston at 9:24pm Central time. The representative from Talent Relations advised Benoit that it would be too late to make the WWE live event in Beaumont. Benoit apologized citing he had a family emergency. The representative from Talent Relations suggested to Benoit that instead of going to the WWE live event in Beaumont, Benoit should take the flight to Houston, rest up and be ready for the Vengeance Pay-Per-View event.



The representative from Talent Relations called Benoit to reconfirm the travel plans with no answer from Benoit. The representative from Talent Relations left a voice message to take the flight and rest up.




Sunday, June 24, 2007


Text messages sent to co-workers from Chris Benoit and Nancy Benoit’s cell phones:


Text Message 1

Sent to: Two Co-Workers (the same who had verbal correspondence with Benoit the day before)

From: Benoit’s cell phone

When: 6/24 at 3:53am from

Message: C, S. My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215


Text Message 2

Sent to: Two Co-Workers (the same who had verbal correspondence with Benoit the day before)

From: Benoit’s cell phone

When: 6/24 at 3:53am

Message: The dogs are in the enclosed pool area. Garage side door is open


Text Message 3

Sent to: Two Co-Workers (the same who had verbal correspondence with Benoit the day before)

From: Nancy Benoit’s cell phone

When: 6/24 at 3:54am

Message: C, S. My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215


Text Message 4

Sent to: Two Co-Workers (the same who had verbal correspondence with Benoit the day before)

From: Nancy Benoit’s cell phone

When: 6/24 at 3:55am

Message: C, S. My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215


Text Message 5

Sent to: A Co-Worker who consistently traveled with Benoit

From: Nancy Benoit’s cell phone

When: 6/24 at 3:58am

Message: My address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215


WWE made several attempts to contact Benoit via phone and text messages, as well as, the local hospitals in the Atlanta area. As of 11:00 pm Sunday night there was no contact made with Benoit.




Monday, June 25, 2007



WWE was notified of text messages sent to the two co-workers.



WWE contacted the Fayetteville County Sheriff’s office and requested them to go to Benoit’s




WWE received a call from the Fayetteville County Sheriff’s office, advising that they entered

the house of Benoit and found 3 deceased bodies (a male, a female and a child). The Fayette County Sheriff’s office has secured the house as a “major crime scene” and that the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office had no further information.

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Here is PW Torch Take

A woman tells News 1130 in Vancouver, B.C. that Chris Benoit's son Daniel had a condition called Fragile X syndrome. Wikipedia describes the symptoms:


Aside from intellectual disability (mental retardation), prominent characteristics of the syndrome include an elongated face, large or protruding ears, flat feet, larger testicals in men (macroorchidism), and low muscle tone. Behavioral characteristics may include stereotypic movements (e.g., hand-flapping) and atypical social development, particularly shyness and limited eye contact. Some individuals with the fragile X syndrome also meet the diagnostic criteria for autism. While full mutation males tend to present with severe intellectual disability, the symptomology of full mutation females runs the gamut of minimally affected to severe intellectual disability, which may explain why females are underdiagnosed relative to males.


The woman interviewed for the News 1130 story says her family was in contact with the Benoits, but they didn't want to go public with the disease and chose to keep things low profile. She added that families can be torn apart by the disease because it's very difficult to find help and support. She said, "You as a parent have to go out there and find what's available and it's not easy --they don't tell you."



W.K. Analysis: This may explain why Daniel was taking growth hormone injections. It also may shed light onto why Chris didn't want someone else raising his son and made the fateful decision to kill him. As irrrational and twisted as it may sound, he may have felt he was saving his son from the double-blow of losing his parents through a murder-suicide and being subject to being raised by people who didn't understand or care for his condition. While in no way justifying his actions, the belief that his son was in for a difficult life as it was, and now one without his parents, might have been Benoit's self-justification for his heinous act.


(Nice to see Ryan Clark above 2 post copied Wade Keller's comments from the torch website article and called it his own)

Edited by Soxfest
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QUOTE(Shadows @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 03:03 AM)
Yeah thank god, since no one was defending him or anything :unsure:



Maybe he's talking about the avitar thing..? :huh


I don't know what else it can be cause there are many posts in this thread with angry expression towards CB and his actions.

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Well, the sickest thing about it all besides the murders themselves was "Benoit was giving his kid steroids, what a freak!"


Now that might have changed.


Nothing excuses what Benoit did but if it turns out he was warped by steroids and all his medications, things are a little different.

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A co-worker received a voice message from Benoit. The message from Benoit stated he missed his flight and over slept and would be late to the WWE Live Event. The co-worker called Benoit back, Benoit confirmed everything he said in his voice message and sounded tired and groggy. Benoit then stated, “I love you”. The co-worker stated that it was “out of context.”



The same co-worker was concerned with Benoit’s tone and demeanor and called Benoit for a second time. Benoit did not answer the call and the co-worker left a message stating “just call me back.”



Benoit called the co-worker back stating he didn’t answer the call because he was on the phone with Delta changing his flight. Benoit stated he had a real stressful day due to Nancy and Daniel being sick with food poisoning. They discussed travel plans for the WWE Tour of Texas with Benoit still sounding groggy at this point according to the co-worker.


This co-worker is clearly Chavo Guerrero. On the tribute episode of Raw, I clearly remember Chavo saying that exact bolded line. Poor Chavo. That guy's been through so damn much.


I imagine that the other co-worker he talked to, with whom he travels a lot, is Dean Malenko. But, I'm not nearly as confident as I am that quotes above are about Chavo.


And that part about Benoit's "physical" address kinda creeps me out a bit. It might give us an insight into his frame of mind at the time. It almost sounds like he meant to show a difference in his bodily life and spiritual life.

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QUOTE(Shadows @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 03:03 AM)
Yeah thank god, since no one was defending him or anything :unsure:


Except Brian and MHizzle still have tribute sigs to this bastard. It was nice of you to take the "the only side effect of steroids is excellence" quote off of your sig though. :huh


QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 11:14 AM)
Well, the sickest thing about it all besides the murders themselves was "Benoit was giving his kid steroids, what a freak!"


Now that might have changed.


Nothing excuses what Benoit did but if it turns out he was warped by steroids and all his medications, things are a little different.


Yeah because the steroids in Benoit's house were clearly for his kid, and doctors always let the kids dad inject him with steroids for an illness. And no, things aren't any different if Benoit was warped by the stuff he was on, he's still a double murderer.

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