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Supreme courts whizzes on the first amendment


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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 09:11 PM)
Depending on how the whiny little brat did it, it would be disrespectful. Why do you think many inner city schools are such s***holes? There is no respect for the teachers and the kids know that teachers are powerless.


I agree with your logic, you should write this to all school boards. Bravo!


QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 09:11 PM)
Thomas also noted that in parentus locus, or however you spell that, still applied which limited the scope of teachers powers, but not to the degree that Tinker did. So, based on your love of Tinker, you think Thomas is the worst justice in recent history?


I clearly stated "arguably the worst justice in recent history."


QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 09:11 PM)
How about those that decided it was ok for the government to take private property from cictizens and turn it over to developers, just because it could generate a larger tax base? Wouldn't that be a worse decision?


Any statute upheld that violates the constitution is wrong.


QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 09:11 PM)
As for no other justice agreeing with him, by issuing the verdict they did, in a way they agree with him.


If they wanted to overturn Tinker, they would have.


QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 09:11 PM)
Are there any other Thomas 'missteps' that are stuck in your craw? Or are you just a flaming liberal on a conservative witch hunt? Do you equate Bush with Hitler?


This is rational, pulitzer-prize worthy criticism.

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QUOTE(Chet Lemon @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 08:32 PM)
I agree with your logic, you should write this to all school boards. Bravo!

I clearly stated "arguably the worst justice in recent history."

Any statute upheld that violates the constitution is wrong.

If they wanted to overturn Tinker, they would have.

This is rational, pulitzer-prize worthy criticism.

You answered none of the questions, instead tried to respond with what you thought passed for witty retorts. You struck out like Mackowiak. Tinker was one of the precedents brought up during this case, and was used by the dissenters in their opinions. The others voted to allow this case as an exception to Tinker, thereby weakening the Tinker decision. Thomas merely stated in HIS opinion that if Tinker is such a bad decision, they should just overturn it outright instead of kiling it slowly thru exceptions. But in order to do that, they need a case that clearly relies on Tinker for the decision. Apparently they thought this case did not. So what else has he done to make him 'arguebly' one of the worst justices in recent history? I am trying to understand your anger at the man and disrespect for the position he has obtained. Do you think he is only there because he is black? Or because he kissed the right ass? Or maybe he had incriminating pictures of someone. What makes him a bad justice in your eyes?

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His opinions in Helling, Dickerson, Gonzales v. Oregon vis-a-vis his opinion in Gonzales v. Raich. He clearly finds no Constitutional protection for Miranda and Tinker, yet when the Court made an erroneous decision in Raich, he dissented in Ore. to show the double standard of the court's precedent. I agree with his dissent in Raich (he is correct when it comes to the commerce clause), but he dissented in Ore. for reasons of precedent compatible w/ Raich. Precedents like Miranda and Tinker unlike Raich are not a few years old, they are several decades old. All lower Federal and State courts have relied on them to apply law. When activist judges want to overrule long-standing, established precedents w/o special justification, it creates court backlogs and bureaucratic nigtmares that make the UN look like a dream.


His dissent in the Michigan Law School cases that the Court was deferential to elite institutions, but ruled against VMI's discrimination policies b/c it was "a less fashonable southern institution." I don't really care about his stance on policy issues, but given that the VMI decision was not at issue and his son attended VMI in the late 90's, he let his personal views and straw man arguments dictate how law should be applied. This is judicial activism of the highest degree.


I noticed we are both 1-0 at Sox games this year. I saw Buehrle's 100th win.

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QUOTE(Chet Lemon @ Jun 30, 2007 -> 10:38 AM)
I noticed we are both 1-0 at Sox games this year. I saw Buehrle's 100th win.

I am hoping to make it 3-0 on the 4th and 5th. my first this year was the only win vs the Yankmees. i sat in left field thru all that rain crap, but at least i got a win. Almost got a HR ball, as the one went right over my head to land about 4 rows behind me.


Thanks for the additional inof. I'll look those up later. I remember some of the Michigan stuff, but not enough to comment.

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