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An open letter to the world.

Rex Kickass

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Open letters are so douchebaggy, but whatever - just call me Summer's Eve.


I haven't posted here much lately. I have pretty much disengaged myself from politics in general. And its funny that I write this as I stand on the edge of getting a job that would put me in a political role every day. But lately, I just can't stand it. And the reason is pretty simple, cynicism.


Too often, our discourse has been reduced to tearing someone else's guy down based on things done in his life. I've done my share of that - but the truth is that its gotten to a fever pitch here lately.


I can't tell you how many interesting initiatives or proposals are shot down by people because "it won't matter anyway." Often these things are said by the same people who talk about the need for change in our country in one form or another. When this change is proposed, its shot down by the same people. And usually not even for valid reasons. Usually its just plain cynicism. I'm sick of people longing for the ambition that our country used to have, and when that opportunity is given them to reach for that ambition - they just turn away from it.


Making the world better is hard work. And if you aren't willing to do it, you don't really want it.




Rex Kickass

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