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Konerko hurt?


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Guest hotsoxchick1
also HSC, I've had my share of players who I said would be good that turned out good.

like who.. as i recall borchard is still in the minors.... ;) whos up here besides rowand and crede who both arent doing s***........ :D

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I would agree about the replay. I can't see how he would have jammed the shoulder on that play.


If he's getting cortisone shots in the hip, then it's a real problem. If a hitter can't swivel his hips, he can't hit. Period. I remember trying to hit with a bruised hip in high school and it was torture.


Why on earth wouldn't they put him on the DL? Is Konerko too stubborn, does he keep insisting he can play through it? If that's the case, it's admirable in one way, but very detrimental to the team given his performance.

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I must have my wrong glasses on again because I'm not able to read between the lines ...


What exactly is Konerko not telling the truth about, or what are the Sox not saying about Konerko?


Seems to me his problem is more mental than physical.  He's always had a tough time mentally when he's struggled in the past.


But do I sense there's more to this whole thing?

There are several threads with the details of Paul's real injury.

Well I have seen things posted about a "degenerative hip condition" but that makes no sense, so unless you can shed some light here, then I am not buying it.


If Paul's hip is so bad that fans would know about it, then the White Sox would have to know as well. And I don't buy for a minute that the Sox are going to allow a guy hitting .180something to take up a roster spot if he is indeed injured. That would be the dumbest thing a club could do when they have been struggling as they have.


It just doesn't add up Steff, so shed soem light on this for me, will ya?

Guess this "fan" just knows the right people.


Paul has been getting shots in his hip since the morning of May 5th. Believe me, or don't. But before you buy the BS about his shoulder being sore, watch the replay of that play and you'll see there's no way he injured his shoulder there.

So you are saying that you know about his hip and that he has been getting shots, but the Sox know nothing about it??

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I must have my wrong glasses on again because I'm not able to read between the lines ...


What exactly is Konerko not telling the truth about, or what are the Sox not saying about Konerko?


Seems to me his problem is more mental than physical.  He's always had a tough time mentally when he's struggled in the past.


But do I sense there's more to this whole thing?

There are several threads with the details of Paul's real injury.

Well I have seen things posted about a "degenerative hip condition" but that makes no sense, so unless you can shed some light here, then I am not buying it.


If Paul's hip is so bad that fans would know about it, then the White Sox would have to know as well. And I don't buy for a minute that the Sox are going to allow a guy hitting .180something to take up a roster spot if he is indeed injured. That would be the dumbest thing a club could do when they have been struggling as they have.


It just doesn't add up Steff, so shed soem light on this for me, will ya?

Guess this "fan" just knows the right people.


Paul has been getting shots in his hip since the morning of May 5th. Believe me, or don't. But before you buy the BS about his shoulder being sore, watch the replay of that play and you'll see there's no way he injured his shoulder there.

So you are saying that you know about his hip and that he has been getting shots, but the Sox know nothing about it??

Well.. since he's getting the shots at the Sox facility I'm sure they know about it...


C'mon Rex.. give me some credit here.

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I would agree about the replay.  I can't see how he would have jammed the shoulder on that play.


If he's getting cortisone shots in the hip, then it's a real problem.  If a hitter can't swivel his hips, he can't hit.  Period.  I remember trying to hit with a bruised hip in high school and it was torture.


Why on earth wouldn't they put him on the DL?  Is Konerko too stubborn, does he keep insisting he can play through it?  If that's the case, it's admirable in one way, but very detrimental to the team given his performance.

What I was told from another sufferer of DHD is that there is no way other then for the player to tell them that it hurts. There's no x-ray that can see INSIDE the bones to see how bad it is. Paul needs to speak up.. that will never happen.

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Well.. since he's getting the shots at the Sox facility I'm sure they know about it...


C'mon Rex.. give me some credit here.


That's my point. If he is getting cortisone shots then the Sox trainers and docs know at least to some degree of the severity. If they aren't doing anything about it, then blame the team, don't b**** at the player.


It just makes no sense that the Sox would allow an injury to go this far. There is something to be said for allowing a player to tough it out and work through an injury, but you don't let a guy who has hit in the past, go a half season hitting under .200 and not address the situation in some way.

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I agree he needs to speak up. But, if we're talking about the rock vs. the hard place, at some point the team has to do something. They know they're giving him shots, they can see he can't run, they can also see his sub-Mendoza line batting average.


Now, he talks about his shoulder. Shoulder, hip ... low batting average, can't run, can't get to grounders while playing 1st base, mentally messed up ... call me naive, but shouldn't that mean 15 day DL and a rehab assignment?

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but you don't let a guy who has hit in the past, go a half season hitting under .200 and not address the situation in some way


But they have by benching him, haven't they Rex?


I seem to recall a quote from PK a few days ago where he said he'll refuse to go on the DL with a fake injury.

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Good point was brought up on the Score this morning.


Paul is a true team player, you can't deny that. That being said, they were talking about Paulie possibly going to the minors. Now before you flip out...think about it. The only way Paul is going to get out of this is if he plays everday...coming off the bench is just making this problem worse.


Of course, Paulie would have to agree to this, and it's not normal for something like this to happen...but i definitely think it should be considered. And maybe Paul, being the team player he is, might do it. He will never figure it out sitting on the bench.

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Well.. since he's getting the shots at the Sox facility I'm sure they know about it...


C'mon Rex.. give me some credit here.


That's my point.  If he is getting cortisone shots then the Sox trainers and docs know at least to some degree of the severity.  If they aren't doing anything about it, then blame the team, don't b**** at the player. 


It just makes no sense that the Sox would allow an injury to go this far.  There is something to be said for allowing a player to tough it out and work through an injury, but you don't let a guy who has hit in the past, go a half season hitting under .200 and not address the situation in some way.

Rex... I know you KNOW what DHD is.. and how it is not able to be monitored like other ailments (at lease I am assuming you know...)


This falls on Paul. Just like it fell on Albert.

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but you don't let a guy who has hit in the past, go a half season hitting under .200 and not address the situation in some way


But they have by benching him, haven't they Rex?


I seem to recall a quote from PK a few days ago where he said he'll refuse to go on the DL with a fake injury.

If he is getting cortisone shots, it is acknowledged and not fake. Benching a guy still doesn't solve the problem. That roster spot could be taken by someone who could contribute.


And it is very RARE for a MLB player to go on the DL with a "fake injury". The player's union is way too strong to allow it. I am not saying it never happens, but it is definitely the exception rather than the rule.

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The guy is trying.  He isn't b****ing about playing time. 


You can't tell me that if he gets it together, that he could not help this time in a big way.  As Sox fans, I figured you'd be rooting for the guy.

I would like to see PK on the disabled list even though I know he won't like it. Use the shoulder as the reason. Paulie is trying hard and you have to feel for him. I know he can still produce and he will. If he is on the DL until after the all-star break it might give him a chance to get in more batting practice, work with Walker and CLEAR HIS HEAD. He needs to have a fresh approach and get some hits to fall in for him. Can you see his first homerun after what he has gone through and what that will do for him and ther Sox?

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I would agree about the replay.  I can't see how he would have jammed the shoulder on that play.


If he's getting cortisone shots in the hip, then it's a real problem.  If a hitter can't swivel his hips, he can't hit.  Period.  I remember trying to hit with a bruised hip in high school and it was torture.


Why on earth wouldn't they put him on the DL?  Is Konerko too stubborn, does he keep insisting he can play through it?  If that's the case, it's admirable in one way, but very detrimental to the team given his performance.

What I was told from another sufferer of DHD is that there is no way other then for the player to tell them that it hurts. There's no x-ray that can see INSIDE the bones to see how bad it is. Paul needs to speak up.. that will never happen.

Then if what you are saying is fact, Paul is an idiot.

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I must have my wrong glasses on again because I'm not able to read between the lines ...


What exactly is Konerko not telling the truth about, or what are the Sox not saying about Konerko?


Seems to me his problem is more mental than physical.  He's always had a tough time mentally when he's struggled in the past.


But do I sense there's more to this whole thing?

There are several threads with the details of Paul's real injury.

Well I have seen things posted about a "degenerative hip condition" but that makes no sense, so unless you can shed some light here, then I am not buying it.


If Paul's hip is so bad that fans would know about it, then the White Sox would have to know as well. And I don't buy for a minute that the Sox are going to allow a guy hitting .180something to take up a roster spot if he is indeed injured. That would be the dumbest thing a club could do when they have been struggling as they have.


It just doesn't add up Steff, so shed soem light on this for me, will ya?

Guess this "fan" just knows the right people.


Paul has been getting shots in his hip since the morning of May 5th. Believe me, or don't. But before you buy the BS about his shoulder being sore, watch the replay of that play and you'll see there's no way he injured his shoulder there.

The point of lying to the Sox fans is....what?


If he goes on the DL, he goes on the DL -- whether it's for a hip, shoulder, or a rash on his dick. If it's a hip injury, what good does it do the Sox to try and hide it? Of course it would be good to try to hide it from other teams, but if Steff knows about the cortizone (sp?) shots, I'm sure many others do too, so word's gonna get out to any would-be teams that the Sox would trade him to.


Making up a shoulder injury serves no purpose, unless I'm completely missing something.

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I must have my wrong glasses on again because I'm not able to read between the lines ...


What exactly is Konerko not telling the truth about, or what are the Sox not saying about Konerko?


Seems to me his problem is more mental than physical.  He's always had a tough time mentally when he's struggled in the past.


But do I sense there's more to this whole thing?

There are several threads with the details of Paul's real injury.

Well I have seen things posted about a "degenerative hip condition" but that makes no sense, so unless you can shed some light here, then I am not buying it.


If Paul's hip is so bad that fans would know about it, then the White Sox would have to know as well. And I don't buy for a minute that the Sox are going to allow a guy hitting .180something to take up a roster spot if he is indeed injured. That would be the dumbest thing a club could do when they have been struggling as they have.


It just doesn't add up Steff, so shed soem light on this for me, will ya?

Guess this "fan" just knows the right people.


Paul has been getting shots in his hip since the morning of May 5th. Believe me, or don't. But before you buy the BS about his shoulder being sore, watch the replay of that play and you'll see there's no way he injured his shoulder there.

The point of lying to the Sox fans is....what?


If he goes on the DL, he goes on the DL -- whether it's for a hip, shoulder, or a rash on his dick. If it's a hip injury, what good does it do the Sox to try and hide it? Of course it would be good to try to hide it from other teams, but if Steff knows about the cortizone (sp?) shots, I'm sure many others do too, so word's gonna get out to any would-be teams that the Sox would trade him to.


Making up a shoulder injury serves no purpose, unless I'm completely missing something.

A lot of people have known about it since we first got him. The hope is/was that he outlasted it like Albert did. Albert was diagnosed in 1994. Look at what he accomplished?


And to address your other post clu.. IMO, Paul IS an idiot.

This can't be "proven" so he'll use the "slump" excuse as long as possible. Makes no sense to me. His contract is insured. He'll still get paid.

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This can't be "proven" so he'll use the "slump" excuse as long as possible. Makes no sense to me. His contract is insured. He'll still get paid.

Since I'm somewhat ignorant as to the details of the degenerative hip disease, let me ask a couple of questions.


1) What does the disease do to the hip? Does it eat away at it until it's like swiss cheese?


and 2) Would rest and rehab do anything to help it? Or is it just as it says, "degenerative", and will continue to get worse with time regardless of the action(s) taken?


If it's #1, he's obviously screwed and he's just biding his time and sticking around as long as he can. But if it's the first part of #2, he's a moron for continuing to play with it.


The thing I don't understand is if he's going to get paid, why wouldn't he take some time off to see if it would help the problem? He's got to have some pride, and hitting .185 has got to be killing him.

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Since I'm somewhat ignorant as to the details of the degenerative hip disease, let me ask a couple of questions.


1)  What does the disease do to the hip?  Does it eat away at it until it's like swiss cheese?


and 2)  Would rest and rehab do anything to help it?  Or is it just as it says, "degenerative", and will continue to get worse with time regardless of the action(s) taken?


If it's #1, he's obviously screwed and he's just biding his time and sticking around as long as he can.  But if it's the first part of #2, he's a moron for continuing to play with it. 


The thing I don't understand is if he's going to get paid, why wouldn't he take some time off to see if it would help the problem?  He's got to have some pride, and hitting .185 has got to be killing him.

It's both. Except for the rest helping. Eventually he'll need hip surgery.


I don't know why he wont rest. But there is a LOT of speculation of his role with the Sox since he started having this house built within blocks of the park.... Not one player lives anywhere near the park. Most are on the complete other side of the city or in the western burbs. He's got a lot of people confused.

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Since I'm somewhat ignorant as to the details of the degenerative hip disease, let me ask a couple of questions.


1)  What does the disease do to the hip?  Does it eat away at it until it's like swiss cheese?


and 2)  Would rest and rehab do anything to help it?  Or is it just as it says, "degenerative", and will continue to get worse with time regardless of the action(s) taken?


If it's #1, he's obviously screwed and he's just biding his time and sticking around as long as he can.  But if it's the first part of #2, he's a moron for continuing to play with it. 


The thing I don't understand is if he's going to get paid, why wouldn't he take some time off to see if it would help the problem?  He's got to have some pride, and hitting .185 has got to be killing him.

It's both. Except for the rest helping. Eventually he'll need hip surgery.


I don't know why he wont rest. But there is a LOT of speculation of his role with the Sox since he started having this house built within blocks of the park.... Not one player lives anywhere near the park. Most are on the complete other side of the city or in the western burbs. He's got a lot of people confused.

Him wanting to live close to where he works is the cause of speculation and confusion? I don't understand that.


Did he not see what it did to Joey? Also, this surgery..would it be career-ending, or would it be something that he could rehab from and come back good as new?

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Since I'm somewhat ignorant as to the details of the degenerative hip disease, let me ask a couple of questions.


1)  What does the disease do to the hip?  Does it eat away at it until it's like swiss cheese?


and 2)  Would rest and rehab do anything to help it?  Or is it just as it says, "degenerative", and will continue to get worse with time regardless of the action(s) taken?


If it's #1, he's obviously screwed and he's just biding his time and sticking around as long as he can.  But if it's the first part of #2, he's a moron for continuing to play with it. 


The thing I don't understand is if he's going to get paid, why wouldn't he take some time off to see if it would help the problem?  He's got to have some pride, and hitting .185 has got to be killing him.

It's both. Except for the rest helping. Eventually he'll need hip surgery.


I don't know why he wont rest. But there is a LOT of speculation of his role with the Sox since he started having this house built within blocks of the park.... Not one player lives anywhere near the park. Most are on the complete other side of the city or in the western burbs. He's got a lot of people confused.

Him wanting to live close to where he works is the cause of speculation and confusion? I don't understand that.


Did he not see what it did to Joey? Also, this surgery..would it be career-ending, or would it be something that he could rehab from and come back good as new?

It didn't work for Bo Jackson or Albert Belle.

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Since I'm somewhat ignorant as to the details of the degenerative hip disease, let me ask a couple of questions.


1)  What does the disease do to the hip?  Does it eat away at it until it's like swiss cheese?


and 2)  Would rest and rehab do anything to help it?  Or is it just as it says, "degenerative", and will continue to get worse with time regardless of the action(s) taken?


If it's #1, he's obviously screwed and he's just biding his time and sticking around as long as he can.  But if it's the first part of #2, he's a moron for continuing to play with it. 


The thing I don't understand is if he's going to get paid, why wouldn't he take some time off to see if it would help the problem?  He's got to have some pride, and hitting .185 has got to be killing him.

It's both. Except for the rest helping. Eventually he'll need hip surgery.


I don't know why he wont rest. But there is a LOT of speculation of his role with the Sox since he started having this house built within blocks of the park.... Not one player lives anywhere near the park. Most are on the complete other side of the city or in the western burbs. He's got a lot of people confused.

Him wanting to live close to where he works is the cause of speculation and confusion? I don't understand that.


Did he not see what it did to Joey? Also, this surgery..would it be career-ending, or would it be something that he could rehab from and come back good as new?

It didn't work for Bo Jackson or Albert Belle.

Quite the contrary -- Bo came back after the surgery and still produced at the major league level. True, he was a shell of his former great self, but since Paulie was never a 5-tool player to begin with, I think it would be different for him. All he's really good at is hitting and scooping low throws at 1st -- seems to me like a new hip would help him.

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Since I'm somewhat ignorant as to the details of the degenerative hip disease, let me ask a couple of questions.


1)  What does the disease do to the hip?  Does it eat away at it until it's like swiss cheese?


and 2)  Would rest and rehab do anything to help it?  Or is it just as it says, "degenerative", and will continue to get worse with time regardless of the action(s) taken?


If it's #1, he's obviously screwed and he's just biding his time and sticking around as long as he can.  But if it's the first part of #2, he's a moron for continuing to play with it. 


The thing I don't understand is if he's going to get paid, why wouldn't he take some time off to see if it would help the problem?  He's got to have some pride, and hitting .185 has got to be killing him.

It's both. Except for the rest helping. Eventually he'll need hip surgery.


I don't know why he wont rest. But there is a LOT of speculation of his role with the Sox since he started having this house built within blocks of the park.... Not one player lives anywhere near the park. Most are on the complete other side of the city or in the western burbs. He's got a lot of people confused.

Him wanting to live close to where he works is the cause of speculation and confusion? I don't understand that.


Did he not see what it did to Joey? Also, this surgery..would it be career-ending, or would it be something that he could rehab from and come back good as new?

Clu.. players don't live in that area. They just don't.


And what happened to Albert..?? He played effectively for 5 years after he was diagnosed. :huh:


As for surgery being career ending.. I don't see Bo playin anywhere but the golf course, do you ;) ?

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Since I'm somewhat ignorant as to the details of the degenerative hip disease, let me ask a couple of questions.


1)  What does the disease do to the hip?  Does it eat away at it until it's like swiss cheese?


and 2)  Would rest and rehab do anything to help it?  Or is it just as it says, "degenerative", and will continue to get worse with time regardless of the action(s) taken?


If it's #1, he's obviously screwed and he's just biding his time and sticking around as long as he can.  But if it's the first part of #2, he's a moron for continuing to play with it. 


The thing I don't understand is if he's going to get paid, why wouldn't he take some time off to see if it would help the problem?  He's got to have some pride, and hitting .185 has got to be killing him.

It's both. Except for the rest helping. Eventually he'll need hip surgery.


I don't know why he wont rest. But there is a LOT of speculation of his role with the Sox since he started having this house built within blocks of the park.... Not one player lives anywhere near the park. Most are on the complete other side of the city or in the western burbs. He's got a lot of people confused.

Him wanting to live close to where he works is the cause of speculation and confusion? I don't understand that.


Did he not see what it did to Joey? Also, this surgery..would it be career-ending, or would it be something that he could rehab from and come back good as new?

It didn't work for Bo Jackson or Albert Belle.

Albert didn't bother with surgery, at least as of yet. He's comfortable now. But is on pain medication more often then not.

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Clu.. players don't live in that area. They just don't.


And what happened to Albert..?? He played effectively for 5 years after he was diagnosed.  :huh:


As for surgery being career ending.. I don't see Bo playin anywhere but the golf course, do you  ;) ?

Bo had surgery in 1991, and was playing as late as 1994 with the Angels. I don't remember why he retired, but it might have had something to do with his hip, don't know for sure.


And is it a bad area to live in? Since I've never been there, I obviously don't know.

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Quite the contrary -- Bo came back after the surgery and still produced at the major league level.  True, he was a shell of his former great self, but since Paulie was never a 5-tool player to begin with, I think it would be different for him.  All he's really good at is hitting and scooping low throws at 1st -- seems to me like a new hip would help him.

If you ever get an opportunity to meet Bo.. jump at it. Bo loves to talk allll about his bum hip. Let him tell you the stories of post surgery. Stories of the pain.. and the shots with 3 inch 4mm guage needles to try to stop the pain in his joints. Let him tell you about popping pain pills like they were candy. He loves to tell people that if you are injured, GET OFF THE FIELD. It's not worth it. Bo golfs 2 or 3 times a week in the spring & summer out here in Tinley Park and a couple times a month at Broken Arrow with Carlton. He limps when he walks and is still visibly in pain. I wouldn't say his surgery was a sucess.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
If you ever get an opportunity to meet Bo.. jump at it. Bo loves to talk allll about his bum hip. Let him tell you the stories of post surgery. Stories of the pain.. and the shots with 3 inch 4mm guage needles to try to stop the pain in his joints. Let him tell you about popping pain pills like they were candy. He loves to tell people that if you are injured, GET OFF THE FIELD. It's not worth it. Bo golfs 2 or 3 times a week in the spring & summer out here in Tinley Park and a couple times a month at Broken Arrow with Carlton. He limps when he walks and is still visibly in pain. I wouldn't say his surgery was a sucess.

he loves to talk about his power bars too........ :D :lol:

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