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If KW makes a move, which is the right one?


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We don't need a panic move for an outfielder with Jeremy Reed not more than a year away. As much as I like Pierre, he has the proverbial glass arm. We have some pretty good outfield prospects in Reed, Webster, Anderson, Spidale, Hankins, et al. Even Piniella and Durham have started hitting at B-ham. Any serious trade talks should be centered around shortstop for 2004.

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Lots of talk about guys like Ponson, Alomar, Castillo, etc. floating around.


I think our need centers around help up the middle and and overall team speed. I like the idea of Alomar, but he's got a hefty contract, and his best years may be behind him. His numbers are projecting lower for 2003.


I think a deal with the Marlins may have what we need to get over the hump.


White Sox to Marlins:

Danny Wright

Aaron Rowand

D'Angelo Jimenez


Marlins to White Sox:

Juan Pierre

Luis Castillo


The rationale for this deal is based upon the Marlins desire to reduce salary while being able to keep Mike Lowell. Lowell is going to demand a big payday a year from now, but Castillo's contract is up before his. I don't think the Marlins are going to deal Lowell to anyone - he's a keeper. In addition, the Marlins have lost three of thier frontline starters and would likely smile on a deal that brought MLB experience to the mound.


For the Sox, you get a great pair of table setters for your 3-6 hitters. looking at the stats DJ's number may be similar to Castillo, but I think the intangible of DJ's laziness/lack of concentration cant be ignored. Plus I love Pierre, he's a real leadoff hitter and an improvement in CF. I love Rowand and his hustle, but we need contact and speed at the top of the lineup.  In this deal I also thought about Willie Harris as a substitue for DJ or Rowand, but if Castillo departs in 2004, you still have Willie who then can play 2B, and it allows you to bring up Miles in 2004 to compete with him for the job.

I like it as well, I also think we'd have to give up another minor league pitcher however. I wouldn't mind giving up a Low A ball minor league pitcher.



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Yeah I dont see why the hell the Marlins would want to make this deal cause it sure doesnt improve their team in any shape or form. Lots of teams are interested in speedsters like Pierre and Castillo, and trust me, they have a lot more to offer than those 3 bums. And keep in mind, the Marlins are over .500 and playing better baseball than us so they might be reluctant to even trade them at this point.


I could see Dlo, Wright, and maybe another prospect for Castillo. But definately not Castillo AND Pierre.

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Yeah I dont see why the hell the Marlins would want to make this deal cause it sure doesnt improve their team in any shape or form. Lots of teams are interested in speedsters like Pierre and Castillo, and trust me, they have a lot more to offer than those 3 bums. And keep in mind, the Marlins are over .500 and playing better baseball than us so they might be reluctant to even trade them at this point.


I could see Dlo, Wright, and maybe another prospect for Castillo. But definately not Castillo AND Pierre.

I don't think we're going to get Pierre anyway, if anyone should be thrown into the deal it shouldn't be Pierre. It should be one of the starting five from Florida (REDMAN). I'd be willing to also give up Rauch if we receive Castillo and Redman. I know it's a stretch, but does anyone know how many years are left on Redman's contract?


I also don't know how highly the Marlins think of Redman, considering the only pitcher that they might actually move would be Penny.


Hows this trade look?


Marlins get:


Tim Hummel



(Player to be named later)


Sox Get:


Redman or Penny.



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The only player I'd want is Castillo. His numbers are at least a little better than Jimenez's, I think he's the one who had that 37 game hitting streak, he has better speed, and cannot POSSIBLY be as lazy and lackadaisical as Jimenez. I view him as a Willie Harris who can actually do things BESIDES run. I would be willing to give up Jimenez, Harris, Wright, Rauch, Adkins, (I had to throw him in there... :D ) and perhaps some B prospects like Ruddy Yan or various minor league relievers. That SHOULD be enough for the Marlins, and if it isn't, then Castillo isn't worth it.


I honestly think that center can be a strength in the years to come for the Sox, (Borchard, Anderson and Reed all have a chance to play and excel there) so getting Pierre would either create a glut, or we'd end up with nothing in the long run. Plus I'm not convinced that Pierre could repeat what he's doing in the years to come.


Alomar is too old, too expensive, and wouldn't pose much of a long-term solution. I want this team to contend for more than 1 or 2 years.


I never wanted Weaver, and if he struggles with the Yankees... Cotts, whether he pans out or not (I think he will) is WAAAY too much for him.


Every day I think that Williams' worst move as GM BY FAR was to part ways with Ray Durham. Speed + decent power + good range to his right & on popups + ability to hit .300... :(

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When it comes to Danny Wright someone needs to say the same two words to him over and over again.  "strike one"

You're right, when Wright gets ahead much like any young pitchers he's basically unhittable.


I still like my deal in acquiring Castillo and Redman. That fills our gap in our rotation too, the only question I have is Redman's contract situation.



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You're right, when Wright gets ahead much like any young pitchers he's basically unhittable.


I still like my deal in acquiring Castillo and Redman. That fills our gap in our rotation too, the only question I have is Redman's contract situation.



Redman is on a one year deal for $1.05 million. My guess is he is somewhere in his arbitration years.

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Wright will eventually learn that.  This guy can be a very solid #2 or #3, soon.

Honestly out of all of the kids that have come through our system in the last few years he has the best "stuff" of all them, IMO. If he learns to pitch ahead he can be great.

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