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Bush commutes Scooter Libby

Rex Kickass

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I shouldn't be surprised, yet I am.


WASHINGTON - President Bush spared former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby from a 2 1/2-year prison term in the CIA leak case Monday, stepping into a criminal case with heavy political overtones on grounds that the sentence was just too harsh.



Bush's move came hours after a federal appeals panel ruled Libby could not delay his prison term in the CIA leak case. That meant Libby was likely to have to report to prison soon and put new pressure on the president, who had been sidestepping calls by Libby's allies to pardon the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney.


"I respect the jury's verdict," Bush said in a statement. "But I have concluded that the prison sentence given to Mr. Libby is excessive. Therefore, I am commuting the portion of Mr. Libby's sentence that required him to spend thirty months in prison."


Bush left intact a $250,000 fine and two years probation for Libby, and Bush said his action still "leaves in place a harsh punishment for Mr. Libby."


Libby was convicted in March of lying to authorities and obstructing the investigation into the 2003 leak of CIA operative's identity. He was the highest-ranking White House official ordered to prison since the Iran-Contra affair.


Reaction was harsh from Democrats.


"As Independence Day nears, we are reminded that one of the principles our forefathers fought for was equal justice under the law. This commutation completely tramples on that principle," Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said through a spokesman.


Libby's supporters celebrated.


"That's fantastic. It's a great relief," said former Ambassador Richard Carlson, who helped raise millions for Libby's defense fund. "Scooter Libby did not deserve to go to prison and I'm glad the president had the courage to do this."


A message seeking comment from Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's office was not immediately returned.


Bush said Cheney's former aide was not getting off free.


"The reputation he gained through his years of public service and professional work in the legal community is forever damaged," Bush said. "His wife and young children have also suffered immensely. He will remain on probation. The significant fines imposed by the judge will remain in effect. The consequences of his felony conviction on his former life as a lawyer, public servant and private citizen will be long-lasting."


A spokeswoman for Cheney said simply, "The vice president supports the president's decision."


The president's announcement came just as prison seemed likely for Libby. He recently lost an appeals court fight that was his best chance to put the sentence on hold, and the U.S. Bureau of Prisons had already designated him inmate No. 28301-016.


Bush's statement made no mention of the term "pardon," and he made clear that he was not willing to wipe away all penalties for Libby.


The president noted Libby supporters' argument that the punishment did not fit the crime for a "first-time offender with years of exceptional public service."


Yet, he added, "Others point out that a jury of citizens weighed all the evidence and listened to all the testimony and found Mr. Libby guilty of perjury and obstructing justice. They argue, correctly, that our entire system of justice relies on people telling the truth. And if a person does not tell the truth, particularly if he serves in government and holds the public trust, he must be held accountable."


Bush then stripped away the prison time.


The leak case has hung over the White House for years. After CIA operative Valerie Plame's name appeared in a 2003 syndicated newspaper column, Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald questioned top administration officials, including Bush and Cheney, about their possible roles.


Nobody was ever charged with the leak, including Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage or White House political adviser Karl Rove, who provided the information for the original article. Prosecutors said Libby obstructed the investigation by lying about how he learned about Plame and whom he told.


Plame believes Libby and other White House officials conspired to leak her identity to reporters in 2003 as retribution against her husband, Joseph Wilson, who criticized what he said was the administration's misleading use of prewar intelligence on Iraq.


Attorney William Jeffress said he had spoken to Libby briefly by phone and "I'm happy at least that Scooter will be spared any prison time. ... The prison sentence was imminent but obviously the conviction itself is a heavy blow to Scooter."

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"As Independence Day nears, we are reminded that one of the principles our forefathers fought for was equal justice under the law. This commutation completely tramples on that principle," Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said through a spokesman.

As if letting Berger steal classified documents, and lie about it, and get away with a small fine and suspension of his law license was justice? if all berger got was a slap on the wrist, that's all Scooter should get. Chuckie, you can kiss my pasty white ass.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 04:54 PM)
It's not a pardon.


The dude is still basically ruined.


With the GOP/big business/energy buddies this guy has you believe he's ruined!?!? That's gold.


The deal is now complete. Libby helps Bush and Cheney stay out of the line of fire, Bush returns the favor. Bush/Cheney continue business as normal and Libby will get some cush job as a consultant with an energy firm making hundreds of thousands dollars a year while avoiding the prison ass-rapes.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 05:54 PM)
It's not a pardon.


The dude is still basically ruined.


No, the pardon won't come until just before Bush leaves office in 2009.


P.S. Sandy Berger pled guilty, and faced his music. There was no President making it all better.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jul 3, 2007 -> 12:23 AM)
No, the pardon won't come until just before Bush leaves office in 2009.


P.S. Sandy Berger pled guilty, and faced his music. There was no President making it all better.

That's "rich", even coming from you, Rex.


The comparions here are more the same then you want to say. Maybe if TurdBergerlur would have just done something like this while Bill was still in office... he would have gotten pardoned.


You want to place a bet right here and now if Her Highness gets elected, she pardons him?

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I think it would really be better, if the Presidential power to commute sentences or pardon criminals, didn't apply to people whose acts occured while they were in the executive. Otherwise, what is the point of prosecuting people in the executive at all?

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WHY IS IT ALWAYS DIFFERENT? This is what pisses me off about you people. I mean, if you people were consistent, that's one thing, but you're not. So explain to me why this is so different?


/waits for left wing up the ass links to explain to me why Libby is such a cocksucker for being a "BushCo neo-con" who got off "scott free".

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 10:20 PM)
WHY IS IT ALWAYS DIFFERENT? This is what pisses me off about you people. I mean, if you people were consistent, that's one thing, but you're not. So explain to me why this is so different?


/waits for left wing up the ass links to explain to me why Libby is such a cocksucker for being a "BushCo neo-con" who got off "scott free".

Who said it was different, Kap? Who are the "you people" you refer to? Is anyone defending Berger?

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Why is anybody surprised or mad by this? The rich getting away with everything is not some sort of republican or democrat issue, it's a money and power issue. I love the cute "America has the best justice system in the world" crap I always hear though.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 08:57 PM)
That's "rich", even coming from you, Rex.


The comparions here are more the same then you want to say. Maybe if TurdBergerlur would have just done something like this while Bill was still in office... he would have gotten pardoned.


You want to place a bet right here and now if Her Highness gets elected, she pardons him?


I'll take that bet. If he gets pardoned, it wouldn't be til 2013 at the earliest - first of all. And that guy's fat so he'd probably be dead. And second of all, I'd be pissed off if Berger got a pardon. And lastly, it won't matter because Hillary won't win the nomination.


QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 11:20 PM)
WHY IS IT ALWAYS DIFFERENT? This is what pisses me off about you people. I mean, if you people were consistent, that's one thing, but you're not. So explain to me why this is so different?


/waits for left wing up the ass links to explain to me why Libby is such a cocksucker for being a "BushCo neo-con" who got off "scott free".


What's different? He was convicted of perjury. He only quit when he got indicted. The same President who said heads would roll over this - took away all the teeth of the penalty that he fairly received from a trial.


The only thing that's different here is that the rule of law was respected with Sandy Berger. He pled guilty, was convicted and sentenced. Nobody asked for commutation, nobody asked for a pardon. In Libby's case, it's different. He got off.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jul 3, 2007 -> 04:01 AM)
I'll take that bet. If he gets pardoned, it wouldn't be til 2013 at the earliest - first of all. And that guy's fat so he'd probably be dead. And second of all, I'd be pissed off if Berger got a pardon. And lastly, it won't matter because Hillary won't win the nomination.

What's different? He was convicted of perjury. He only quit when he got indicted. The same President who said heads would roll over this - took away all the teeth of the penalty that he fairly received from a trial.


The only thing that's different here is that the rule of law was respected with Sandy Berger. He pled guilty, was convicted and sentenced. Nobody asked for commutation, nobody asked for a pardon. In Libby's case, it's different. He got off.

Well, he was told to plead guilty, for one thing. And he didn't get jail time. Which is whe he plead guilty - he wouldn't be able to get a commuted sentance.


Sure, it's different, it always is.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jul 2, 2007 -> 10:34 PM)
Why is anybody surprised or mad by this? The rich getting away with everything is not some sort of republican or democrat issue, it's a money and power issue. I love the cute "America has the best justice system in the world" crap I always hear though.

All in all, it is the best justice system in the world. Flawed indeed, but better than any of the alternatives I know of.

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I am taking up a collection for hankies to send to Schumer and Durbin who will be crying for awhile over this.


I think this is better than Bush giving them the finger. Special prosecutors tend to waste a lot of money. Walsh, Starr etc...

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Personally, I agree that this stinks. But the hypcritical part is the "OUTRAGE" being demonstrated by Schmucky Chucky and Little Dicky Durbin, et. al. It's crap all the way around. Yet, somehow, when the (D) people do the same things the outrage isn't quite as noticed.

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From another message board:

Governor Bush on his rationale for not commuting the 152 death sentences he oversaw:

"I don’t believe my role [as governor] is to replace the verdict of a jury with my own, unless there are new facts or evidence of which a jury was unaware, or evidence that the trial was somehow unfair."


On the subject of Dick Cheney's right-hand man who took one for the team and got 2.5 years:

"the prison sentence given to Mr. Libby is excessive.”"

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 3, 2007 -> 09:58 AM)
Personally, I agree that this stinks. But the hypcritical part is the "OUTRAGE" being demonstrated by Schmucky Chucky and Little Dicky Durbin, et. al. It's crap all the way around. Yet, somehow, when the (D) people do the same things the outrage isn't quite as noticed.


I'm sorry Kap, but how many of the (D) people around here did you know 6 and a half years ago when the last opportunity for (D) people to do such a thing happened? Oh that's right. None, but I'm sure that's somehow different too.


Please save your fake anger for an issue where it's believable. You're angry at an argument that NOBODY is making.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jul 3, 2007 -> 02:12 PM)
I'm sorry Kap, but how many of the (D) people around here did you know 6 and a half years ago when the last opportunity for (D) people to do such a thing happened? Oh that's right. None, but I'm sure that's somehow different too.


Please save your fake anger for an issue where it's believable. You're angry at an argument that NOBODY is making.

I'm reading it all over the place this morning in the MSM bits about it. Bulls***... read the quotes from Schmucky and Little Dick. I'm not saying YOU personally, but I'm saying the Democrat Party in general.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 3, 2007 -> 09:25 AM)
I'm reading it all over the place this morning in the MSM bits about it. Bulls***... read the quotes from Schmucky and Little Dick. I'm not saying YOU personally, but I'm saying the Democrat Party in general.


It's those guys jobs to lie and be outraged, get over it.

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