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Questions for Steff and/or HSC


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Since you two seem to have a lot of inside info, I'd like to ask you some questions. This is actually sort of an extension on the Konerko topic, when Steff mentioned that he was having a house build a few blocks from the park. My questions are:


1. Why is that such a bad idea, since it would cut down on a ton of commuting time. And with road trips and such, it's not like they live there everyday anyway. Which brings me to my next question:


2. What do the players do with their houses in Chicago in the offseason? I remember reading that Konerko is from Scottsdale, AZ and spends his offseasons there.


3. I also read that PK got engaged. Did he get married yet? Could that be a source of distraction for him?


Thanks for the input....

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hmm, Konerko moving a few blocks from the park?


I know of a few houses being built around my area, but I would assume he would have a rather big house. afterall, he's making $6 mil a year.


I haven't heard anything about him moving into the neighborhood though.

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Since you two seem to have a lot of inside info, I'd like to ask you some questions.  This is actually sort of an extension on the Konerko topic, when Steff mentioned that he was having a house build a few blocks from the park.  My questions are:


1.  Why is that such a bad idea, since it would cut down on a ton of commuting time.  And with road trips and such, it's not like they live there everyday anyway.  Which brings me to my next question:


2.  What do the players do with their houses in Chicago in the offseason?  I remember reading that Konerko is from Scottsdale, AZ and spends his offseasons there. 


3.  I also read that PK got engaged.  Did he get married yet?  Could that be a source of distraction for him?


Thanks for the input....

The area does not fit the lifestyle. There are 50, 60, 70 year old houses, 2, and 3 flats. It's just not the

"idea" area for a player to live. Very little privacy as well.


Several rent furnished apartments in the city. A few rent furnished townhouses in the burbs. A few own houses and come back once or twice a month in the offseason. All depends on the guy, and if they have a family on the travel schedule I'd guess. I don't pretend to know the habits of all ball players. Just the dozen or so that I know. That is where I get my information. Also, they have maids so it's not like the place sits empty for an extended period of time.


Paul got engaged. Not married yet. She's a real nice lady. Very supportive of him. I doubt she's a distraction, although I do not know her very well. So I can only give you my opinion on what I know.

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hmm, Konerko moving a few blocks from the park? 


I know of a few houses being built around my area, but I would assume he would have a rather big house.  afterall, he's making $6 mil a year.


I haven't heard anything about him moving into the neighborhood though.

Being built approximately in the 33rd & Shields area. I have not personally seen it so I'm just repeating what I was told from a cop who lives in the area.


And that's what I can't figure out about where he's moving with the $$ he's got. Makes no sense. :huh:

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if I were a player, that  is where I'd want to live



some people, like me, hate to commute



I always live within walking distance of where I work

For what Vince? There is NOTHING in the area. No bars. No nightlife. Not too many good resturants. And everything is right on top of you. These guys do not work normal hours and do not have to fight with traffic either way to work.


Paul would be the last person I'd expect over there. He's a pretty party boy.

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He could hang out at Jimbo's. Its at 33rd and Princeton. I do agree that the area is kind of strange for a $6 million a year athlete to live in, he could live downtown and be a few minutes away from the park, and close to everything. Do you think it might be something in his new contract, have a few guys move into the neighborhood, to try and get the neighborhood rejuvenated.

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if I were a player, that  is where I'd want to live



some people, like me, hate to commute



I always live within walking distance of where I work

Hate commuting for work only i take it...because don't you commute from Michigan for Sox games?

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He could hang out at Jimbo's. Its at 33rd and Princeton. I do agree that the area is kind of strange for a $6 million a year athlete to live in, he could live downtown and be a few minutes away from the park, and close to everything. Do you think it might be something in his new contract, have a few guys move into the neighborhood, to try and get the neighborhood rejuvenated.

Jimbo's isn't exactly Paul's style... lol


I doubt it's a contract thing. I don't think they can tell there where they have to live.

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Jimbo's isn't exactly Paul's style... lol


I doubt it's a contract thing. I don't think they can tell there where they have to live.

Yea, I was joking about Jimbo's. I just thought because the area gets such a bad rap as being so dangerous maybe JR might have "suggested" Paulie move around there to try and help get rid of that perception.

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Jimbo's isn't exactly Paul's style... lol


I doubt it's a contract thing. I don't think they can tell there where they have to live.

Yea, I was joking about Jimbo's. I just thought because the area gets such a bad rap as being so dangerous maybe JR might have "suggested" Paulie move around there to try and help get rid of that perception.

Hey.. Jimbo's is great for a few pre-game beers. Just no dancing or eye candy in there ;)

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Jimbo's isn't exactly Paul's style... lol


I doubt it's a contract thing. I don't think they can tell there where they have to live.

Yea, I was joking about Jimbo's. I just thought because the area gets such a bad rap as being so dangerous maybe JR might have "suggested" Paulie move around there to try and help get rid of that perception.

Hey.. Jimbo's is great for a few pre-game beers. Just no dancing or eye candy in there ;)

So could he not have changed since getting engaged? Perhaps he doesn't do those kinds of things at home anymore?

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Jimbo's isn't exactly Paul's style... lol


I doubt it's a contract thing. I don't think they can tell there where they have to live.

Yea, I was joking about Jimbo's. I just thought because the area gets such a bad rap as being so dangerous maybe JR might have "suggested" Paulie move around there to try and help get rid of that perception.

Hey.. Jimbo's is great for a few pre-game beers. Just no dancing or eye candy in there ;)

My friend's sister works there. Our nickname for her when we were younger was "satan". :lol:

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Jimbo's isn't exactly Paul's style... lol


I doubt it's a contract thing. I don't think they can tell there where they have to live.

Yea, I was joking about Jimbo's. I just thought because the area gets such a bad rap as being so dangerous maybe JR might have "suggested" Paulie move around there to try and help get rid of that perception.

Hey.. Jimbo's is great for a few pre-game beers. Just no dancing or eye candy in there ;)

So could he not have changed since getting engaged? Perhaps he doesn't do those kinds of things at home anymore?

They go out together every weekend they are in town Rex. And don't try to BS me... guys change just because they get engaged..? Paaallleeaasseee.


If men are breathin'.. they're lookin'.

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Jimbo's isn't exactly Paul's style... lol


I doubt it's a contract thing. I don't think they can tell there where they have to live.

Yea, I was joking about Jimbo's. I just thought because the area gets such a bad rap as being so dangerous maybe JR might have "suggested" Paulie move around there to try and help get rid of that perception.

Hey.. Jimbo's is great for a few pre-game beers. Just no dancing or eye candy in there ;)

So could he not have changed since getting engaged? Perhaps he doesn't do those kinds of things at home anymore?

They go out together every weekend they are in town Rex. And don't try to BS me... guys change just because they get engaged..? Paaallleeaasseee.


If men are breathin'.. they're lookin'.

It is fair to assume that when a guy gets engaged he goes out less, don't you think? Especially if she is in the same city. Now what goes on when they are on the road might be a different story.

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It is fair to assume that when a guy gets engaged he goes out less, don't you think?  Especially if she is in the same city.  Now what goes on when they are on the road might be a different story.

I guess you can assume anything. But from what I've seen and heard, they are very frequent regulars at The Hunt Club, or Melvin B's, or Gibson's, or Hang Ups, or Mothers. etc, etc... They are always out.

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Couples in their 20's with a boatload of money don't live in Bridgeport. And its not because of a lack of bars. The time he saves coming home after games he loses when he wants to go out . Believe me, his fiance would enjoy herself a lot more if Paulie bought a penthouse condo in a building downtown. I don't think that there are many people in the neighborhood he is building in that have much in common with him or his wife to be.

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Couples in their 20's with a boatload of money don't live in Bridgeport. And its not because of a lack of bars. The time he saves coming home after games he loses when he wants to go out . Believe me, his fiance would enjoy herself a lot more if Paulie bought a penthouse condo in a building downtown. I don't think that there are many people in the neighborhood he is building in that have much in common with him or his wife to be.

That's what I'm talking about... It makes no sense. But oh well.. :huh:

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Thanks for all the info, Steff.  So is Paulie's fiance originally from Chicago or did they meet in AZ and he moved her out here? 


I've always been a big "fan" of his, too bad he's engaged now. ;)

Ya know.. I don't know. Never asked. She was not in AZ for this past ST though.. My guess would be that she's from here.

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if I were a player, that  is where I'd want to live



some people, like me, hate to commute



I always live within walking distance of where I work

Hate commuting for work only i take it...because don't you commute from Michigan for Sox games?

commute = going to work


I hate commuting


If I have to be at the office at 9, I prefer to leave at 8:55 - one does not exactly get paid for travel time - and the later I can get up and leave, the better -


I can run home during the day - whatever - I like convenience -



I wouldn't mind cutting some travel time off my trips to Chicago for games - I am looking to move back to Kalamazoo, would save me about an hour - but regardless, one trip every other weekend or so (other than my 3 trips in one week for the overnight, hawk and dj bobblehead night, and San Diego) is far less taxing than having to drive daily

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the first bunch of players I ever knew were players who who lived 3 doors down from me, in a bungalo on the nw side -


PK has been around Chicago awhile, maybe he just wants a place near work where he can chill easily - maybe he and his fiance have different desires, priorities, concerns


I think it is cool if they are really going that route -


and it's their free choice, they can do as they please, and I don't think it is our place to be second-guessing them for what they do every hour of their lives -


just because some can't imagine why on earth they would do something like that doesn't make it wrong or impossible - it just means, they are adults who know the city and have their reasons and they don't have to live their lives to fulfull our fantasies and desires and wishes 24 hours a day,. 7 days a week -

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and it's their free choice, they can do as they please, and I don't think it is our place to be second-guessing them for what they do every hour of their lives -


just because some can't imagine why on earth they would do something like that doesn't make it wrong or impossible - it just means, they are adults who know the city and have their reasons and they don't have to  live their lives to fulfull our fantasies and desires and wishes 24 hours a day,. 7 days a week -

Oh.. did you think I was second guessing them..? Well exxxcccuuussseee me :P


Not at all. But in all the years I have known players.. and been around the area. Not one has ever mentioned a thought or desire to live in the area. Just asking myself a question.. cause quite frankly to everyone else - his co-workers included - no one understands it.


Whatever floats their boat.

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My guess would be that she's from here


Damn, maybe if I would have just met him sooner. :lol:


Just kidding. I actually don't think I'd ever want to date an athlete. Based on all the rumors, it seems like most of them are unfaithful at one point or another. There's too much temptation out there for them. Everytime my boyfriend or husband went on a roadtrip I wouldn't want to have to wonder if they're being loyal to me or not.

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