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League Of Extroadinary Gentlemen


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anyone seen the previews for this????


Literature's hero's team up to fight evil.......seems pretty silly to me.


Dorian Gray from the self titled book - Oscar Wilde


Tom Sawyer from the self titled book - Mark Twain


Dr. Hyde.......etc


All these characters from these great books!!!! in a movie..... pretty stuuuuupid.

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anyone seen the previews for this????


Literature's hero's team up to fight evil.......seems pretty silly to me.


Dorian Gray from the self titled book - Oscar Wilde


Tom Sawyer from the self titled book - Mark Twain


Dr. Hyde.......etc


All these characters from these great books!!!! in a movie..... pretty stuuuuupid.

About as stupid as 3 chicks prancing around in a sequel to a movie that bombed the first time.


HollyWood is running out of ideas. Where are the Tarantino's and Cohen's with original scripts and drama's never before told :huh: ?

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