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These Crazy Contracts Bad For The Game


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Recently in the news A-Rod has been reported to be asking for roughly $32 million dollars per year should he opt. out his current deal. Agent Scott Boras has also said that Alex should also get a clause of "Part Ownership After Retirement." Ichiro Suzuki is on the bubble of receiving a contract worth about $20 million dollars per year. With these out of this world type of contracts being sought after by today's players, doesn't this just further hurt the game? Stuff like this makes it impossible for small market teams like Colorado, K.C., or some of the mid-range teams like the White Sox struggle to compete. My personal feelings are that NO player is worth more than $20 million dollars a year no matter the talent. Many argue that A-Rod is the best player in baseball and maybe one of the all-time greats. But by spending that kind of money for a guy who could: A) Produce and make your moneys worth, B ) BUST and hurt your payroll for years to come, or C) Be a so so guy who makes your fans question and play the fence game with the decision. Plus, you can spend $32 mil/yr for A-Rod or you could spend $32mil/yr on multiple players like these examples 3B- Crede $10 mil./yr, SS- Uribe $5 mil./yr, 2B- Marcus Giles $4 mil./yr, and OF- Rowand $9-10 mil/yr. and thats only $29 Million Dollars. Estimating those contracts a team like the Sox can spend about $30 Million on FOUR guys instead of just one guy. Again, A-Rod and players like him are hurting the game of baseball more than they are helping it. New York and L.A. are not the only place where baseball is played, but it seems like it is the places for free agents to go. Go SOX! :gosoxretro:

Edited by wilmot825
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First of all, for God's sake the White Sox are not a mid-market team. They have like the 4th highest payroll in all of baseball, tell me how and when being in the top 15% has ever been in the middle? It's ridiculous to think so.


Secondly, if people are willing to pay them, they are worth it. Plain and simple. If someone came up to you and said you were worth $10 an hour, would you tell them you're worth $7 an hour because that is actually what you're worth?

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