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What happened to Home Ec?


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I'm worried about the number of young women today who can't cook and clean. I'm tired of wasting my time dating girls who can't keep a house.


Bring back home ec as a mandatory class for high school females in place of their science and math classes. Don't need to know geometry to bake me a cake.

Edited by shoota
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QUOTE(shoota @ Jul 13, 2007 -> 05:24 PM)
I'm worried about the number of young women today who can't cook and clean. I'm tired of wasting my time dating girls who can't keep a house.


Bring back home ec as a mandatory class for high school females in place of their science and math classes. Don't need to know geometry to bake me a cake.


Hey welcome to 2007!! Just so you are not disoriented, let me inform you of the wonderful advances made in equal rights and the destruction of ignorance...

What? You're not interested?

Well, then get back in your time machine go back to 1900 before women could vote so you can live in peace or you could stay here, become smarter and learn to cook and clean for yourself like other, real men...so you don't starve or live in squalor.

Enjoy you stay! :D

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Jul 14, 2007 -> 10:43 AM)
actually, I remember reading that being a "stay at home" moms is coming "back in."


Maybe he's from the future?


Ya but now they complain how hard it is to raise kids and that his is harder than working outside the home......I wonder how many stay at home moms feel the pressure of being laid off?

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jul 20, 2007 -> 04:06 PM)
I would LOVE to be a "Stay At Home Dad". My wife and I have tried to figure out a way to do so, half-heartedly. But if given the chance, I would be gone so fast from this place.



Dude... me too. We should start a S-A-H-D (Stay at Home Dad, pronounced sad) Kick Ball league.

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QUOTE(shoota @ Jul 13, 2007 -> 05:29 PM)
I'm worried about the number of young women today who can't cook and clean. I'm tired of wasting my time dating girls who can't keep a house.


Bring back home ec as a mandatory class for high school females in place of their science and math classes. Don't need to know geometry to bake me a cake.


Boy I'll bet the chicks are just knocking down your doors to get on that...

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QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jul 14, 2007 -> 10:16 AM)
<!--quoteo(post=1471747:date=Jul 13, 2007 -> 05:24 PM:name=shoota)-->
QUOTE(shoota @ Jul 13, 2007 -> 05:24 PM)


Hey welcome to 2007!! Just so you are not disoriented, let me inform you of the wonderful advances made in equal rights and the destruction of ignorance...

What? You're not interested?

Well, then get back in your time machine go back to 1900 before women could vote so you can live in peace or you could stay here, become smarter and learn to cook and clean for yourself like other, real men...so you don't starve or live in squalor.

Enjoy you stay! :D


Ha Ha Ha!


Hopefully shoota can get back home, but I fear he will need a bolt of lightning to generate the 1.21 jigowatts of electricity he may need.

Edited by Brian
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