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As long as you tuck your chin you can land on your head and be fine.. my brother is a "professional" wrestler I guess, don't really know what to call it because hes not like in TNA or anything close to that but he is wrestling for an organization..


Either way, we've gone over a lot of that stuff together and really, tucking your chin has a lot to do with it as you can notice Styles is like that the entire time..

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QUOTE (T R U @ Jul 18, 2009 -> 06:07 PM)
As long as you tuck your chin you can land on your head and be fine.. my brother is a "professional" wrestler I guess, don't really know what to call it because hes not like in TNA or anything close to that but he is wrestling for an organization..


Either way, we've gone over a lot of that stuff together and really, tucking your chin has a lot to do with it as you can notice Styles is like that the entire time..


Oh yeah, obviously Styles knew how to take the fall, but that doesnt mean it will go right. There are plenty of wrestlers out there that did a specific move hundreds of times and never seriously hurt themselves, but all it takes is a slick spot on the mat from sweat or a misstep in the timing of the move and someone could be dead or paralyzed, and homicides move leaves very little room for error.


I cringe every time I see Jeff Hardy do the Swanton just because I always remember seeing Lesnar almost remove his own head doing a similar move

Edited by KyYlE23
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Anyone else think that WWE should make Christian be Jericho's mystery partner? It would re-hash their old partnership and they could spend the next several months trashing Edge leading to his return as a face. Jericho talking about how Edge is unreliable, injury prone and washed up and Christian talking about how he carried E/C back in the day. Tomko is supposedly under contract, bring him back as the muscle and have a nice little stable going??


Wishful thinking??

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QUOTE (whitesox91403 @ Jul 18, 2009 -> 10:14 PM)
Anyone else think that WWE should make Christian be Jericho's mystery partner? It would re-hash their old partnership and they could spend the next several months trashing Edge leading to his return as a face. Jericho talking about how Edge is unreliable, injury prone and washed up and Christian talking about how he carried E/C back in the day. Tomko is supposedly under contract, bring him back as the muscle and have a nice little stable going??


Wishful thinking??


I can see that happening. WWE has really screwed around with Christian since he came back, from what I was reading they were talking of giving him a major push when he came back, and they just stuck him on ECW and let him rot for a while. I dont know, I dont see Christian as a major contender at all times, but I think he is capable of a Jeff Hardy-esque run with the title. Nothing too long, just a short run between the heavyweights they like to pass the title back and forth between(Cena, HHH, Orton). The thing about him is that he does have good history with a lot of the older wrestlers, so it isnt as if he couldnt have a storyline whipped up in a minute. They can always go back to the Edge and Christian feud whenever either of them get stale.

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QUOTE (whitesox91403 @ Jul 18, 2009 -> 10:14 PM)
Anyone else think that WWE should make Christian be Jericho's mystery partner? It would re-hash their old partnership and they could spend the next several months trashing Edge leading to his return as a face. Jericho talking about how Edge is unreliable, injury prone and washed up and Christian talking about how he carried E/C back in the day. Tomko is supposedly under contract, bring him back as the muscle and have a nice little stable going??


Wishful thinking??


Way too good of an idea. E will never go for it.

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QUOTE (whitesox91403 @ Jul 18, 2009 -> 10:14 PM)
Anyone else think that WWE should make Christian be Jericho's mystery partner? It would re-hash their old partnership and they could spend the next several months trashing Edge leading to his return as a face. Jericho talking about how Edge is unreliable, injury prone and washed up and Christian talking about how he carried E/C back in the day. Tomko is supposedly under contract, bring him back as the muscle and have a nice little stable going??


Wishful thinking??


Love to see this happening one day:


WWE Champ: MVP

W.H. Champ: Randy Orton

Intercontinental Champ: Christian

US Champ: Ted DiBiase

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The PPV was VERY meh.


Big Show as Jericho's partner was underwhelming, it was a good match but I don't like Big Show being in a spotlight.


Christian wins the ECW strap...very basic match, seemed like they just went through the motions.


McCool/Melina was actually one of the better matches of the night.


US title 6-pack match was fun. Kofi retains.


Mickie/Maryse was very poor. Maryse has plenty of work to do, luckily she's hot as all hell.


HHH/Orton/Cena was probably the best match of the night, the finish was interesting...only bad thing is we're guaranteed a match involving at least 2 of these 3 for Summerslam.


Ziggler/Mysterio was good, it was a shame that it had to follow the divas title debacle.


Punk/Hardy was good...I hope to see Punk win it back soon though, not only as a Punk mark...but I think it sucks that he's had 2 title runs now & not a significant victory in either run.

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QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Jul 26, 2009 -> 11:40 PM)
The PPV was VERY meh.


Big Show as Jericho's partner was underwhelming, it was a good match but I don't like Big Show being in a spotlight.


Christian wins the ECW strap...very basic match, seemed like they just went through the motions.


McCool/Melina was actually one of the better matches of the night.


US title 6-pack match was fun. Kofi retains.


Mickie/Maryse was very poor. Maryse has plenty of work to do, luckily she's hot as all hell.


HHH/Orton/Cena was probably the best match of the night, the finish was interesting...only bad thing is we're guaranteed a match involving at least 2 of these 3 for Summerslam.


Ziggler/Mysterio was good, it was a shame that it had to follow the divas title debacle.


Punk/Hardy was good...I hope to see Punk win it back soon though, not only as a Punk mark...but I think it sucks that he's had 2 title runs now & not a significant victory in either run.


I thought Big Show and Jericho worked really well which is weird considering I hate Big Show. I think WCW used him best when he was first introduced. Cristian's match was okay. Not too shabby, but nothing too crazy either. They should've brought out kendo sticks, barbed wire, something! McCool and Melina was probably the second best match. Usually that means the PPV sucked. In this case, they put on a hell of a show and actually seemed like they were going at each other. Better than half the matches on this card. US Title Match was really good, but Kofi needs a more devastating finisher. Maryse was god awful. Like terrible. I also don't find what's so damn hot about her. She has decent boobs, no ass and I guess she has a pretty face with makeup. Ziggler and Mysterio was a really good match. Ziggler definitely has a future. The triple threat was really good. I love how Philly absolutely hates Cena though. Pink and Hardy was good, but both definitely have a transitional champ feel to them.

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Ziggler has potential, but I hate that finisher of his.


I just don't think you can take him seriously with a finisher like that backbreaker he has.


Give him a submission move like the ankle lock or something, and he'll get over more as a heel IMO.


I suppose Vince couldn't stand having 2 heels as champions, so he had to have Hardy win the strap, which is annoying with Punk finally turning heel and not having a single victory.


I'd like to see Morrison involved in a good feud with Punk now though possibly.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 27, 2009 -> 06:15 AM)
It's odd how WWE trusts guys like Hardy and Batista with the titles.


Punk is doing his best work since joining the E and they kill his momentum totally.


Everything was going too well with Punk's heel turn, so you know they had to derail it somehow.


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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jul 27, 2009 -> 09:04 AM)

Everything was going too well with Punk's heel turn, so you know they had to derail it somehow.

I've seen people say that this is where he can turn totally heel. But I don't see how he can get anymore heat from the fans, unless he started punching kitties while giving a promo or something.


Either way, you have the rubber match at SummerSlam..Punk's gotta win. I don't see it working any other way.

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SummerSlam just got VERY uninteresting.


I love Jericho/Show already. Hope they don't break em up anytime soon. Jericho's reaction tyo Shaq kissing his forehead was hilarious and when Show and Shaq were nose to nose, Jericho squeezing in and saying, "I won't fight you either."

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QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 04:35 AM)
SummerSlam just got VERY uninteresting.


I love Jericho/Show already. Hope they don't break em up anytime soon. Jericho's reaction tyo Shaq kissing his forehead was hilarious and when Show and Shaq were nose to nose, Jericho squeezing in and saying, "I won't fight you either."

I didn't think I'd like JeriShow (lord, I hope that stupid name I just coined doesn't catch on), but they play off each other really well.

Jericho tried his damnedest to make that segment work, but Shaq was so god-awful that I still wanted the segment to end quickly, especially when Cryme Tyme was brought into the picture.

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QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 07:53 PM)
wwe's a joke, why do you intelligent people watch it anymore? You guys are better then that, stop supporting a show that does the same thing every single year, and caters to kids.


They still get some things right from time to time, and im not gonna lie for the most part I am still entertained with it..


I think im just getting tired of the Cena/HHH/Orton picture.. more so because its been HHH and Cena in the same spot for years and years now.. can we please just have Cena do something else for once?

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QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 08:53 PM)
wwe's a joke, why do you intelligent people watch it anymore? You guys are better then that, stop supporting a show that does the same thing every single year, and caters to kids.


as opposed to......?


TNA is just as big as a joke, trying the same stuff WCW and WWE were pulling 10 years ago

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quit watching such terrible shows. Im honestly sorry to sound like a douche, cause I know im coming off as one, but you know as well as I know that wwe (if they wanted) could be such an awesome show, but they are doing the business thing and enslaving these 10 year old kids to the point of no return. I have not watched a PPV happily from start to finish in the past year and a half, and most of them I have came off saying man this is terrible. Most notably, the last wrestlemania. Just awful.



They still get some things right from time to time, and im not gonna lie for the most part I am still entertained with it..


I think im just getting tired of the Cena/HHH/Orton picture.. more so because its been HHH and Cena in the same spot for years and years now.. can we please just have Cena do something else for once?


I agree, I think (from alst I read) Smackdown was doing ALOT of kool things, but the fact remains, until they man up and decide not to whore out the product 3 times a week, like 13 ppv's a year, nothing will ever be that 'real' feeling again. The reason Cena/HHH/Orton is so abused is because it is needed to be abused. When you got around 13 PPV's a month, thats 13 PPV's to sell, and their best sellers are them. It's just an awful situation, and I cant stand ANY of those 3. I used to be an orton mark, but they buried him to the ground in my taste, I just cant stand it anymore. It's awful. The reason I cant stand it is, because theres so much hope. We all know how AMAZING wwe can be, but they do this... blah

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QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 10:17 AM)
When you got around 13 PPV's a month, thats 13 PPV's to sell, and their best sellers are them.


Right, but they wouldn't be the ONLY best sellers if they would actually build other people up instead of having Cena bury them in under 5 mins.

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