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QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Jun 7, 2008 -> 01:54 AM)
I watched Ravenous earlier today (and it's coicidentally on IFC in half an hour). Great film for anyone who enjoys a blend of horror and black comedy.

Hmm never heard of it. Pretty recent flick?

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I dont know why I enjoyed The Darjiling Limited but I did even though it was boring.I guess my movie taste is changing as Iam getting older.Great visual aspect to the movie.

Edited by shipps
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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 08:51 AM)

I thought the ending was rather lame too....I still kinda think it is....but this at least makes me feel a little better. At least the story wasn't pulled out of thin air.

http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_6_1.htm and if you really want to get "out there" http://www.crystalinks.com/crystalskulls.html

There is a special on The Discovery Channel regarding the skulls. If I saw the special before seeing the movie...I think the ending may have been a bit more plausible. The weird thing is...you just don't associate sci-fi with Indiana Jones...at least I don't...so when that got thrown in there...it really threw me for a loop.

Yeah I agree, had I seen this link earlier I might have also enjoyed the movie more than I did, still some of the action scenes alone were solid and typical Indiana Jones.



Saw "the strangers" last night, not bad. Maybe its just me, all horror/scary movies are revolving around the same concept of some guy coming out of the woods to kill or a family goes to haunted hotel or something.




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QUOTE (ChWRoCk2 @ Jun 7, 2008 -> 07:47 PM)
Yeah I agree, had I seen this link earlier I might have also enjoyed the movie more than I did, still some of the action scenes alone were solid and typical Indiana Jones.



Saw "the strangers" last night, not bad. Maybe its just me, all horror/scary movies are revolving around the same concept of some guy coming out of the woods to kill or a family goes to haunted hotel or something.


No, that's totally wrong. The action in this movie was SO MUCH MORE over the top than any of the other three combined. In The Last Crusade, he shoots through like 4 German soldiers on a tank. In the new one, they drive a car into a tree, which lightly drops them into a river. In The Temple of Doom, he rides in a rail car. In the new one, he survives a nuclear bomb by hiding in a fridge and being thrown half a mile in it. This movie was nothing like the others.

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QUOTE (shipps @ Jun 7, 2008 -> 09:47 AM)
I dont know why I enjoyed The Darjiling Limited but I did even though it was boring.I guess my movie taste is changing as Iam getting older.Great visual aspect to the movie.


I completely agree. I have no idea why I liked it as much as I did, but I really did.


Before I watched him at all, I never thought I'd like Owen Wilson as an actor, but I do.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jun 8, 2008 -> 01:35 AM)
No, that's totally wrong. The action in this movie was SO MUCH MORE over the top than any of the other three combined. In The Last Crusade, he shoots through like 4 German soldiers on a tank. In the new one, they drive a car into a tree, which lightly drops them into a river. In The Temple of Doom, he rides in a rail car. In the new one, he survives a nuclear bomb by hiding in a fridge and being thrown half a mile in it. This movie was nothing like the others.


In Temple of Doom, Short Round kicks a guy in the shin. In the new one, Mudd swings across dozens of jungle vines leading an army of monkeys which attack the bad guys.

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QUOTE (SoxFanForever @ Jun 8, 2008 -> 10:25 PM)
In The Last Crusade Sean Connery quotes Shakespeare. In the new one he is just a picture who doesn't say anything.




Sean Connery turned down an offer to reprise his role as Henry Jones, Sr., as he found retirement too enjoyable.[28] Lucas stated that in hindsight it was good that Connery did not briefly appear, as it would disappoint the audience when his character would not come along for the film's adventure.[29] Ford joked, "I'm old enough to play my own father in this one."[3] A picture of the character is seen in Indiana Jones' house and it is revealed that he died.
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Saw Kung Fu Panda last night. I'm not a Jack Black fan, and I generally don't get too into animated stuff. That said, I was impressed - I actually enjoyed it. The opening sequence alone was worth the price of admission. Recommended.


There was a preview for the new Star Wars animated film (Clone Wars or something). I'm watching the preview, and I'm thinking... well, the Star Wars movies have gotten so bad that they are cartoon-like anyway. Might as well go full boat.


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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 8, 2008 -> 11:15 PM)
yeah I saw indiana jones two weeks ago. Man it was bad. Really Really bad.


I saw it yesterday and I'm cutting it some slack – probably more than I should – out of sentimentality. Certainly the last half-hour was way over the top, predictable, pretty bad etc., and it was more like

watching Stargate

than an Indy movie. But I thought the film looked like a Indy film should, moreso even than Last Crusade. last Crusade is still my least favorite of all of them, including the new one.


I'll forgive most of the beyond-belief excesses of the action sequences with the exception of

the kid swinging through the trees with the digital monkeys and the really over-done ala' The Mummy giant ants.

Everything else for me fell within the realm of suspendable disbelief for the sake of letting the story flow.


I thought that they did handle the updating to the more contemporary setting well, maybe a tad heavy-handed with the McCarthy era red scare stuff and the nuclear age/Cold war imagery, but the whole franchise is modeled after pulp fiction/Saturday matinee storytelling as it is, so subtlety isn't to be expected.


Not a great film, but not as bad as I figured it was going to be when I first heard they were doing a new film which I thought was a bad idea after so many years and after Last Crusde being as inferior as it was.

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 11:24 AM)
I saw it yesterday and I'm cutting it some slack – probably more than I should – out of sentimentality. Certainly the last half-hour was way over the top, predictable, pretty bad etc., and it was more like

watching Stargate

than an Indy movie. But I thought the film looked like a Indy film should, moreso even than Last Crusade. last Crusade is still my least favorite of all of them, including the new one.


I'll forgive most of the beyond-belief excesses of the action sequences with the exception of

the kid swinging through the trees with the digital monkeys and the really over-done ala' The Mummy giant ants.

Everything else for me fell within the realm of suspendable disbelief for the sake of letting the story flow.


I thought that they did handle the updating to the more contemporary setting well, maybe a tad heavy-handed with the McCarthy era red scare stuff and the nuclear age/Cold war imagery, but the whole franchise is modeled after pulp fiction/Saturday matinee storytelling as it is, so subtlety isn't to be expected.


Not a great film, but not as bad as I figured it was going to be when I first heard they were doing a new film which I thought was a bad idea after so many years and after Last Crusde being as inferior as it was.



Thats interesting to me that you find The Last Crusade to be the worst. Most of my friends find Temple of Doom to be the worst.


I dont know, I appreciate them all in a different way(keep in mind I havent seen the new one yet). Raiders of the Lost Ark is more of a drama, thr Temple of Doom is more light hearted and fun, and the Last Crusade actually gives a little background on Indy and what he is about and why. I like them all, i hope I like the new one.

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QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 12:46 PM)
Thats interesting to me that you find The Last Crusade to be the worst. Most of my friends find Temple of Doom to be the worst.


I dont know, I appreciate them all in a different way(keep in mind I havent seen the new one yet). Raiders of the Lost Ark is more of a drama, thr Temple of Doom is more light hearted and fun, and the Last Crusade actually gives a little background on Indy and what he is about and why. I like them all, i hope I like the new one.

I tend to agree that Temple of Doom was the worst of the first three. But having seen the most recent one, it was far worse than any of the first three, IMO.


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QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 01:46 PM)
Thats interesting to me that you find The Last Crusade to be the worst. Most of my friends find Temple of Doom to be the worst.


I dont know, I appreciate them all in a different way(keep in mind I havent seen the new one yet). Raiders of the Lost Ark is more of a drama, thr Temple of Doom is more light hearted and fun, and the Last Crusade actually gives a little background on Indy and what he is about and why. I like them all, i hope I like the new one.


I know I'm in the minority on thinking Temple of Doom was better than the Last Crusade. I can't help it that so many people are misinformed. :P


The truth is that the first film was just so much better than any of the others, that it's splitting hairs to spend much time ranking the also-rans.


I dunno. In last Crusade, I disliked how tidy they made the River Phoenix prequel segment. In this one event, Indy manages to develope his fondness for bullwhips, his fear of snakes, get his trademark scarred chin, and obtain his iconic hat?? Almost as convenient as if a young Darth Vader was to be the one to fashion C-3PO and have R2D2 as a buddy. . . oh. wait. . . ;)


[And of course the commonality there is that Lucas is responsible for both of those too-tidy-to-be-believed backstories.]


The 1000-year old Crusader guarding the Grail also bugged me – I don't really know why. Maybe it was the obnoxious "choose wisely" Pepsi ad tie-in that they did to death at the time of the movie release, but I just never liked that story element.

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The death of blanchettes character was so stupid. OKay, so she wins, she gets the crystal skull ... OH NO HER HEAD IS MELTING! and then "another word for gold is treasure, and their treasure was knowledge"

is the dumbest line in the history of cinema.

Edited by bmags
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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 09:15 PM)
since i don't know how to black highlight, I'll just say in vague terms, the conclusion of the blanchette's character was such a copout, so t of d like, and just plain dumb that it made the conclusion evenr


Agreed, it was very predictable. But it did adhere to the just desserts formula that had been established for the series. Toth, Mola Ram, and Elsa and Donovan all suffered the same sorts of ends brought about by their avarice for whatever it was they were trying to get hold of. Mac suffered the same sort of predictable demise in this latest film as a result of his greed. Sometimes the demise is supernatural, sometimes not, but it always a "just desserts" payback type thing.


That formulaic storytelling is probably the reason I didn't like Last Crusade more. It didn't break any new ground as far as inventive storytelling. That was pretty true of Temple of Doom as well, but the paint-by-numbers formula had not yet been firmly established by the second installment.

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I learned how to do it and re-edited my post, fyi.


In response, I suppose it could be because I watched those movies years ago that I accepted their demise much easier. I don't know why it was easier for me to accept then that their deaths came because they didn't understand the power of the objects they were seeking like Indy did, but for the fourth time around, please Lucas, feel free to come up with a different ending.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 09:29 PM)
but for the fourth time around, please Lucas, feel free to come up with a different ending.


I pretty much agree with that. The new film was every bit as predictable as Last Crusade, and the ending was weak, but I guess since I expected so little from the new on I was pleasantly surprised it wasn't gawdawful.


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Here's a question for Kid Gleason or any of the other resident horror flick fans.


I just saw Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon. Sure, it was predictable in it's big survivor girl "plot twist", and the end credits "shock ending was campy", but that was probably necessary for teh film to nail all the archetypal slasher film elements. I actually thought it was really well done, sintelligently written, funny, and a lot of fun.


Any opinions?

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