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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Mar 25, 2009 -> 05:45 PM)
It looks terrifying.


LOL, thats not what she just said after we watched the trailer. She just told me "I know that book, its about the kid who imagines things".


Thats funny that you say that though, because the film was redone after a test screening went bad and kids started screaming and stuff.

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QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Mar 25, 2009 -> 07:52 PM)
Thats funny that you say that though, because the film was redone after a test screening went bad and kids started screaming and stuff.


I would have paid money to have been there when that happened. :lol:

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Mar 25, 2009 -> 05:45 PM)
It looks terrifying.

The book is a bit creepy, in a weird way. So depending on treatment, the movie could indeed be terrifying for kids. I hope that isn't the case - I saw a lot of people bring kids to Pan's Labrynth, thinking it was a children's story. Yow.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 25, 2009 -> 07:52 PM)
The book is a bit creepy, in a weird way. So depending on treatment, the movie could indeed be terrifying for kids. I hope that isn't the case - I saw a lot of people bring kids to Pan's Labrynth, thinking it was a children's story. Yow.


Wow, I could imagine a lot of covered eyes and post movie nightmares for kids 10 and under seeing that movie.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 25, 2009 -> 07:52 PM)
The book is a bit creepy, in a weird way. So depending on treatment, the movie could indeed be terrifying for kids. I hope that isn't the case - I saw a lot of people bring kids to Pan's Labrynth, thinking it was a children's story. Yow.

*shakes head*

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 25, 2009 -> 04:38 PM)
Saw 5 was pretty good. Not sure I understand the hate from series fans. I might and even go as far and put it 2nd best ( behind the original).


Know1ng...I haven't decided if it's the worst movie I have ever seen, or just really, really weird.


Saw 5 sucked ass. No ands ifs or buts about it.

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QUOTE (dasox24 @ Mar 26, 2009 -> 03:59 AM)
Just watched Slumdog Millionaire. Didn't really know much about it going in (other than a very basic premise), and I thought it was a very good movie. That main actress is hot.



Rumored to be the next Bond girl

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 26, 2009 -> 10:07 AM)
That'd be awesome.


I don't get, at all, how anybody could possibly see anything good coming out of a new Stooges flick, especially one with a cast such as that. I mean, people had a problem back then when Curly was replaced, and they replaced him with the original guy! Now we have a new film, with people playing the parts of the real people, and this is a good idea!?! Crazy man...absolutely crazy.

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QUOTE (Kid Gleason @ Mar 26, 2009 -> 10:14 AM)
I don't get, at all, how anybody could possibly see anything good coming out of a new Stooges flick, especially one with a cast such as that. I mean, people had a problem back then when Curly was replaced, and they replaced him with the original guy! Now we have a new film, with people playing the parts of the real people, and this is a good idea!?! Crazy man...absolutely crazy.

It's 2009. It's not the 1950's. Anyone who gave a f*** about the Stooges when that replacement happened assuredly won't be the target audience here and is even more assuredly not even in the minds of the producers.

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Somebody help me out. Is the new Stooges film is going to be a documentary or just a straight-up comedy in which modern movie makers with no original ideas rape the bones of the original Stooges to make a buck? If it's the former, then ok, I guess there's a point to the film which may or may not end up being any good. If it's just a comedy remake ala' cinematic failures like the atrocious Little Rascals and Beverly Hillbillies remakes, then there is a 95% probability it will suck ass no mater who they cast.

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QUOTE (Kid Gleason @ Mar 26, 2009 -> 10:14 AM)
I don't get, at all, how anybody could possibly see anything good coming out of a new Stooges flick, especially one with a cast such as that. I mean, people had a problem back then when Curly was replaced, and they replaced him with the original guy! Now we have a new film, with people playing the parts of the real people, and this is a good idea!?! Crazy man...absolutely crazy.


Shemp was totally brilliant, and anybody who thinks of him as a lesser Stooge can pick two of these [holds up hand, gets ready to gives 'em a Two-fingered Moe to the eyeballs].


Now, Joe Besser and Curly Joe Derita, on the other hand. . . Those were some crappy Stooges.

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QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 26, 2009 -> 10:35 AM)
Somebody help me out. Is the new Stooges film is going to be a documentary or just a straight-up comedy in which modern movie makers with no original ideas rape the bones of the original Stooges to make a buck? If it's the former, then ok, I guess there's a point to the film which may or may not end up being any good. If it's just a comedy remake ala' cinematic failures like the atrocious Little Rascals and Beverly Hillbillies remakes, then there is a 95% probability it will suck ass no mater who they cast.


It's a new Stooges movie, not a biopic or documentary.


Steve, I know it is 2009, not 1950. But even to this day people will say that Curly Joe is nothing compared to Curly or even Shemp. The idea of people playing the roles of real people who played characters is exceedingly odd and shows how bankrupt originality has become. Brain Donors was a thinnly veiled Marx Bros. clone, but at least nobody was named Groucho in the credits.

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QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 26, 2009 -> 10:39 AM)
Shemp was totally brilliant, and anybody who thinks of him as a lesser Stooge can pick two of these [holds up hand, gets ready to gives 'em a Two-fingered Moe to the eyeballs].


Now, Joe Besser and Curly Joe Derita, on the other hand. . . Those were some crappy Stooges.


I agree 100%, but he is still considered inferior to his little brother.

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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Mar 26, 2009 -> 01:30 PM)
The big 4 of the Stooges is Moe, Larry, Curly, and Shemp. Everyone after that is inferior.


Quite right. Joe Besser was quite an established and respected solo comic act before his short Stooge stint, but his wimpy persona ("Not so haaard!") and refusal to take the brunt of most physical slapstick kept him from ever meshing well at all with Moe and Larry.


Besser also was known by kids of my generation addicted to Saturday morning Hanna-Barbara cartoon fare as the voice of Babu the Genie in the cartoon adaptation of I dream of Genie. More of the useless trivia clogging my brain.


It's hard to say anything nice about Curly Joe.


Trivia Time: There was actually a 7th official Stooge in the Three Stooges roster. Name him. (Mega cool points if anybody can do it without using teh Google).

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QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 26, 2009 -> 12:42 PM)
Quite right. Joe Besser was quite an established and respected solo comic act before his short Stooge stint, but his wimpy persona ("Not so haaard!") and refusal to take the brunt of most physical slapstick kept him from ever meshing well at all with Moe and Larry.


Besser also was known by kids of my generation addicted to Saturday morning Hanna-Barbara cartoon fare as the voice of Babu the Genie in the cartoon adaptation of I dream of Genie. More of the useless trivia clogging my brain.


It's hard to say anything nice about Curly Joe.


Trivia Time: There was actually a 7th official Stooge in the Three Stooges roster. Name him. (Mega cool points if anybody can do it without using teh Google).


Joe Palma, the "fake Shemp".

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