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Catch-All Anything Thread


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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Sep 1, 2007 -> 09:32 PM)
5-10, 130.5


Damn your skinny. :o


I'm only 5'7-5'8 but I weigh 165-170. (Alittle chubby but easily could lose if i wasn't lazy :D) But I should talk, I weighed only 100 lbs. (5' even) my sophmore year in High School. This is the fattest I've ever been in my life.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 4, 2007 -> 02:12 PM)
Really, they sound disgusting. The Banana Cream Pie Blizzard is the best :headbang


They discontinued the Whopper Blizzard. That's just friggin' stupid.


As terrible as it might sound, a Nerds and M&M Blizzard is REALLY good. It tastes like chocolate covered raspberries.

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QUOTE(Brian @ Sep 5, 2007 -> 01:47 AM)
Got my car title in the mail!! All paid off! Sweet!!!



Yea, now drive it til the wheels fall off. That's probably the one piece of advice that I wish I got getting out of college and getting my first "real" job - you do NOT need a new car. The more you can drive your old POS, the more money is in your pocket both short term and long term.


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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 5, 2007 -> 02:57 PM)
Yea, now drive it til the wheels fall off. That's probably the one piece of advice that I wish I got getting out of college and getting my first "real" job - you do NOT need a new car. The more you can drive your old POS, the more money is in your pocket both short term and long term.


I read somewhere a while back the attributes of a average US millionaire and was surprised that they would be driving, on average, a 6 year old car. BTW, most of their wealth was in real estate, especially their primary residence.

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My car is paid off and plan to drive it into the ground (it's a PT and I love it dearly, so that will be easy to do).


My desktop comp is dying. Luckily it is a slow enough death that I have cleared off the important stuff.


I just finished a piece of great cherry pie.


My buddy who runs a booking agency is being incredibly tough to contact and I am trying to book a band that is coming into town on the 28th.


I've had a summer cold for a couple of days, and it sucks.


There is something on TV right now about the wives and girlfriends of NASCAR drivers. Has our nation slid that far that people actually give a damn?


I'm going back to watching the Sox game...and working on the 'zine.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Sep 5, 2007 -> 08:59 PM)
My car is paid off and plan to drive it into the ground (it's a PT and I love it dearly, so that will be easy to do).


My desktop comp is dying. Luckily it is a slow enough death that I have cleared off the important stuff.


I just finished a piece of great cherry pie.


My buddy who runs a booking agency is being incredibly tough to contact and I am trying to book a band that is coming into town on the 28th.


I've had a summer cold for a couple of days, and it sucks.


There is something on TV right now about the wives and girlfriends of NASCAR drivers. Has our nation slid that far that people actually give a damn?


I'm going back to watching the Sox game...and working on the 'zine.


If anyone ever asks you what a "catch-all anything thread" is, just point them to this post.


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deep down I've always wanted to be called "Roy" by someone as my middle name is Royal and I like the name Roy. My two favorite non-Sox, non-Buehrle pitchers are named Roy. I always liked the name Roy. but goddamnitall, "Roy" can't come unsolicited. It has to be somebody saying to me, "Gregory Royal Pratt? Hi Roy!"


But that won't happen. So if people want to call me Roy, they can. Just not here. That wouldn't be cool. I wouldn't mind though.


I've got a Poli-Sci class to get to. Wonder if he'll call me Roy.

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