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QUOTE(knightni @ Sep 7, 2007 -> 06:43 PM)
Someone take this idea and run with it.


New restaurant theme:




Similar to Hooters but instead of teeny-boppers, hot MILFs aged 35-45 are the waitresses.


Nice :headbang

Hey Jim, should we get a booth or a table?

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 8, 2007 -> 12:27 PM)
As long as you can squeeze your walker in either one works for me. ;)


Don't forget your sweater, you know how cranky you get when the a/c is too cold, and yes we'll go for the early bird special so you can be in bed by 7 :lol:

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 8, 2007 -> 01:44 PM)
Don't forget your sweater, you know how cranky you get when the a/c is too cold, and yes we'll go for the early bird special so you can be in bed by 7 :lol:


Rats, I lost my chompers. Can I borrow yours?

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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We had to put our cat to sleep today (only 4/1/2). The cat ended up having a kidney problem and they think it is from bad catfood (even though the food we use was not part of the recall, but I guess every company uses some sort of product that comes from China and it is what can cause the issue).


Its amazing how much a pet means to you and how sad it is when they have to leave. Pets really are part of the family.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Sep 8, 2007 -> 10:16 PM)
We had to put our cat to sleep today (only 4/1/2). The cat ended up having a kidney problem and they think it is from bad catfood (even though the food we use was not part of the recall, but I guess every company uses some sort of product that comes from China and it is what can cause the issue).


Its amazing how much a pet means to you and how sad it is when they have to leave. Pets really are part of the family.


I'm sorry to hear that, bro. I am a cat lover myself, so I definitely feel your pain.

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QUOTE(Sonik22 @ Sep 8, 2007 -> 06:08 PM)
I'm really sorry about that. I have two cats and i know i'm gonna really miss them when i go to college. I have a feeling my cat will go into a depression. He's upset when i go on vacation. Pets really do mean a lot.


My fat cat, Runt, gets hyper jealous when a girl's over. If we go into my bedroom, she sits outside and watches the door until we come out and when we do, she hides under hte couch but still watches. If we're in the bedroom but not having sex or anything so the door is open, she watches angrily. "That's right Runt, I'm holding his hand!" was one of my personal favorite battles between a girlfriend and Runt.


When I'm not home, they usually sleep until the times I usually arrive and then get happyhappy when I get here. They're sweet cats. Cats rock.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Sep 8, 2007 -> 05:16 PM)
We had to put our cat to sleep today (only 4/1/2). The cat ended up having a kidney problem and they think it is from bad catfood (even though the food we use was not part of the recall, but I guess every company uses some sort of product that comes from China and it is what can cause the issue).


Its amazing how much a pet means to you and how sad it is when they have to leave. Pets really are part of the family.

Sorry man. I've been there and it hurts.

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There I am sitting on the train this afternoon after coming home from copy editing the school newspaper and this strange fellow is looking at me, smiling. I smirk slightly because it's flattering whenever someone's interested in you but being a heterosexual I paid him no mind but I looked around the train, checking out the signs, lost in thought, and glancing at him to see if he was still staring at me, which was starting to creep me out when he kept staring at me for stops and stops and stops. Finally we make square eye contact and he pats the seat next to him. I shake my head no and that's the end of it.

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Oh, and my mom believes that if you swallow or inhale a cat's hair on accident (or purpose, if you're weird) you'll die because it'll go to your brain. I always tell her that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard and she needs to get that out of her head because I don't care what her idiot, illicit brother has to say about anything and the statement doesn't stand to reason since we've had our cats for several years now.

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Sorry to hear that Jason.


Had the same situation about 18 months back, we had to put ours down because he couldn't walk. We haven't replaced it with another cat, and I don't think we ever will to be honest. They really become part of the family.

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I love College.


I'm copy editor of the school paper now. Opinion writer, too.


Lots of work. Fun times, though. Cooking for a few of us on Saturday.


Really enjoyed the parties so far, the people, the atmosphere.


Hate the homework but only one of my classes has actual homework, so it's all good.

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