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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 13, 2007 -> 03:44 PM)
I love the internet. I might never have known this




I also learned that Lucky Charms is notorious for causing this. Cool! Another reason to eat a bowl. I wonder if there are any other colors I can shoot for.


Gatorades can do the samething.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 14, 2007 -> 10:15 AM)
No, he has Parkinsons Disease really bad. He can't act anymore, because he has barely any control of many of his basic motor skills.


I know he has Parkinsons. Read the two comments again, Tex seems to dislike Fox as the comment he was replying to DID basically say the same thing you did.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Sep 14, 2007 -> 10:53 AM)
I know he has Parkinsons. Read the two comments again, Tex seems to dislike Fox as the comment he was replying to DID basically say the same thing you did.


I think Tex was just trying to make the easy joke. It didn't work.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Sep 14, 2007 -> 09:47 AM)
Is that an anti-Fox comment??? Man, I didn't think anybody disliked him.


I don't dislike him, but in the annuals of great actors, he's not in the top 500. He simply is not that great of an actor. Perhaps he'd crack the top 100 TV actors, maybe. His movie roles were pretty light weight. But from what I've seen and read of him as a person, great guy who didn't allow that industry to destroy him.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 14, 2007 -> 11:54 AM)
I don't dislike him, but in the annuals of great actors, he's not in the top 500. He simply is not that great of an actor. Perhaps he'd crack the top 100 TV actors, maybe. His movie roles were pretty light weight. But from what I've seen and read of him as a person, great guy who didn't allow that industry to destroy him.


I like him and thought he was outstanding on Spin City.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Sep 14, 2007 -> 12:12 PM)
I like him and thought he was outstanding on Spin City.


Way better than Charlie Sheen. I love that show, catch the replays when I can. Perhaps I was too harsh when I said he couldn't act, he does have a few Emmy's to his credit, but as a film actor, meh.

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I would like to go on record as to my newest "pet peeve" being that stupid ass "I heart" way of saying you like something. I was going to go on record with this the other day, but the heartbreak of seeing Critic use it just pushed me way over the top.


So, whoever is in charge of taking this type of info down, put me down for one "I Hate 'Heart' B.S.".



Edited by Kid Gleason
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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Sep 15, 2007 -> 08:48 AM)
I would like to go on record as to my newest "pet peeve" being that stupid ass "I heart" way of saying you like something. I was going to go on record with this the other day, but the heartbreak of seeing Critic use it just pushed me way over the top.


So, whoever is in charge of taking this type of info down, put me down for one "I Hate 'Heart' B.S.".






I heart your anger.


and BTW, I didn't think I had to green that "I heart the Earth" part, but I guess I did if The Human Sarcasm Detector missed it.



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I know you well enough to know you were being sarcastic (I know you really hate the earth and pretty much everything that goes with it), but still, seeing that phrase in a post from you. Only your having done it in an email where I see it attached to your ERAL name would have thrown me for a bigger loop. I just never expected it man. :crying


I'll be O.k. though...I'll get over it... :crying

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QUOTE(knightni @ Sep 15, 2007 -> 08:49 PM)
Your avy moves too.


It's the quick jerky motion. Who is that, and why does he look so familiar>



QUOTE(Brian @ Sep 15, 2007 -> 09:09 PM)


The wobble of both the camera and the wrestler.


I also find myself looking REAL close to yours to see if she is good looking or not.

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