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Catch-All Anything Thread


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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Sep 18, 2007 -> 11:16 AM)
I am soooooo sick of the "leave Britney alone" spoofs.


I'm not, not by a long shot. Of course I'm not so starved for entertainment that I have watched any of them. ;) Could be all that indy music has caused you to be less discriminating in your clicking

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 18, 2007 -> 11:31 AM)
I'm not, not by a long shot. Of course I'm not so starved for entertainment that I have watched any of them. ;) Could be all that indy music has caused you to be less discriminating in your clicking


Nah, it's just that any site I go to where people post a video with a description that just says "too funny" (or some variation thereof) will always lead to one of them. But in all honesty it only took 1/2 of one spoof to make me sick to death of it. The real kid is bad enough, but people acting like him is just that much more painful to see for even a second.

Edited by Kid Gleason
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QUOTE(Soxy @ Sep 18, 2007 -> 01:56 PM)
Wrong time, wrong place? What does that even mean? Seriously.


Think Tom Jones singing You can leave your hat on, champagne, chocolate, crab legs, candles, a really hot guy


Now it's a blind date and he's at your parents house.


wrong time, wrong place :lolhitting

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Sep 18, 2007 -> 11:50 AM)
Nah, it's just that any site I go to where people post a video with a description that just says "too funny" (or some variation thereof) will always lead to one of them. But in all honesty it only took 1/2 of one spoof to make me sick to death of it. The real kid is bad enough, but people acting like him is just that much more painful to see for even a second.

Would you rather it be a Britney spoof or get Rick Rolled, thats the question here?

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 19, 2007 -> 07:21 AM)
Google Earth is the coolest thing ever created by humans.

I've bookmarked every single place I've been on vacation overseas, in China, Malaysia and the U.S. So I've wasted many a hour on there.


It's also pretty cool to look down on my house and see my car parked out on the street.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 19, 2007 -> 12:51 AM)
I've bookmarked every single place I've been on vacation overseas, in China, Malaysia and the U.S. So I've wasted many a hour on there.


It's also pretty cool to look down on my house and see my car parked out on the street.



aren't those pictures from like 5-10 years ago? it's probably not your car, sorry to say.

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I hate work.


I hate overtime because it means more of "work", and the money isn't really worth the hell of "more work".


Tim Armstrong has his first solo album. I'm a little confused on it though. He was supposed to release it song by song for free to his fans on the 'net. But some radio station started playing it and the love from everybody was huge, so he decided to release it all at once as a solo album and put it in stores. So...what I get out of that was Tim saw the money and he ran with it? That's a hell of a "thank you" to your fans.


I have a bumper sticker in front of me that was sent to me by a band. The band is called "Stark". The saying under the band name is "The party band...with feelings". It's easily the dumbest damn saying I have ever read. I'm tempted to somehow change the sticker into reading "Stark Industries" in celebration of the upcoming Iron Man movie, but the sticker is so stupid it should stay as-is as proof there is always something this incredibly stupid out there. Though I could also just tape an episode of According To Jim, but I don't think I deserve that kind of Hell.


We have GREAT coffee here at work. No, it still isn't worth the overtime though.


Listening to the last release by 69 Eyes and am really enjoying it right now. Great guitar tone.


I should watch more of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

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According to the people who disagree with my opinion pieces, I am


an alchemist

a homophobe

a Republican


Oh my!


Also: if your wife, or girlfriend, works on one of the Indiana tollroads (won't get into where), and someone was blasting "Who Let The Dogs Out" because he found it in a friend's car and thought it be funny...you're welcome, because she had a pretty funny story to tell you when she came home.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 22, 2007 -> 11:24 PM)
Dinner was a single combo from Wendy's, washed down with sugar water, aka lemonade. Dessert was two Reeses peanut butter cups and now I'm cracking open a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

My body will hate me in the morning.


So, how about an update? Your body hate you? Mine does just after reading that post.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Sep 23, 2007 -> 11:59 AM)
Does anyone know of a good website to download Movie sound clips? More specifically, Im looking for soundclips/wavs from the movie The Karate Kid.


Any help would be much appreciated


Try this one.


I'm not even asking, by the way. I'm just going to assume you're looking for a new site to wax off to. ;)

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I tried starting a "Catch-All" thread on another board I go to. Nobody has joined in. It's amazing how certain things are very specific to the boards they are on. I've also tried bringing a "Shuffle" thread to other sites, and it never works. I think these, along with the team this site is for, are reasons why I stay around here. No matter what we all think of specific things, we all seem to be very "like-minded" in things in general.

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