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QUOTE(Brian @ Nov 7, 2007 -> 10:32 PM)
Ok, when did WCKG change formats? I heard about it going spanish but not soft rock.


It is one of the reasons that the Bulls moved back to WMVP 1000. When the Bulls moved, I believe the format changed right around the same time.


What a shame too, I still remember all of the commercials they used to run back in the day. They used to be a premier station in Chicago, now they have no true identity. I feel the same way about 94.7, there have been a few times over the years where the format they had was far and away better than anything else at the time, but they just changed formats again and lost all of their momentum.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 10:23 AM)
Is WLUP still rock? That was my fov station before I moved. Brandmeier, Mathews, Dahl, Stroud had a noon time gig.

Yeah it is.

"Brandmeier in the mornings, the best classic rock alllllllll dayyyyyyyy"

It is, by default, the best rock station in Chicago.

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So, it's been 3+ months since I turned in my comps/pre-lims/task of Sisyphus and still no word. A politely worded (checked by 2 grad students for bitterness, anger and panic) e-mail was responded to by my "mentor" with a vague timeline and a veiled threat about my current "progress." (On the plus side, it's the first e-mail she's responded to in a month, so baby steps right?) If they find my answers acceptable by the 23rd I will qualify for reduced fees, if not I'm out another $400 next February. Further, I can't start work on my dissertation until I pass those stupid things, and I have to have that proposed (with a full written proposal) by April 1st of next year or I lose my funding. I had no idea coming into this that academia was so political and petty. I keep trying to remind myself why I am doing this, and honest to god, the only answer I can think of is because I've come too far in the program to quit.


The moral of the story children: don't go to grad school.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 10:08 PM)
So, it's been 3+ months since I turned in my comps/pre-lims/task of Sisyphus and still no word. A politely worded (checked by 2 grad students for bitterness, anger and panic) e-mail was responded to by my "mentor" with a vague timeline and a veiled threat about my current "progress." (On the plus side, it's the first e-mail she's responded to in a month, so baby steps right?) If they find my answers acceptable by the 23rd I will qualify for reduced fees, if not I'm out another $400 next February. Further, I can't start work on my dissertation until I pass those stupid things, and I have to have that proposed (with a full written proposal) by April 1st of next year or I lose my funding. I had no idea coming into this that academia was so political and petty. I keep trying to remind myself why I am doing this, and honest to god, the only answer I can think of is because I've come too far in the program to quit.


The moral of the story children: don't go to grad school.



I have no idea how you, and others who go on to grad school, do it. Same with doctors or lawyers. So much school. Takes a special mindset for sure.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 11:18 PM)
I have no idea how you, and others who go on to grad school, do it. Same with doctors or lawyers. So much school. Takes a special mindset for sure.

Takes a masochistic idiot. :crying

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 11:08 PM)
I keep trying to remind myself why I am doing this, and honest to god, the only answer I can think of is because I've come too far in the program to quit.


The moral of the story children: don't go to grad school.


Friggin'-A Right!! :drink


I'm actually pretty sure everybody gets to the 'why the hell am I bothering?' stage. I sure did, and it became a completely personal, Joe Vs. the Volcano kind of thing for me. Hey you erudite em-effers. . . you may not want me in that Ivory Tower, but I'm getting in like it or not!


And now, as Otto would say. . . I'm Driving The Bus!! :lol:


Seriously though, you are a scary smart person, and you'll get past this bump in the road and every other one they throw your way. Of that I have no doubt. Once you get inside the Tower though, you gotta' remember it's at least 5 more years until we give you a key to nice bathrooms. ;)


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QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 8, 2007 -> 10:18 PM)
I have no idea how you, and others who go on to grad school, do it. Same with doctors or lawyers. So much school. Takes a special mindset for sure.

Everyone has their own selfish reasons for extending their education beyond a bachelors degree. Personally, I regard a MA in criminology as a way of ensuring advancement through rank in whatever agency I'm employed with. It may not be necessary now, but what about in 10-15 years? Currently, most police departments have a policy in which the upper ranks (deputy chief, chief) are only offered to those with masters degrees. I wouldn't be shocked if that requirement shifted to a PhD in time. Problem is, I'm nowhere near committed enough to pursue that. Atleast now. By the time I'm out of graduate school I'll be 25 years old. That's still places me ahead of 95+% of my peers.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 12:45 PM)
I was at a fucntion last night where Magic Johnson was the surprise speaker. Prety cool. He's looking extremely puffy these days, perhaps as a side effect of 10 years of meds. Still extremely charismatic and his giant smile lights up a room.



Is it normal for people with HIV to live as long as he has now? Or is this a case of what money can do for you?

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 10:56 AM)
Is it normal for people with HIV to live as long as he has now? Or is this a case of what money can do for you?

In this country, yes. If you have decent insurance that doesn't cut you off or the money to pay for the drugs, there is no reason why you can't live an unbelievably long time. If you don't have the money or aren't well insured, then you're dead.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 06:58 PM)
In this country, yes. If you have decent insurance that doesn't cut you off or the money to pay for the drugs, there is no reason why you can't live an unbelievably long time. If you don't have the money or aren't well insured, then you're dead.

Never fear, Balta. HillaryCare will take care of us all. rolly.gif


I get what you're saying... and it's not pretty, but I will NEVER get the "entitlement" arguement, which is of course veiled in your comment.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 9, 2007 -> 05:11 PM)
Never fear, Balta. HillaryCare will take care of us all. rolly.gif


I get what you're saying... and it's not pretty, but I will NEVER get the "entitlement" arguement, which is of course veiled in your comment.


It is all a matter of degrees. Should humans allow poor, uninsured people to bleed to death at the steps of an ER? I doubt anyone here would say yes. In the US we have the resources to bring that person into the ER and patch them up. Now start taking that step by step. Do we have the resources to offer immunization? Perhaps can we remove an appendix? Can we fix a broken leg? You call it entitlement, I call it being human. Animals will turn and walk away, unable to help.


I assume you have insurance at your company. Your rate is determined by everyone in your pool, not just you. Anyone in your company is "entitled" to join. Your company has probably joined with other companies in a larger pool. Again, your employees feel "entitled" to this coverage. As the pools get bigger and bigger, you have more and more "entitled" members. Now take that concept to a pool that includes around 301,139,947 members and you have the entitlement that you will never understand.


I believe health care for all Americans is a worthy goal. It will work if we maintain all the important stuff we have now, like choice, and perhaps get rid of some of the unwanted stuff like, runaway costs.

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This probably should go in the sports forum, but...


Sportscenter has become a sick joke, an absolute embarrassment. Tonight they didn't show highlights of half of the NBA games and showed all of one NHL game. You know, I don't even care if they want to do their bulls*** analysis segments and whatnot and put hockey as the last thing of the night, but not show it at all? Re-freaking-diculous. It's a shame how much that whole network has fallen in quality (outside of a select few).


I remember the days of watching Sportscenter before I went to school, enjoying the highlights and guys like Olberman (sp) and Charlie Steiner and of course Kenny Mayne.


Bah -- I'm getting old. Soon I'll be all like, "Back in my day, we had to walk up to the TV to change the channels. But now...!" (that statement isn't true, btw).

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Nov 10, 2007 -> 02:21 AM)
Bah -- I'm getting old. Soon I'll be all like, "Back in my day, we had to walk up to the TV to change the channels. But now...!" (that statement isn't true, btw).


I had to do that.


We had a giant oak paneled TV with huge channel dials you changed by hand.

We sat so close as kids (to change the channel) that my folks worried about our eyesight.


We also only had 5 TV stations, from 1976 to 1983, til we got a cable box.

Then, we had reach on top of the TV to find cable stations to click.


Needless to say, I grew up on PBS.





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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Nov 10, 2007 -> 01:21 AM)
This probably should go in the sports forum, but...


Sportscenter has become a sick joke, an absolute embarrassment. Tonight they didn't show highlights of half of the NBA games and showed all of one NHL game. You know, I don't even care if they want to do their bulls*** analysis segments and whatnot and put hockey as the last thing of the night, but not show it at all? Re-freaking-diculous. It's a shame how much that whole network has fallen in quality (outside of a select few).


I remember the days of watching Sportscenter before I went to school, enjoying the highlights and guys like Olberman (sp) and Charlie Steiner and of course Kenny Mayne.


Bah -- I'm getting old. Soon I'll be all like, "Back in my day, we had to walk up to the TV to change the channels. But now...!" (that statement isn't true, btw).

Ha, it's funny cause last night I was actually talking to one of my buddies about the exact same thing. When I was younger I actually got up much earlier than I had to, to make sure I got a whole episode of sportscenter in before school. Now, I couldn't care less if I watch it at all for the most part. I can watch highlights and get scores on the internet, ESPN just does nothing for me at the moment(outside of PTI).


I still do watch it when I can as it's still the best overall place for highlights but I certainly don't make a point to watch it like I used to.

Edited by Rowand44
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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Nov 10, 2007 -> 01:21 AM)
This probably should go in the sports forum, but...


Sportscenter has become a sick joke, an absolute embarrassment. Tonight they didn't show highlights of half of the NBA games and showed all of one NHL game. You know, I don't even care if they want to do their bulls*** analysis segments and whatnot and put hockey as the last thing of the night, but not show it at all? Re-freaking-diculous. It's a shame how much that whole network has fallen in quality (outside of a select few).


I remember the days of watching Sportscenter before I went to school, enjoying the highlights and guys like Olberman (sp) and Charlie Steiner and of course Kenny Mayne.


Bah -- I'm getting old. Soon I'll be all like, "Back in my day, we had to walk up to the TV to change the channels. But now...!" (that statement isn't true, btw).

I know what you mean I actually started watching more and more NFL network because I hate some things ESPN does. I dont watch hockey but I see the reason for showing the highlights. They already have most basketball, football, baseball fans, so to extend to hockey fans only helps them.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Nov 10, 2007 -> 08:05 AM)
Ha, it's funny cause last night I was actually talking to one of my buddies about the exact same thing. When I was younger I actually got up much earlier than I had to, to make sure I got a whole episode of sportscenter in before school. Now, I couldn't care less if I watch it at all for the most part. I can watch highlights and get scores on the internet, ESPN just does nothing for me at the moment(outside of PTI).


I still do watch it when I can as it's still the best overall place for highlights but I certainly don't make a point to watch it like I used to.


I had my TV timer set as my alarm when I was a kid, sportscenter was my alarm clock pretty much. I knew if I saw the same highlight twice, It was time to get up.


Steiner, Olberman and Patrick, Kilborn, Ley, Mayne, those guys were awesome back in the day.

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QUOTE(knightni @ Nov 10, 2007 -> 02:01 AM)
I had to do that.


We had a giant oak paneled TV with huge channel dials you changed by hand.

We sat so close as kids (to change the channel) that my folks worried about our eyesight.


We also only had 5 TV stations, from 1976 to 1983, til we got a cable box.

Then, we had reach on top of the TV to find cable stations to click.


Needless to say, I grew up on PBS.

:headbang :notworthy
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QUOTE(DrunkBomber @ Nov 10, 2007 -> 06:37 AM)
I know what you mean I actually started watching more and more NFL network because I hate some things ESPN does. I dont watch hockey but I see the reason for showing the highlights. They already have most basketball, football, baseball fans, so to extend to hockey fans only helps them.

You know, if it weren't for the system of enforced monopolies through contracts with leagues and cable companies...this is the kinda situation that starts screaming out for a competitive network. There's clearly a much larger market out there in guys like a lot of us than what ESPN is serving with their folks (whether it's the lack of content, the East Coast bias, or whatever your personal pet peeve is), and the reason that another natioanl sports network hasn't cropped up is that ESPN has made the entry barriers so high by nailing down all the league contracts.

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