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Off-Season NHL Thread

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I'll start up this thread with this little nugget, per Eklund (Keith knows who i'm talking about):



A source has told me that ESPN is desperate to get back into the hockey game, and has let it be known. Versus has the NHL this season and the option to re-up for another 3 years...I am being told that Versus is on the fence and the NHL may offer up a package of games to Versus, while returning the majority of the deal to ESPN next season. In essence this could give the NHL its biggest presence to date on National TV in the US. NBC for the weekend games and finals, ESPN and ESPN2 for the majority of the season games and playoffs, and Versus (who by the way, may become a vehicle for the NHL Network in the US) will have a Game of the Week similar to the deal that TNT has in the NBA.



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General Manager Dale Tallon announced today that the Blackhawks have signed forward Patrick Kane to a 3-year contract. Kane, 18, was selected by the Blackhawks with the number one overall pick in the 2007 NHL Entry Draft last month.


"Patrick is a dynamic and exciting young player. We're pleased that he will begin a long and productive career with the Blackhawks when we open camp on September 13," Tallon said.


"The Blackhawks organization has treated my family and me in a first class manner and I'm looking forward to a long and exciting career with the team," Kane said.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Glad they did it.


Takes the lame duck scenario out of the way, and gives Savard some time to get things clicking with all of the new players he's going to have this season, especially with the forwards.

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QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Aug 10, 2007 -> 02:55 PM)
What did rozner say?




In a roundabout way, he basically rips Tallon for his free agent signings in that first class -- Aucoin, Cullimore, Khabi, etc. The thing is, Rozner apparently has some personal issues with Tallon -- that may or may not be true. Also, Rozner knows nothing about the Hawks. I doubt he could name half the players on the current Hawks roster. So it's basically a columnist writing about a team that he knows nothing about.

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Aug 10, 2007 -> 02:46 PM)


In a roundabout way, he basically rips Tallon for his free agent signings in that first class -- Aucoin, Cullimore, Khabi, etc. The thing is, Rozner apparently has some personal issues with Tallon -- that may or may not be true. Also, Rozner knows nothing about the Hawks. I doubt he could name half the players on the current Hawks roster. So it's basically a columnist writing about a team that he knows nothing about.

Yeah, I just read the article. That was pretty bad. I don't think he has much of a clue when it comes to the NHL.


My favorite part was;

Despite the awful ownership and incompetent management, a Stanley Cup in this lifetime would still be sweet, and we sincerely hope those recently drafted boys — like Pat Kane and Jon Toews — survive being tossed into a man’s league, which has only gotten bigger and more physical.


I guess the league is big physical players now and guys like St. Louis, Kariya, Briere, etc. can't succeed. Does he realize Toews is 6'2" 195? I think he can handle the physical play. Sure Kane may be small, however he is no smaller than a Kariya, St. Louis, etc. I don't think Rozner has seen a new NHL game.

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QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Aug 11, 2007 -> 12:51 AM)
I guess the league is big physical players now and guys like St. Louis, Kariya, Briere, etc. can't succeed. Does he realize Toews is 6'2" 195? I think he can handle the physical play. Sure Kane may be small, however he is no smaller than a Kariya, St. Louis, etc. I don't think Rozner has seen a new NHL game.


It really was a bad article. Do you think Rozner could even pick out Kane or Toews out of a crowd? It wouldn't surprise me if he couldn't.


The timing is also very odd. Maybe if the Hawks started off slow this season, but now? In the middle of the dead period of the offseason?


It's going to be quite funny when the Hawks get good again, seeing all these bandwagon columnists tell us why the Hawks are winning. I can only imagine jags like Marrioti breaking down the Hawks' powerplay...

Edited by CWSGuy406
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I have talked to Barry Rozner many times over the years.


Here is the deal, Rozner loves hockey, in fact he plays rat hockey quite a bit out in the western suburbs. For a long time he bashed former Hawk GM Mike Smith ... much of which was deserved but much of which went beyond professional into personal.


I happened to talk to Mike Smith about this and Smith indicated he'd asked Rozner, several times, to come down to the United Center so they could talk and work things out. Rozner always refused, according to Smith.


A year or so later I ran into Rozner at an event and asked about Smith, and Smith's statement that Rozner refused a chance at a sit-down. Rozner's response was basically, "why do I need to sit down with that a-hole, I'm a columnist, I can write what I want" etc. etc. I sensed a personal grudge of some sort but left it alone.


If anyone had been reading Rozner at that time, Rozner was on the Dale Tallon bandwagon. Talked about how Dale had been pinballed around the organization, was doing a great job scouting, and how Mike Smith "wronged" Dale. People will recall that Tallon was the player personnel guy for 3-4 years, moved over to broadcasting again, and then when Smith got launched, he got the Asst. GM position under Pulford.


Here is why Rozner doesn't like Tallon, it's simple ... one of Rozner's bestest buddies from the west suburban hockey "clique" is Billy Gardiner. Gardiner was the Blackhawks color guy and got squeezed out when Tallon got put back into the broadcast booth.


As a side note, the Wirtz's have more loyalty to Tallon than to Billy Gardiner. Gardiner played for the Blackhawks in the 80's. Mike Keenan didn't like Gardiner (as a player, in the late 80's) and Pulford traded him for a bag of pucks to appease Keenan. Well Gardiner bounced around to a couple of teams (Vancouver and Hartford as I recall, not certain) and ended up playing in Europe. Pulford brought him back in the early 90's (going from memory here) because he wanted to do Gardiner a favor: Gardiner had played in about 375 or 380 games, and 400 NHL games is a magic number, players get a lump sum pension settlement at age 55 if they play in 400 NHL games. It is no small sum ... $250K.


Gardiner didn't reach the 400 mark. He ended up about 15 short (386 NHL games, again, from memory) and he played most of his last year in the minors. Soon afterwards, he began popping up on the Blackhawks postgame radio and TV ... Pulford liked him, wanted to do him a favor, etc. etc.


Back to Tallon now. When Tallon got shoved out of the Player Personnel role by Smith and back to the broadcast booth, Gardiner was unhappy that Tallon didn't show the proper level of sympathy (according to Gardiner) about squeezing Gardiner out of a job. Smith had problems with Gardiner all along. Gardiner was the color guy with Foley on TV. Gardiner and Foley liked to have a few drinks on road trips, they both knew a lot of hockey types, and they'd tell tales out of school about Smith behind his back. Smith was (still is) a bit "personality challenged". He is not a warm guy, in fact he tends to rub people the wrong way but he has a good heart. Anyways, Gardiner and Smith didn't get along. Smith wanted his own guy as Player Personnel Director (Nick Beverly, from Toronto), and suggested to the Wirtz's that Tallon simply move back to the broadcast booth. And that's what happened.


Anyways, Gardiner went running to Rozner about how Tallon didn't show any sympathy to Gardiner for getting ousted. Gardiner, from what I've heard, never did mention to Rozner that Pulford and Peter Wirtz told him to stop yapping in taverns on road trips, i.e. stop knifing Smith in the back. Rozner, being Gardiner's buddy, painted a soap opera-esque portrait of how "nice guy Billy Gardiner" was being wronged by the big bad Blackhawk organization, and what a crummy guy Dale Tallon is.


Ever since then, Rozner has loved taking shots at Tallon.


At the same encounter, I mentioned to Rozner how Gardiner was done a favor by the Blackhawk organization ... they gave him a job because he didn't hit the 400 game mark. I asked Rozner if he realized that whole situation, he kind of stammered and said "well they didn't treat him right by squeezing him out of the broadcast booth".


Rozner knows hockey pretty well but he is the typical media guy who can't hide his personal grudges very well.

Edited by 29andPoplar
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That's some solid info there, 29th. I assume you're a fan of the Hawks?


And in my calling out of Rozner, by no means am I wearing the 'red-and-black' colored glasses. I understand that Tallon's first offseason was bad, but I don't know how anyone looking objectively at the Hawks organization for the past decade or so can say Tallon has done a bad job. He's done what he had to do -- blow up the team and start from scratch by building from within. You can see that in his moves this winter -- short contracts and very little (relative) money to Lang and Perrault.


More importantly, I think the page is starting to turn with regards to the Hawks getting some 'respect' around the league. They've built up a farm system that is top three in all of hockey; they've made great use their top picks, as Barker, Toews, Skille and Kane all look to be very respectable selections; and they've even added a guy who can be considered a legitimate NHL star in Havlat.

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Aug 11, 2007 -> 01:45 PM)
Hawks traded Vrbata to Phoenix for a fourth line veteran, Kevyn Adams. Basically they're opening up another spot for one of the kids and clearing some salary space at the same time.

Finally this move goes down.


Problem with Vrbata, as we've talked about, is he is a "skills" guy who doesn't fit the mold of a 3rd liner...and at the same time having him on the 4th would be a waste of a spot that could go to a young guy. Now that we don't (pathetically) need him on the 1st or 2nd line, buh-bye.

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As a fan of the broadcast, I was angry when Gardner got pushed out.

In my view, Bill is a much better analyst Tallon is, and he was more entertaining and funny as well.

Just watch a Wolves game and enjoy the Foley/Gardner chemistry. They're really good together.

It's no excuse for Rozner to forfeit his objectivity and professionalism towards Tallon, though.

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As a fan of the broadcast, I was angry when Gardner got pushed out.

In my view, Bill is a much better analyst Tallon is, and he was more entertaining and funny as well.

Just watch a Wolves game and enjoy the Foley/Gardner chemistry. They're really good together.

It's no excuse for Rozner to forfeit his objectivity and professionalism towards Tallon, though.


You are correct or should I say I agree with you, in terms of recent history. Many years ago, Tallon was really good, enthusiastic, insightful and so on. He got really bored and it showed in his on air performance. Gardiner grew into his role and the little I've heard of both of them on the Wolves broadcast, yes they are good as is their chemistry.


Foley got launched for many of the same reasons. Talking behind people's backs from the top on down (quite possibly warranted but still unprofessional), loose lips in the taverns, thinking he had a job for life and a few other things. He came to Peter Wirtz with a soft offer from the Colorado Rockies (an offer that never materialized) and said this is what I want or I'm gone. The buzz I heard from one of the sr. ticket guys down there is Peter called his dad (Mr. Wirtz) and was disappointed and angry about it. Mr. Wirtz told Peter to withdraw the Blackhawk offer and part ways with Foley. Further my understanding is Foley didn't get the hush money all the other launched Blackhawk employees get to not yap as to why they got launched (Bob Murdoch, Billy Reay, Orval Tessier, the trainer Skip Thayer, Mike Smith, the list goes on and on). Foley is a pretty smart guy in one sense though, he knows the broadcasting fraternity is pretty tight and badmouthing an owner is a huge no-no. Not that Wirtz doesn't deserve tons of badmouthing but that's another story.


I like Pat Foley as an announcer, a great deal. As a person, no.

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if the kids stay on the ice this year and they dont get their brains mashed in.... we'll be in for quite an interesting season, there is no team (sans the Pens) who can boast such an impressive array of young talent as this team can.


I don't think they have enough firepower (PP will still be annoying) to make the playoffs.... but Hawk fans will have their pulses racing until the last couple weeks of the season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Over at Stuy's boards, skihawk says that


"i found out today that there will be NO visible changes to the hawks sweater. the only thing changing is the fabric and the cut. i was told "from 100 feet away, you'd never know the difference". excellent news.


also, the new slogan for this year kicks ass, but i can't share it yet. sorry."



He works for the Score so he knows what he's talking about. These are two pieces of very good news. I'm really interested to see what this slogan/marketing campaign is. Season can't start soon enough.



Edited by IlliniKrush
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Your 2007-2008 Chicago Blackhawks - Well, Let's See If THIS Works


Blackhawks Hockey - Trying Not To Have To Give Away Tickets This Year


Chicago Blackhawks - Remember The Roar? Remember Chicago Stadium? Remember US???


Chicago Blackhawks Hockey - Come Out And Buy My f***ing Beer

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QUOTE(The Critic @ Aug 13, 2007 -> 03:50 PM)
I've never met him so I have no first-hand experience with him, but I've heard many people say he's quite a prick.

I HATE when people make posts like this. If you've never met Pat Foley, don't spread bulls***.


I've met him numerous times, and he's about as nice a guy as they come. He's dedicated to his craft, one in which he is just about the best voice in, and trust me is as nice as they come.


Please don't spread things like this. Unless you have first-hand experiences, you should keep quiet.

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Foley is just another person who got screwed by the Blackhawks. He actually had the balls to stick up to the lowballing Blackhawks brass, and SHOCKINGLY got screwed over in the process.


And they are the Colorado Avalanche, not the Rockies, lol.

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