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QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Aug 24, 2007 -> 02:20 PM)
I HATE when people make posts like this. If you've never met Pat Foley, don't spread bulls***.


I've met him numerous times, and he's about as nice a guy as they come. He's dedicated to his craft, one in which he is just about the best voice in, and trust me is as nice as they come.


Please don't spread things like this. Unless you have first-hand experiences, you should keep quiet.

Sorry, but I have first-hand experience with the people who have first-hand experience with him, so that's what I talked about.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Just as your positive experience is a singular one, so is the negative experience of each of the people I've talked to.

Anyone and everyone has the right to take or leave what I said.

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The kid is amazing.


LondonTopic.ca London's prolific goal scorer from last season, and the first overall NHL draft pick in 2007, put the biscuit in the basket five times in the Knights exhibition victory against the Sarnia Sting Friday (Aug. 31).


Patrick Kane led the way with his five-goal game, while Matt Clarke and newcomers Garett Hunter and Patrick Maroon added single to London's 8-3 win.



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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Sep 2, 2007 -> 01:05 AM)
"Red Rising" appears to be the new slogan. I dig...


I heard that last week.


I hope they have a new intro video at the UC this year. I liked the one last year with all the players skating through the city.

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Sep 2, 2007 -> 09:35 AM)
I didn't, it was too childish. The one they used a few years ago with the Gladiator music and all the different war quotes was much better.

I think the one they used last year was a little too long. It needed to be shortened up a bit.

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Foley is just another person who got screwed by the Blackhawks. He actually had the balls to stick up to the lowballing Blackhawks brass, and SHOCKINGLY got screwed over in the process.


And they are the Colorado Avalanche, not the Rockies, lol.


Sorry for the typo, lol. The story is still true despite the mis-type. Glad you like Pat as a person. Too bad you have the wrong story about his departure though.

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Sorry, but I have first-hand experience with the people who have first-hand experience with him, so that's what I talked about.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Just as your positive experience is a singular one, so is the negative experience of each of the people I've talked to.

Anyone and everyone has the right to take or leave what I said.


I have first hand experience with Foley, several friends and business acquaintences have had first hand experience with Foley that I've personally witnessed, and as you mentioned above I have first hand experience with the people who have had first hand experience with him.


Not all bad experiences, but most of them were. Lots of less than flattering stories about him but we'll leave it at that as there are always two sides to any experience and anyone can have a bad day, even if it seems like they consistently have bad days.


I thought he was very good as an announcer but I also think it's quite telling that no NHL team has been beating down his door offering him a lucrative gig as their team's play by play guy.

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QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Sep 3, 2007 -> 10:19 PM)
Anybody know when the Hawks open up training camp?


Also, somebody wanna pin this thread?


The Hawks site says:


Training Camp


Sept. 13-23: All practices at United Center (not open to public)

Sept 14-Oct. 3: All practices at the Edge in Bensenville (open to public)


Yeah, I'll pin..

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QUOTE(Mr. Showtime @ Sep 3, 2007 -> 08:32 PM)
Why do you always go directly for the insults? :begood


I prefer to call them "jokes". I will always go for the joke first.



Look, hockey has always been my favorite sport by a wide margin.

I want nothing more than to see Blackhawks hockey return to its former place as the "go-to" event in this city, but I am so sick of their ass-backwards management shooting themselves in the foot at every turn.

I want to trust Tallon as a GM, but I'm waiting to see if any of the young guys pan out, and then I want to see if Wirtz will pay any of the young guys if and when they become stars.

I've seen WAY too many 3rd line free agents get signed after the premier FA's get signed elsewhere.

The future LOOKS promising with Kane, Skille, Toews, Ruutu, etc., but as a Blackhawk fan I've been fed too many lines to fall that easily.

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I'm really getting ancy, as I'm sure just about everybody who has posted about the Blackhawks is as well (or, in Tony's case, has actually already posted the exact same thing). I can picture opening night with the UC rockin' -- Havlat/Toews/Ruutu Seabrook/Keith (yeah, Toews probably won't be on the first line, but don't f*** with my dreams dammit!) standing together in the red Indianheads.


That's going to be one exciting night.

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