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Sox looking at Moyer and Colon/Vasquez


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From Ken Rosenthal....




"Lefthanded pitcher Jamie Moyer could emerge as a central figure in a free-agent tug of war between the Cubs and White Sox. Moyer is the White Sox's No. 1 target, and he also would fit nicely with the Cubs, who lack a veteran lefthanded starter.


Another option for the White Sox would be to pursue a trade for Bartolo Colon or Javier Vazquez if the Expos are forced to dump salaries. The Sox, however, are adamant that they won't trade their top young players and compromise their ability to compete in 2004 through '06. Colon would be under the White Sox's control for one season, Vazquez for two . . ."


Personally, I would rather get Moyer....even if he is 53 or so, he would still look damn good in a White Sox uniform and could help us beat the Twins stupid little asses out of the division. Colon or Vasquez scare me a little more, mainly because we'd be trading, and KW and trading don't mix very well, unless it is a player like Damaso Marte, where I personally believe he got pretty damn lucky, and at one point in midseason, it looked like we got f***ed again when Damaso was suffering from dead arm.


And HSC, I personally believe Mark would be more pleased with this deal than if we got Lidle, and Moyer was getting more...Moyer and he are pitchers that are alike, and if in the future Mark will get a deal more than $10 million....from someone anyways....I hope it's us, but odds are, it won't be. :puke

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Guest hotsoxchick1

lol im sure mark wouldnt mind it much if moyer made a bit more... but i dont want to bust up the farm or the guys we have here already for something we are not going to keep around to help out in the next few seasons down the line........this rent a player season to season at the cost of our key farm personell has got to stop before we completely depleat it and have nowhere to go...........

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Originally posted by CubsSuck1

Vazquez is a GREAT young player. His record doesnt relly tell the whole story, because he didn't get much run support. I'd love to see him on the Sox.


One reason his ERA was so high this year would have to be lack of confidence, or you might think that anyways....3.42 in 2001, 3.91 in 2002, but it was up around 4.35 or so a lot of the year and he was getting hit pretty hard. When he gets to rolling though, he is a pretty good pitcher. I think he had an ERA somewhere around 2.00 something in the second half of 2001, which means that if he's a good second half pitcher, than that could come into a big advantage.


I think a good adage for Moyer would be "Jamie Moyer is like a fine wine....he gets better with age!":P

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Vazquez is a great pitcher and would probably be a wiser pickup if the Expos are asking for way too much for Colon. Maybe we could acquire Vazquez without giving up a Rauch or Honel and they could settle for someone like Malone or Diaz and Almonte plus of course other prospects.


As far as free agent pitchers go, Paul Byrd is the one that I'd like to sign the most. I just like the way he pitches. Of course, I think a power pitcher could really help give our rotation some balance, cause we don't really have any strike out pitchers on the staff.

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get moyer.


I'd rather give him 8 mil a season for a couple years than risk a trade and have to sign a Colon or Vasquez for 5-6 years.


I think with Buehrle, Garland, Wright, Rauch, Honel, and the rest of the guys, we can have a good rotation in a few years. for now we could use a veteran like Moyer who is one of the best PITCHERS I've ever seen.


of course, the key for the Sox before anything would be to sign Buehrle. They have Konerko and Ordonez, now sign Buehrle.


everyone talks about signing this guy or trading for that guy. if the Sox want to show they are dedicated to winning, they'll first sign our guys. sign Buehrle, then lock up Garland next year and Crede, Jimenez, Borchard and so on.

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The Sox will do that Mario. They need to add that solid pitcher this year. Me, I'll take Byrd over Moyer, thats just me. Mainly cause I don't want Moyer to a 2 year deal...way too risky in my book considering he's moving from a top defensive club to the Sox and the fact that last season was a career year for him.


His numbers have to get a bit worse on the simple fact he had his best year ever, which is odd for his age, and secondly on the fact that he is a ground ball pitcher and will be playing with Manos at short...That has to add half a run a game, lol.

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