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Why do you still watch the Sox?

Jimbo's Drinker

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I think some people are getting a little carried away with this. I think its quite evident that the vast majority of the people who post here are all die hard fans and will follow the team good or bad. The impression I got was that this thread was for humor.

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For some of you, this is your first unpleasant taste of bad baseball. Its hard to look at a team, even when you look and know there are flaws, and see it unravel.


You will see over the years, a cycle of good baseball and some years when its bad baseball. I was lucky enough to sit at a world series game, and witness something that I never thought I would see. Its still something that gives me chills to think that I was at a world series game.



When you know that the product on the field isnt good. My suggestion is to find the game within the game. Watch matchups, watch to see how young kids execute. How they fail, are they learning. I like to see how a pitcher sets up a hitter, or vice versa. To me, we are at an interesting cross roads. We could see a very different team next year. Or in some cases next week. Its hard to see them fail like this, but there is something exciting about the unknown here. Its scary, sure. I look forward to seeing the sox competitive soon, hopefully. Taking it on the chin, is not the easiest thing to do. But sometimes, in life. You need some of the sour, to savor when its sweet.




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I honestly don't know why I watch them. I guess I go to the park because of the free tickets, hot dogs, icecream and a date with the girlfriend. Lately the Sox have been second to all of these things because of how bad they've looked.


I will say this though, tonight was fun to watch in terms of defense and close plays. Even new "piece of s***" Terrero made a diving catch and Owens looked like a stud in CF. Not sure what was up with Buehrle. But I will say this, when the starting pitcher threw two to the backstop and we had the bases loaded, people were going absolutely nuts and actually were cheering this team on.


Anyway, not sure why I still watch them. Wassermann perhaps? He looked decent tonight.

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I'm not watching...and I have sold all my tickets for the rest of the year. I have other things I can do with my time. I'll be back next year, bright eyed and bushy tailed, on opening day. And I read about them everyday in the paper. That is painful enough. If this was a young team struggling, I would still watch.

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QUOTE(Beastly @ Jul 24, 2007 -> 01:16 AM)
I honestly don't know why I watch them. I guess I go to the park because of the free tickets, hot dogs, icecream and a date with the girlfriend. Lately the Sox have been second to all of these things because of how bad they've looked.


I will say this though, tonight was fun to watch in terms of defense and close plays. Even new "piece of s***" Terrero made a diving catch and Owens looked like a stud in CF. Not sure what was up with Buehrle. But I will say this, when the starting pitcher threw two to the backstop and we had the bases loaded, people were going absolutely nuts and actually were cheering this team on.


Anyway, not sure why I still watch them. Wassermann perhaps? He looked decent tonight.


Reply to the Bold type:


I was thinking the same thing at the game. It was almost like a playoff game, the crowd last night. As bad as a season as it has been, its good to see that the fans are still into the game. I even caught myself getting into the game more so then usual this year. Like someone said earlier, all of us here are really sick, and your a fan during the good times and the bad, thats what makes the good times SO good.


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QUOTE(Rooftop Shots @ Jul 24, 2007 -> 12:17 AM)
I'll answer your question the same that I answer some guys at work. I am and always will be and remain a die hard Sox fan. When they win and have a great season, I have the time of my life. If they lose and do poorly, I'll go down with them till the end. If everyone else on the board cannot do the same, I can't but help question of how loyal of a Sox fan that you say you are.

As far as what else to watch? Anticipation of what moves take place. (Who leaves, who comes,), Watching upcoming hopefuls such as Charlie Haeger etc, and whoever else they give a chance. Heck, I just love the game of baseball PERIOD, and I'd rather watch and listen to announcers talk more about my home team than watch someone elses home team, and listen to their announcers talk about them all day.


AMEN! Couldn't have said it better!




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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jul 24, 2007 -> 09:12 AM)
Frankly I don't really watch much anymore. Read the box scores and shake my head.


Same here. I haven't watched a full game in about two months. I still love the Sox, follow them closely online, and visit this site several times a day, but I have more fun ways to spend my evenings than watching them lose meaningless games. Maybe I'll have them on TV as background noise while I'm on the computer or something, but that's about it. If that makes me less of a fan in some people's eyes, so be it.

Edited by Sox It To Em
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QUOTE(Sox It To Em @ Jul 24, 2007 -> 10:03 AM)
Same here. I haven't watched a full game in about two months. I still love the Sox, follow them closely online, and visit this site several times a day, but I have more fun ways to spend my evenings than watching them lose meaningless games. Maybe I'll have them on TV as background noise while I'm on the computer or something, but that's about it. If that makes me less of a fan in some people's eyes, so be it.


That's basically where I'm at. If I'm sitting around with nothing to do, I'll put it on in the background. I don't purposely take time out of my day to watch this god-awful team.

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QUOTE(Rooftop Shots @ Jul 23, 2007 -> 07:17 PM)
If everyone else on the board cannot do the same, I can't but help question of how loyal of a Sox fan that you say you are.

Give me a break. Unless You haven't missed a single game since you were 5 years old you shouldn't be judging other people's dedication to the team.

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