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Espn Radio reports Alomar is traded to Sox

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Salvo is a backup infielder in A ball, nothing more.


Almonte is toast.


Jim Fainter,

Ring is good in AA, does he have enough heat to close in majors? Let the Mets find out. Most good closers convert from starters, we did not lose much. Ring may make it, may not.

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To everyone who is worrying about the Sox's minor-league bullpen situation:


Arnaldo Munoz

David Sanders

Matt Ginter


Also, ineffective starters can be turned into relief pitchers fairly easily. Again, great trade.

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Look, I'm not buying into this trade yet. We have lost Ring and Valentine...two future stud closers not to mention Biddle. Are we really going to rely on Koch for the next 3-5 years?


They have Benetiz on the block also. Why couldn't we throw in another prospect for him?

Why would you want Benetiz when we already have a younger and better pitcher in Koch.

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In any trade the team that got "the guy", in this case Alomar, gave up more than all the other teams that were interested. Did we give up 150% more? 100% more? 25% more? I'm betting our offer was just about the same but the Mets might have tried to:

accomodate a future HoF,

moved him from the NL,

dealt him to a contender.

I'm a little worried at how happy Met's fans are to see him go. He may have been the poster child for the team's lack of success.

I'm willing (or rather, hoping?) to believe that his troubles were due to :


1. Changing leagues.

2. Playing in NY.

3. The fact the Mets have sucked the past two years, that he wasn't motivated to excell.

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Really good point.  Even if he ONLY hits his current .266 he is a 10 point improvement on Jimenez and a 70 pt improvement on Harris.  And that is before you factor in that his D blows away anyone we have.  Plus he has been in the playoffs and pennant races how many time?

I have been saying this since I 1st heard that he could come the Chicago.



It not only improves the defense at 2nd but could also improve the defense at CF and left. If we move Harris to CF and Rowand LF and Lee to DH.

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In any trade the team that got "the guy", in this case Alomar, gave up more than all the other teams that were interested. Did we give up 150% more? 100% more? 25% more? I'm betting our offer was just about the same but the Mets might have tried to:

accomodate a future HoF,

moved him from the NL,

dealt him to a contender.

I'm a little worried at how happy Met's fans are to see him go. He may have been the poster child for the team's lack of success.

I'm willing (or rather, hoping?) to believe that his troubles were due to :


1. Changing leagues.

2. Playing in NY.

3. The fact the Mets have sucked the past two years, that he wasn't motivated to excell.


Point 3 has me worried. I want guys that will bust their ass reagrdless of score or standings. Remember the Bart rant that he only digs deep when the offense comes to life.

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Don't get me wrong, I like the Alomar move. I think his glove, bat and experience could be a huge plzus for a pennant run. But as a team, did we just get slower? Where does Harris fit in? I like his speed at the top of the lineup. Is Alomar a leadoff guy? Methinks not. I like him hitting second A LOT. But does that put Willie back in CF? Or does he platoon with Rowand? Who is the odd man out?

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Whoever called Almonte a stud reliever just plain does not follow the minors, he sucks.


How could we be slower?? Alomar can run rings around Jimenez, and Harris/Rowand plattoon in CF, why is it so difficult to get excited. His defense alone is worth Ring, any offense we get will be super, and he can friggin bunt.

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Whoever called Almonte a stud reliever just plain does not follow the minors, he sucks.


How could we be slower?? Alomar can run rings around Jimenez, and Harris/Rowand plattoon in CF, why is it so difficult to get excited. His defense alone is worth Ring, any offense we get will be super, and he can friggin bunt.

Don't get me wrong I am excited! Here are the emotioncons to prove it>:

:headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang


I just wasn't sure if he's lost a step on the basepaths. He's an incredibly smart base runner and has sound fundamentals as a situational hitter.


The thing I like best though is that getting Alomar says to the team and the rest of the league that we mean business.



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You would not believe how happy Mets fans are about this trade. BTW, Malomar is his nickname when things go bad. Really interesting reading.

Alomar just needs a change of scenery. Mets fans are just bitter because their team sucks and Alomar wasnt happy there.

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Alomar just needs a change of scenery. Mets fans are just bitter because their team sucks and Alomar wasnt happy there.

I really think the changing of atmosphere thing will bring him back to what he is capable of offensively. I think he just fell to the pressures of playing in NY

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