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Summer Reading Thread


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We've done this before. So, what are you reading? What have you read and are you enjoying it?


Here's what I've finished in the last week:


Devil in the details: Scenes from an Obsessive Girlhood by Jennifer Traig. Very wry funny autobiography about a girl who had pretty severe OCD and scrupulosity (a form of OCD were the compulsions and obsessnsions are religiously based). It was a pretty quick read and very funny. It's different from most books in the confessional genre in that she doesn't blame and complain about family members, friends, etc. Basically, she's just like, I was crazy. I would recommend it.


44 Scotland Street by Alexander McCall Stmith A serialized novel that was originally published in a Scottish newspaper. Because it was originally published like that, the chapters are very short. It's a cute book. Interesting, very fast to read, and pretty charming. Good summer fluff, basically.


Right now I am halfway through Jesus Land by Julia Scheeres. It's an interesting book, so far, about a girl growing up in a very strict Calvinist house in rural indiana in the 80s with her adopted (black) brother. It's got tense, but the writing is very easy to get into, and the story is very good. Hard to imagine this kind of bigotry and hated as recent as the book is set. Hopefully I'll finish it up tonight or tomorrow.

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Few weeks ago I finished Devin in the White City. I missed the boat when it was really popular, but I'm glad I eventually read it. I think I finished it in about 4 days. Awesome read.


Currently I'm about 3/4 of the way through David McCulloughs biography of John Adams. I recommend it to anyone interested in the 1770-1820 period. McCullough is always a good read because of his narrative style. I find it amazing that Adams was essentially the key figure behind independence (not Jefferson) and he become our best diplomat (not Franklin) to the French, the Dutch and the British. He's someone who you never really learn about in school. Washington, Jefferson, Frankling, Hamilton, Madison...they all seem to come before Adams.

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I saw the movie Eragon with my daughter and was thoroughly disgusted. Then I had a friend tell me to read the book, because the movie completely butchered the entire plot. Im halfway through the book, and he was right, they pretty much forgot half the book, and most of the important links that connect the storyline.

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I read Einstein, by Walter Isaacson. Interesting. Einstein could be a bit naive at times, but he could also smell a rat when it was warranted.


Just finished History of the English Speaking Peoples since 1900, by Andrew Roberts. Fascinating. He's not exactly a guy I agree with a lot of the time, but it's well worth the read.


Also read Bangkok 8, by John Burdett. It's a murder mystery with a Buddhist twist. A fun, quick read.

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