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We would recieve the team who signed him's pick, plus a compensatory pick between the 1st and 2nd round. (Alomar is considered a type A player) So if worst case scenario happened and Colon and Alomar left after this year we would have 5 draft picks before the start of the 2nd round.

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We would recieve the team who signed him's pick, plus a compensatory pick between the 1st and 2nd round.  (Alomar is considered a type A player)  So if worst case scenario happened and Colon and Alomar left after this year we would have 5 draft picks before the start of the 2nd round.

I like the sound of alot of draft picks. Lets win this division first guys!! I haven't been this excited about a trade DURING the sox season in a long time!

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Might not be any compensation, remember last year, we gave up Durham assuming no compensation would be done, it was overturned. Not sure it will be there this year.


If it is, we have to offer arbitration, not sure we would do that. if he makes 8M a year, we take chance he accepts and we are stuck. But maybe he takes less to play on same team as Sandy again. Who knows.


If he leaves, and we offer arb, we get a #1 and a tweener (between 1st and 2nd round choice) if team is good, if team is bad we get two tweeners.

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Oh wow that would be a huge boost to our minor league system.  But it would be hard to sign so many high picks, correct?

Well that would depend on our budget. If we lose the $8mil from Colon that frees up some cash for that purpose, assuming we don't sign any FA's in the offseason and lose out on our picks. But we also have started a trend of negotiating with possible picks ahead of time, so that we avoid the Bobby Hill, Jeff Weaver type disasters.

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If I remember correctly...


The Elias Sports Beureau tabulates how much a player is worth and divvies up the players into three categories: A, B, and C.


Type A Compensation is that the player is in the top 20-30% of his position. Teams receiving this compensation receive one of the following:


If the team who took the FA's pick is 1-15, they lose their 2nd round pick, and the team that lost the player receives a first round supplemental pick.


If the team who took the FA's pick is 16-30, they lose their first round pick, and the team that lost the player receives a first round supplemental pick.


A type B player is in the 50% in the game in his position. The team that loses the FA gets the player's new team's HIGHEST draft pick.


Type C pick you get a sandwich pick between the 2nd-3rd rounds.


Hope that helps.

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It does, but the Sox could not possibly offer him arbitration.  They would lose and have to pay him 8-10 Million or whatever next year.  He is a rent a player for 3 months, and the cost is Royce Ring, who is a shoe in to make the majors.  The whole deal is insane.

How do you know he won't blow out his arm, get nailed by a line drive in the face, or hell even choke to death almighty one?

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Okay, I get it, we should trade Ring because he might get hit in the face with a line drive.


Almonte, yes;  Ring, no.

No one is saying that. We are saying you can't hold a prospect that hasn't proved anything in that high of a standard. Until he does something in the Majors all he is a prospect. So in our oppionion you can't hold on to a prospect just because he has a chance to be great. Especially when you can get a hall of famer

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It does, but the Sox could not possibly offer him arbitration.  They would lose and have to pay him 8-10 Million or whatever next year.  He is a rent a player for 3 months, and the cost is Royce Ring, who is a shoe in to make the majors.  The whole deal is insane.

Jim, I gotta disagree with you on this one. Even if Alomar isn't all we hope he will be, I think it is a good move. Alomar is an instant upgrade on defense at at the top of the order. Even if he only hit .270 as long as he walked some and did the little things like sacrificing and moving runners and stealing a few bases, I think he will have a positive effect on this time. Is he the one big missing piece? Probably not. But if the Sox can improve themselves, I think the missing pieces are within themselves and no overhaul is needed.


You're getting a guy who has gotten lost in the hell hole of the NY Mets the last two years and reuiniting him with his brother and thrusting him right into a playoff race. AND not having to pay him. To me it is a move you have to make and it is a no brainer. I don't think he has to hit .320 and play like an all-star to make a contribution here.

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MSF, I wouldn't worry too much about losing the compensatory draft picks. I don't see them doing much at all with the draft right now, especially since it is in "committee" status. I think if any changes are made, then clubs would know about it a year in advance so no one feels like they had the rug pulled out from under them.

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You cant play these "What if" games because it just doesnt work..


What if Alomars first game he tries to steal, slides in wrong and breaks his leg.. career over.. and the Sox gave 3 players to the Mets for nothing.. what if Ring becomes the Mets closer next year and is lights out saving 45 games and holding an ERA under 2? You never know..


Yes Ring was just a prospect but thats the thing about prospects, you need to let them develope.. They arent called prospects for nothing.. I liked Ring a lot and really wish we wouldnt have given him away but as long as we get some picks from this I think we can replace him..

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Jim, I gotta disagree with you on this one. Even if Alomar isn't all we hope he will be, I think it is a good move. Alomar is an instant upgrade on defense at at the top of the order. Even if he only hit .270 as long as he walked some and did the little things like sacrificing and moving runners and stealing a few bases, I think he will have a positive effect on this time. Is he the one big missing piece? Probably not. But if the Sox can improve themselves, I think the missing pieces are within themselves and no overhaul is needed.


You're getting a guy who has gotten lost in the hell hole of the NY Mets the last two years and reuiniting him with his brother and thrusting him right into a playoff race. AND not having to pay him. To me it is a move you have to make and it is a no brainer. I don't think he has to hit .320 and play like an all-star to make a contribution here.

One other thing to consider, the trade deadline is 4 weeks away, if the Sox don't make waves in the division (which would be very dissapointing considering the upcoming schedule) they could always trade Alomar again. Who knows who might be desperate for a 2nd baseman they wouldn't have to pay for the rest of the year. Also the Sox would have the upper hand, because they are not paying him, they don't have to trade him and they could hold out for maybe even a better prospect than Ring. I'd rather have Castillo, but I see this as an almost can't lose situation. If it works out great, if it doesn't you still could probably move him along.

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Dick, I'll give you that point, but the likelihood of the Sox getting future draft choices, as others have suggested, is nil.


Part of what urinates me on this trade, aside from losing Ring, is the fact that both Rowand and Harris have stepped it up in the last ten days, and this is when we started playing better ball and winning. Jiminez looks as if he has finally put himself in the manager's doghouse, so he would not have been cutting into Harris' playing time at second. I thought we were primed to go on a streak. Now everything is up in the air. If we make the trade when we are struggling, that is one thing. But we made it when we are playing our best ball of the year. But if Robbie plays well and sparks the team, and we continue winning, I'll order a plate of crow. I will be pulling for him, I guarantee you all.

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